Oh no SPLC

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Can't wait for the ADL to get the same treatment. FUCK THESE KIKES. AMERICA IS ABOUT TO BE LIBERATED.




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thanks baste nawaz

Break this down for me. Its a good thing that they are getting sued but what is the backstory?

wait what happened?

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>On Monday, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) announced that it had settled a lawsuit filed by Muslim reformer Maajid Nawaz and his nonprofit, the Quilliam Foundation. The SPLC offered Nawaz a sincere apology and awarded his foundation $3.375 million as a settlement.


They gave an anti-jihad group the "extremist" scarlet letter and it backfired


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awesome, Nawaz is pretty redpilled about islam and fuck the splc

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the splc branded maajid nawaz (an ex-muslim atheist who larps as a "moderate muslim" in order to subvert islam) as an islamophobic extremist
nawaz sued the SPLC for this and they settled for $3.3 million plus an apology

Oh my God, if they can keep hitting these kikes in the shekels I will be so happy.

Great news. How do I get my shekels?

Im my area that have a jewish community center labled as a white supremacist group.

I researched all of " hate groups" in my state are either made up, or legitimate groups falsely attributed to a location in my state.

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lol, I can't wait until the SPLC is burned to the fucking ground

They say something about someone then owe them 3.3 million? Meanwhile I work 60 hours and can barely afford rent food and this phone.

Fuck you faggot

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SPLC has been slandering everyone they disagree with as terrorists like the useless mouthpiece they are.

Nawaz is fit tho

they branded an anti-jihadi group as islamaphobic and got sued. now the floodgates are open and all the defamed groups with an axe to grind are gonna sue the SPLC into oblivion

Lol so handouts are fine as long as they go to "le based minorites"

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Can I get a quick rundown?

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Oh the times they are a changin'~

Fuck the SPLC.

submit tips, get all the JCCs and Synagogues labeled. It will trigger a hilarious shitstorm

the splc is a fabulous money making machine. they add people and organizations to lists, and get millions in donations for their 'work.' I wish I had a gig like that.

bump for great news, great summer

the jews for jewed by an atheist muslim for 3.3 mil


do some nazi dogwhistling so they call you a nazi falsely

except you'd have to be a satanist to do that kind of work

oh no. SLPC jews are about to get mass-penetrated.
This is another shoah.

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all 60 could get 3mil and they'd still have money and funding

you have to acknowledge that it would force them to reform their vitriolic bullshit by quite a bit. Even the biggest of jews dislike being raped in court.

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Lol this is why they've got that racism dog on Twitter begging for money for them. Splc dun goofed woofing majid.


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Reckon Doosh can sue them?

Excellent article on the subject.

>Any free society must expect that a certain number of chancers, hucksters, and shake-down artists will prosper among them. But rarely have they come in so grossly endowed and shameless a guise as the “Southern Poverty Law Center.”
>Of course as the KKK dwindled to an all but negligible fringe, the SPLC could not afford to bask in its victories. There was still cash to collect. Indeed more cash than ever. And who but a fool, or an honest man, would leave tens of millions of dollars on the table?
>Perhaps after today those donors who still give money to the SPLC will realize that they are backing a disgraced and disgraceful organization, if any were unaware of and unbothered about this before.

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Basically SPLC said that a Ex Muslim was a Nazi for saying mean things about Islam, he sued their asses and won
Now people/groups the SPLC tried to fuck over will be suing these kikes

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Censorship radicalizes people and that's why some jews don't like the SPLC.

Mike Cernovich is a male supremacist LOL

We really need to ensure these groups follow through with this.

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About time. ADL next.

Speaking of which, after the SPLC crashes and burns The Shoah Foundation should be our next target. Fucking greedy bastards wouldn't return my donation when I found out they were *anti* Shoah.

Sneaky Jews and their deceptive naming...

>getting rich suing a jewish organization
THIS is the American dream.

It is going to be very interesting to see how Google and Twitter justify using these idiots to indentify hate speech for them of some of these cases are won.

>Basically SPLC said that a Ex Muslim
Not even that, he's not an ex-Muslim, he's just a moderate Muslim. He still practices the religion, he just speaks out against jihadis.

>If you do not follow islamic extremist doctrine you are an atheist at best, probably a larper

This Jordanian fellow disagrees I assume his take is that unless Maajid is what we consider an extremist, he must be an atheist.
Islam is such a confusing religion I have no idea which ones of them or how many are extremists who want to kill me or are peaceful.
That Imam Tawhidi guy doesn't help.

>Scratch that im an idiot.

how come?

When are the SPLC going to get hit with a discrimination lawsuit? Their board is 90%+ (((white))) and they're based in fucking Alabama. What, no qualified POC lawyers?

Because I looked it up and Nowaz works with Sam Harris and might really be an atheist. Lebanon bro may be right.

And why that is a good thing

i wasn't calling him that as an insult, im an atheist myself.

He has a book with Sam Harris where he argues with him saying Islam is a religion of peace and that it is just sullied by a few extremists.

ADL will be forced to register as an agent of a foreign power.

>wall being built
>SPLC going down
>Hughes Amendment being repealed
>swamp dwellers on suicide watch
>Bohemian Grove going to be raided for child trafficking this summer

It's gonna be a good year. If Ginsburg croaks 2018 will be a victory.


How come you think he only larps as a moderate Muslim in order to subvert Islam though?

ADL is going to be desstroyed in a RICO case and Israel won't exist by the end of this summer.

Cuck article, not excellent
>The SPLC was founded in the 1970s, and back then it did some respectable campaigning work to target and shut down — through legal means — actually racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan. All well and good, and the SPLC can still be applauded for this work.
Why is lawfare, the gross abuse of the legal system and the filing of absurd frivolous lawsuits in order to bankrupt people, acceptable if the people in question are actually racist? If your only defense against this shit is to prove you are not what they say you are, you don't really have a defense at all.
And it is absurd to talk about the SPLC and not mention that it is a Jewish organization.
This is good news, and the SPLC should be destroyed and looted through lawsuits if possible. But no one should be defending their 'past good work'. They have always done the same thing they do right now.

The SPLC was started by sexual pervert morris Dee's.

Morris Dee's has had gay sex with a man in front of his wife.

wtf? Hughes Amendment repealed? Where are you hearing this?


yes, well worth the read.
well written, too.

Right on. I only heard Nawaz in a podcast with Jordan Peterson. He seemed to make sense with most of what he said.

it to me also indicates that a lot of splc funding was coming from muslims.
the truth of the jew/muslim alliance will shock many...and it's coming out.
they were hand in glove -- both with a motive to crush the US

this muslim reformer pissed off one of the rich quataris who fund them...and so the SPLC made a muslim reformer into a muslim extremist.

SPLC is 'that' dirty.

>investigate SPLC as an agent of a foreign power.
>seize all assets
>prosecute the board of directors, trustees and all executive level corporate employees

SPLC is a hate group. they hate white christians

>SPLC calls you a anti-Islamic fake Muslim Nazi simply because you want to prevent violent extremism and terrorism from the groups mostly likely to commit such offenses
How the hell can the SPLC screw up this badly? Their entire job is to investigate and confirm suspects that really are preaching violent rhetoric. Anyone who has even listened to Nawaz for five minutes would know that he doesn't hate Muslims, still identifies as one, and actively fights against anti-Muslim vioelnce and extremism. They didn't even bother do to a 5-minute Google search or check one of his Youtube videos to see what he truly believes in. This is a level of incompetence that shouldn't be possible for a organization that gets paid millions to conduct research.

Just felt my dick move

This is what I was really pointing out in your post, what said. I spoke too soon, apologies.

no, they are just angry that the SPLC doesn't give them their cut

Jews have been allies with Islam against Christendom since the beginning of Islam. Their little spat over Palestine has not undone all of their history together.
No, the SPLC's job is to direct Jewish/Leftist activism against White people, as well as against any non-Whites who interfere with the Jewish agenda to mongrelize the West.

your userID
> YOweaEE0
is righteous.

probably the gnarliest userID user has ever seen.


>that thumbnail

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Because if he claimed he really left Islam he would be killed and he wouldn't be listened to by anyone that might reform.

These fuckers love to file lawsuites at the drop of a hat. Hopefully they start to get what they've had coming to them for decades

It is a good day. Thank you.

>Jews have been allies with Islam against Christendom since the beginning of Islam
this is actually true

and in studying these people over history, it's very difficult to remain open to the notion of 'good jews'. they really do just play both sides (always have), hedging their bets and giving their evil cousins refuge when they inevitably get exiled.
whatever good jews do seems to be for pragmatism only.
good jews are like anchor babies...something to tug at your heartstrings while they systematically plunder you blind.
every jew evaluates every given scenario thusly
>is this good for the jews?
the qualifying element -- jews -- inferring that even a bad thing, if good for the jews, is necessarily good. and even though 'good' is in this statement qualified, 'jew' is not.
they do not question whether a jew is good or not (the issue is for them already settled) but instead one of in-group benefit.

Nobody believes me when I say Islam is real Judaism, when they made Islam as Christian reformation. They took all the diet and prayers stuff from Jews. Muhammad said that he came to Earth to make sure the people came back to the ways of Allah. He downgraded Jesus to prophet status to placate Jews and allow Christians inside Islam, he didn’t deny Christ’s prophethood but believed Jews denying Christ’s divinity.

Christians keep getting labels as Jews on Jow Forums but why when we created entirely new rituals that didn’t come from Jewish rituals and we followed someone who rebelled from Jewish laws.

If you listen, Muslims call Christians “pagan” and it’s partially because of Trinity but also because “we strayed too far from Jewish doctrines’. People need to wake up and see Christians are not like Muslims and Jews but going to be attacked by both in the end.

Does this count as kike-on-kike violence?

We need to go on the SPLC and find all the people and groups on those lists and start contacting them with a link to the settlement so they can file lawsuits against the SPLC.


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At the beginnings of Islam everyone thought they were just a Jewish sect. The same was true of Christianity at the beginning, but Christianity had a much more forceful separation from Judaism. Certainly Islam shares more with Judaism than Chrisrianity, the entire legalistic tradition, the focus on materialism, etc.

Cap this

The end is nigh



Engage them


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Didnt follow trumos
Example of not settling. Losers

>ADL is going to be desstroyed in a RICO case

Never going to happen. RICO cases aren't used against those the establishment likes. The establishment is overwhelmingly jewish and child molesters. Neither of these groups will face a RICO case as long as they are under the control of the Cabal.

Problem is that most judges are scum, either leftists or freemasons.


I don't give a fuck what you say you fucking kike. All you say is "NOTHING EVER HAPPENS, ITS IMPOSSIBLE" but heres the fucknig thing faggot. The impossible has been happening every day. You're a degenerate tasked with shilling on Jow Forums because your existence is completely worthless at every level. You are a robot reading from a script to defend people that DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU. Fucking faggots like you need to be culled from humanity.

The tides are turning, the south is rising.

Holy shit, so many alt-lighters and centrists like Tim Pool are about to get paid. -_-

>But muh public figure
I thought if you are a public figure you just get systematically fucked and you have no recourse