Would you be ok with racemixing if niggers or beaners weren't in the mix?

Would you be ok with racemixing if niggers or beaners weren't in the mix?

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Yes. It's obvious to everyone which the 'bad' races are.

I don't see a problem with superior white-azn genious-level hybrid super babies.

>I'm a junior in high school

Fuck off women are fucking terrifying. I thought she was at least 23.

Just keep it out of Europe, pls.

You can have that HAPA shit in the US.

If you do make such offspring, just accept the fact that your HAPA child will lack empathy and morale just like the other insectoid people in the East.

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fuck no, out of all those fucking mongrels i hate those worthless happa mutant freaks the most. FUCK OFF you mongrel.

Not all racemixing is created equal you larping edgy faggot

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Still throwing your genes in the toilet.

shut the fuck up u deformed fucking faggot. no european will accept u ever u fucking worthless bitch.

there is nothing wrong with that. some of us want the Aryan of genetic perfection designed exclusively by nature and biology to be aesthetically beautiful and highly creative, to live on untainted by the blood of the Synagogue.
>for the US suffering heavily from the loss of the Caucasian female, young men naturally seek the most stable, traditional partner for marriage and progeny. the worst that could happen is a super-baby not only aesthetically attractive but highly-intelligent/accomplished
No offense intended Asia-bro's

Yes. But never race mix with niggers or shitskin mutts.

A high majority of Asian women aren't this attractive. I do like hot Asian women but most are weird looking.

Hapas are the next stage in human evolution. Once enough hapas are made, all other races should be exterminated so the super race can rule.

> being this new
asian mom white dad = beta
asian dad white moom = alpha
ofc thats beause most asian mom white dads are low effort relationships
> inb4 chang

Never with a nigger. Ever.

>Implying it's not a failure if the result is successful

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Yeah but I feel bad for the hapa kids. They look fucking weird.

Happa shill.


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no, no fucking mixing EVER! I would kill myself if I gave birth to a fucking scummy mutant happa.

No. Not at all. It's bad for both Asians and Whites.

You fucking race traitors deserve a bullet.

Hapas are literally the most attractive people on the planet. Pic related makes me gay.

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Already did. Japanese women are waifu tier. Daily bento boxes and adorable kids are icing on the cake.

this keep your degenerate american racemixing fetishes in your shithole please, all non-whites are subhuman

You seem upset

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Not in massive numbers unless you're talking about populations that are from the same groups, like Iberians and Italians, Nordics, Germanics... and even then it shouldn't be in just 5 decades but over time.

Because their parents are selfish bastards. Nature repudiates these aberrations and does so harshly over the course of time. Stripping this people of something they can grasp onto is probably the most evil thing you can do to a person. It's a life time of slavery devoid of any spiritual connection to those around them.

No multiracial peoples has ever created a functioning civilization or government for that matter all on their own. Parents should be shot IMO. The whole argument for "love" is also bullshit. Look around you. Maybe 1% of the population even understands love, the rest see love when its really just lust and perversion that excites them.

How can people be okay with Asians but not Hispanics?

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FUCK NO! id fucking cave these fucking mongrels skull in if i ever fucking met them.

blasian #1 mix for asians

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You mean improving?

>asian girl with freckles
That's it, I'm not race mixing, because every man would want my daughter.

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I barely even like it when different types of white intermix.
So no.

I can shill for the master mix here? Hell yeah.

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Race mixing is based, crossdressing is based, gay sex is based, Japan is based, Space Force is based.

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you cant bleach asian genes, sorry

>r-race mix with literal bug people and have shit-tier manlet gook offspring goy!!
Why do you faggots kike shill for miscegenation?
Asians are not White, they are also non-whites and thus this would be fucking race-mixing. Even though Asians, specifically Japs and Koreans are the only race that has similarities with Whites, mixing with them should be out of the question or kept at a very minimum amount.
Also the problem is that mostly all low-t beta incels who get yellow fever end up marrying shit-tier jungle asians instead of the Japs or Koreans, because even these Asian Women only go for White Chads.

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One successful attempt proves nothing.

shes still asian, with dyed hair and colored contacts.

sad. you didnt really believe this, did you?

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>dyed hair
>colored contacts


post more trapitos

She is not Asian you retard she is mixed race

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yup shouldve aborted the fucking mongrel.


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True, most white men who go with Asian women are betas who couldn't handle a real woman.

Asian men who date white women are basically the chads of their race.

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t. Elliot Rogers

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>Asians are the only race that has similarities with Whites
Not even that is true. Asians and whites just carry the Neanderthal gene which blacks lack. But the still have the Denisovan genes which still makes them significantly different.

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>chads in any regard
Nice try Hong-Ching, now go back to making dimestore toys for 3cents a day before you get whipped.

The thing is though, is that if the world population was half white half shitskin/nigger, the world ceases to exist as we know it. If it was half White half Asian, things are pretty much the same. Racemixing is still wrong though

Hispanic men look like hairless gorillas with Downs

And she still doesn’t look white.

whatever be yourself. if you wanna bleach asians so bad to get white kids why not just get a white wife.

They outnumber you you are going to eventually lose pure whites, god do you people even think?

t.ching chang chong

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Looks slavish.

The only people I'd race mix with is Spaniards because they're not fucking white anyways - they're half shitskin rape babies.

The Mexi-Azn-White combo actually works pretty well.

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true, i am such a chad yup.

It would become acceptable in small amounts

Nice try Chang, now go back to charging 2k to reroof a house that starts leaking within 6 months.


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its a fucking happa mutant shill how fucking dumb are u?
yeah spanish are shitskins but still more european than any fucking happa will be.

I don't know, Asians look white enough to me.

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Hapa girl would make good sex slaves, hapa boys are weird tho.

thanks Chang/Hong Ching. you guys are really holding it down for us asian men.

prime as fuck

just making clean water dirty

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its a human, you crude Englishman. all i see (not white). so shut up, you wanker.

I don't even want people to race mix, I just want to share the beauty of my people.

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Quarpas tend to have white characteristics like non dark brown eye colors and light hair.

A mí me gustan con pito, aquellos que llaman trapitos. Los que se visten de waifu y te vuelven homo. A mí me gustan grandes, que no me quepen en la boca. El bulto que tengan debajo me alborote el ganzo.

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>doesn’t look white

Yeah no shit she is half White half Asian

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No, you fucking degenerate

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I still wouldn't. Not at all.

Keep them separate to keep them vibrant

She's probably a quarter asian. Half asians don't have grey eyes like that.

Beta so.iboys who have to bang chinks. pathetic.

cot daym Korean genes make some cuties CONSISTENTLY

That white man would've made a far more impressive white person if he had stayed in his race. That child is obviously a step down.

Almost every mixed breed “assimilates” back into white except mulattos.

looks like some downy coming through

"hispanic" isn't an ethnicity, mutt

Slavs are the Master race - we're a race of our own.

There are cute hapas but it's mostly not the case.
t. Berkeley student who has lived in the bay area his whole life

No, I don’t want those mongrels here either!

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