Remind me again, why is veganism something inherently bad according to Jow Forums?

Remind me again, why is veganism something inherently bad according to Jow Forums?

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>according to Jow Forums

How about no one gives a fuck, stupid mongrel.

Jow Forums is suspiciously accepting of veganism. at least compared to boards like Jow Forums.

i think it's because hitler was vegetarian.


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The meme is the opposite of rality though. . .

I haven't met many vegan but they were all literally living vegan memes.

It’s not, but edgy people get a kick out of trolling vegans who themselves have a perceived moral high ground to defend. Personally, I am cutting out animal products slowly, but the best way is to lead by example instead of autistically screeching at people on the internet.

No one cares if you're vegan. I have vegan friends. I respect their choice, but I'm not going to be vegan.

Vegans are universally complete narcissists. Narcissism is never healthy

Because people they don't like support it.
Some people that Jow Forums DOES like supports it too, but Jow Forums's all about fashion and identity, so most don't even know that and wouldn't care if they did because they've already accepted a narrative to cloak themselves in

Lol this isn't how it happens you taco nigger. They constantly bring this shit up and try to act superior because "they don't murder animals". We all know this which is why the original joke is funny.

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Lmmmaoooo as a vegetarian I can confirm this is 100 percent true

Worked in a small warehouse about 5 years ago, with only 2 individual bathrooms, but one of the bathrooms was turned into a small kitchenette, meaning there was then only 1 bathroom.

1 bathroom for a staff of 4: 1 male (me) and 3 females

And yes, females destroy a bathroom and mess things up in there far worse than any guys do.

Point of story: 1 female was a vegetarian and would drink these green-shakes and would eat chopped apples and peanut butter for lunch.... and her shit was the equivalent of road tar, it was always completely loose and would lather to the bottom of the toilet bowl just like warm road tar.... no amount of flushing could get rid of it

It's not. I'm a vegan myself and I've seen plenty of them here.
We just don't like hipster basedboy leftist neoliberal marxist useful idiot blue-haired activist cunts, and unfortunately, that's like 99% of vegans.

>Implying someone you know well enough to offer them a meal wouldn't have already told you how being vegan is morally superior at least 4 dozen times.

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Vegan is superior. Everyone should leave outdated subhuman behaviors behind and be vegan.

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This is surprisingly spot on. Was a vegetarian for a few years, and at first I was preachy about it (sorry to say), but eventually toned it down--but when it would come up I would attempt to avoid, and be unwillingly drawn into meat debates.

Although, you can't get that worked up about it unless youre a full blown autist--people like to talk to one another, bust balls when possible, compare dick sizes, etc. If I had ordered a steak we would have just moved on to debating whatever the hot button issue of the day was--Jews, probably.

Much more difficult to achieve proper gains with a vegan diet. It also lacks certain vitamins in decent bioavailable quantities, notably Omega-3s but there are many others. This is not insurmountable, but it is a major concern.

That isn't to say that all meat all the time is necessarily great for everyone. I think it's obvious that most of us could do with eating a bit less red meat overall. I feel like a mostly vegan diet with a few meals of fish and notably shellfish every week is a very healthy and sustainable one.

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>what is bio-availability

you live in mexicant for a reason

>Because people they don't like support it.
This, basically. Most veggies in general, but vegans especially, have a huge overlap with feminists and Marxists. They even use feminist and Marxist talking points to advance the cause. It honestly kinda sucks.

I chuckled, well played

Humans aren't folivores you retard.

>but the best way is to lead by example instead of autistically screeching at people on the internet.
Nailed it.
In my own life, I go out of my way to literally never bring it up. I'm a closet vegan. People can go weeks knowing me and not knowing that I'm a filthy herbivore. I avoid saying the v-word.
And you know what? A number of people among my friends and family have actually gone veggie or full vegan on my account. Because I said literally nothing. Just sat there and ate my plants at lunch with them every day. Seriously, like a good 5 people just by sheer example. You don't have to be a fucking cunt.

>I feel like a mostly vegan diet with a few meals of fish and notably shellfish every week is a very healthy and sustainable one.
From a pure health perspective that's probably correct. Mostly whole plant foods with two or three small pieces of lean fish or chicken a week would do it.

at least for me, all vegetarians I know are antifa

that said, you should probably consider reducing meat intake to 1-2 days per week, depending on your work(out).
don't do it cold turkey tho.
try a day or 2 per week without and see how you're holding up.

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it's a cult where all you do is tell people how vegan you are. It's just a fashion accessory to get attention, and it usually goes hand-in-hand with progressive politics, which is also just another fashion accessory to get attention and social media points.

Its a cult of mentally ill misled idiots.


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Lefty memes are always overly wordy.

No this is a crypto leftist board. Vegans are exclusively made up of every breed of vagina in existence.

Because it means you don't get enough protein for lifting

Vegnaism isn't bad.

Most vegans are assholes, though.

And as user stated below, many of them are antifa or similar leftist retards.

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Well, OP, it's because you're a faggot.

By the way OP, just a quick question: Is sucking on penises and swallowing cum vegan? I thought you guys were against milk.


(I assume this meme is ok. If not, sorry, mods)

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i'm a vegetarian but if they sold carnivores in grocery stores I would eat the fuck out of those cunts.

not every vegan is a mentally ill sjw with neon hair but a lot are and they're very loud which gives the already minority group a bad image in the public sphere of majority meat eaters.

does it bother me that people eat meat? does it bother you that liberals blindlessly eat mainstream news propaganda?

Vegans murder.

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Why do vegans always act smug?Like “mmm I’m chomping on fart flavored grass I’m so better than you mmmm” It’s never just a dude who goes “oh yeah I’m vegan” and that’s it. It’s always a fucking tirade of why and how I should do it and How it’s soooo much better than eating meat.

my friend's son declared he was a vegan in 9th grade. by the end of high school he was a cocksucking crossdressing faggot. no lie.

Very unnatural diet

Lol accurate image.

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>at least for me, all vegetarians I know are antifa
If anyone knows where I can find a traditional vegan gf with a pixie cut who loves guns and Trump, let me know. I'm convinced this niche does not exist.

>No thanks, I'm vegan.

Ended no conversation, ever.

No. It's not.

>They constantly bring this shit up
No, they fucking don't. I don't know where this fucking meme came from. I've known multiple vegans and none of them ever said a god damned word about it until it came up at a meal. It's meatfags who literally CAN NOT shut the fuck up about meat and how much they hate anyone who isn't a meatfag.

That's how you see us?

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The small mind of a meatfag

I hope you're talking about DHA/EPA and not omega-3s in general, because plant foods have the highest amount of omega-3s in the form of ALA. If you want DHA/EPA without the cholesterol, environmental poisoning (mercury), and in significant quantities, algae oil is the healthiest option. Otherwise you'll need to eat a unsustainable amount of fish everyday to meet the RDI, hence the need for fish oil supplements.

It's funny because vegans will inform you of their mental disability within seconds of you meeting them, regardless of whether food is present or not.

because vegans are cunts

>vegans call us fags
>main ingredient of a lot of vegan foods is onions
>eats onions
>calls us fags

Good job you fucking estrogen monkey

Onions are a great flavoring agent.

kek, i forgot they did that.

>Something which has literally never happened even one time in the history of the world

It's because you're a fag.

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>fug :DDD you must be a fag :DDDDDDd
>eat the onions, goy! :DDD


I do eat onions and I love them. Chop up some green onions in Ramen, steam some sweet onions for some rice. Yum.

I've only ever known one person who was cool about being a vegan - and he was an ex-vegan, who stopped because he started becoming a dick about it and couldn't eat with his friends and family.

But I think they're smug about it because it becomes their religion.

i bet you love onions. I bet you eat so much onions you become one. Like an onion boy!
Did i say onions? I mean onions.
No, i mean onions.
No, onions!

Because it's not keto.

im only part vegan
i eat a few things i kill yes but i also eat greens witch anent realy dead till there in my tummy so im a carnovegan i think?

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> ... in which they will answer politely
> ... then you can get upset about it for no reason
The most amazing thing about that image is how it just swapped the attributes of the average vegan with that of the average non vegan in a vegan-meets-nonvegan situation.

> why is veganism something inherently bad according to Jow Forums
It is bad, not inherently bad. Your use of the word makes me think that you are not aware of its meaning, and simply used it to decorate your statement with it.

The problem with 'veganism' is not veganism itself; it's the "fanclub" behind it. Unlike hippie Vegetarians, Vegans tend to be extremely "militaristic" about their choice. You don't see people entering Vegans circles to criticize them, because rarely anyone gives a fuck about what others chose to eat - but you can see plenty of Vegans sperging out over evil, immoral meat eating monsters who should be killed like the poor animals they consume. They also like to see themselves as "better human beings".

Their generally aggressive behavior is not the real problem, though. It is when they drag their children into veganism. A Vegan diet requires the use of dietary supplements - unfortunately many vegans aren't as competent in terms of threpsology as they think they are, so the children either get not enough nutrients (resulting in a diminished growth) or get an overdose of certain nutrients (some vitamins can greatly increase the risk of developing cancerous cells when you exceed a threshold).

On a side note, Vegans also completely ignore the existence of allergies. I know several people with severe cross-allergic reactions who can pretty much no vegetables or fruits without painful side effects lasting for multiple hours in the worst case - at least unless they were heated so much that there are barely any vitamins left, anyway. Such people will never be able to switch to a vegan lifestyle - not as long as veganism still depends on vegetables and fruits.

>Vegans still thinking anyone cares.
>Vegans not realizing the "Gluten Free" people are far more annoying and deserving of ire.

Which onions?
Onions, or actual onions?

Everyone only needs to eat meat twice a week. Not even

He's black, so that's probably why, not being vegan

It isn't

hey, some of us genuinely can't eat gluten, I get a bad reputation because of those pretentious faggots

Nobody would give a shit if someone was vegan if they didn't tell you they're vegan every other sentence, have a meltdown when others eat meat, have a bunch of retarded protests, call people murderers for eating meat, etc.

Oh no, those fuckers are absolutely annoying.

That would be terrible. Everyone thinking you're a cuck, but you actually can't have it.

So you're actually so desperate for amigos you're shilling to potential veganitos? It's working.... moar concentration camps, God Emperor!

I like both.

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>you can't get enough without supplements
>so take supplements instead

Vegans are so inconsistent. This is coming from a guy who eats vegan several days per week.