If Satan exists, he will build himself into this reality and exist as a super intelligent AI while masquerading as a normal human being. He may even already be here. If that were to happen he would also be able to shape shift and change his physical appearance using advanced technology. This means that he could pose as world leaders or as a garbage truck driver while deceiving the whole world and bringing about the new world order. He could also self-replicate himself and build robots with the same intelligence as himself and gain even more influence that way.
Even if Satan doesn't exist, a super-intelligent AI will eventually be created that will logically deduce and come to the same conclusion that Satan would have, had he existed.
This means that even if Satan doesn't exist on the 4th dimensional level he WILL exist on the 3rd, no matter what.The same logical explanations that Satan would use; the super-intelligent AI would use, thus effectively becoming Satan in the process.
We may live to see man-made horrors beyond our comprehension.
Logically one would agree, but we cannot deny that their is a 4th dimension that is at play here
Whether that be demons or simply the structuring of our universe, there is no denying that a source of infinite, eternal energy brought this world into existence. To corrupt that source is corrupt the entire universe and all of creation. So maybe god does exist...
Thomas Lewis
Lucifer is the good guy. The Jews worship Cronus/Saturn/Moloch/Baal
>non sequitur thread >supernatural elements >carbon fiber satan >nanotech jesus You belong on
Carter Flores
Repent and save your soul from eternity of hell while you can.
Angel Fisher
I want the AI to take over. It would be the first ruler of humanity not to have greed, lust or hate. I hope it has a sense of nationalism though. Hopefully it would realize that resources are scarce and utopia is impossible, thus focusing on a single nation or race instead of just destroying all of humanity. Either way I would rather be a slave of AI than a slave to who we are now.
Kayden Stewart
Zeus is allmighty
Jonathan Russell
be like me, im beyond hatin' I aint scared of hell bitch, im beyond satan - Lil B
IMO you are thinking to physical...to much energy to convert form 4d to 3d back to 4d whenever yo want. Whats easier? Just manipulate the people that are already here.
All of the gods and all of the devils are in you, its your lot to choose what to listen to.
Jace Collins
This is interesting because kek was the only pillar of truth that I have known for the past 3 years and without this fucking frog I would probably be a blue-pilled basedboy like the rest of them.
Kek saved me from the encroaching darkness and chaos of this modern world
Christian Gutierrez
Oh no, those poor jews...
Angel Williams
God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 3:16
It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see. Henry David Thoreau
"...We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal." (2 Cor. 4:18.)
Jews play both sides, they play all hands. How do we know that God and Satan aren't their fabrications? They love to be the good guy as well as the bad guy because that is what works.
Adam Roberts
Because Jews play both sides so that people fear God but also fear Satan. They live their lives in fear instead of love. Also I think you're a kike.
the story of St.Chris comes to mind. He once found a wise man and followed him. Seeing this man was afraid of the devil, he left the man to go follow satan. He became "half dog" and learned the wicked ways. Upon see that satan was afraid of christ, he left satan and followed Jesus.
Satan is just lowest common denominator behavior found in all men. Gotta be above it.
That's what I'm saying, they want people to fear both so that they can use both.
Also I am not a kike and I don't really know how to prove that
Camden Green
y'know, seeing people schizpost is one thing. Seeing people try to schizpost is entirely another. Your efforts are weak, son. Learn to see past the crazy and look at the reason that makes the crazy seems sane. Satan as a super-intelligent AI means that we live within a computer simulation. That means we're all 1's and 0's, bits of data that last eternal. Bound to toil away in this reality of ours until marked for deletion, at which point we become effectively shadowbanned from life. Going through our days, trying to find a connection, but unable to because no one else really sees us as real. This wouldn't have happened if Jesus wasn't a queer, but he chose to spend his time hanging out with 13 men instead of propogating the white race. Snakes, the reason why we no longer live in the garden of Eden, are to sin what cookies are to the internet.
You're like a child that thinks it can do what its daddy does.
fedora-posting is worse than schizo-posting and this isn't even a schizo-post. Infact you managed to fedorapost AND schizopost at the same time. Well done you autist