Why did the Tea Party fail?

I was too young to pay much attention to politics when it got popular in 2009-2011 or so. Seems like it was a big movement for a while, but then it collapsed pretty quickly, and got taken over by typical Republicans like Marco Rubio. What went wrong?

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Think about the leftie SJW nutjobs with TDS and flip it over to the right. That was the tea party.

No modern American political party can succeed unless it includes 911 Truth.

Ron Paul betrayed the Tea Party even as it got started. The rest of them were coopting opportunists piling on a populist movement that got going in the heartland after the Waco Texas massacre of the Koresh church. Yeah I know he was a freak, No there was no reason to burn them to death in that house children and all. No need for the SWAT style ATFB raid at all.

Tea Party was incredibly reasonable when you look back at them in hindsight, they are by no means similar to SJWs.

Just (((neocons))) acting as libertarians

The Tea Party was a genuine grassroots Ron Paul Libertarian movement.

It was quickly hijacked by Bill Kristol and Neocons. They incorporated lots of little groups like Tea Party Express and Tea Party Patriots and took it over. That's how you ended up with a Ron Paul party with no Ron Paul but that had John McCain as a leader and Sarah Palin as a VP nominee that was hand-picked for McCain by Bill Kristol himself.

Yes they were. Uncompromising and they would rabidly attack you for the slightest reasonable dissent. As above states the politicians on top ended up being the opportunist scumbags rather than decent people. Rubio is a steaming pile of closeted queer RINO.

Glenn Beck Shapiro et al

See IRS Lois Lerner Scandal. Also Stephen Colbert and friends went after them as well.
Thats an outright lie.

It didn't. The Idiocracy of the right continues to progress like the disease it is.

This. It was a libertarian revolt and it got hijacked by the fucking Chamber of Commerce and Neocon faggots, plus Obama used the IRS and God knows what other agencies to quell their organizations.

Had they left them the fuck alone I guarantee the Alt Right probably wouldn't nearly be as big as it is now.

Read this: politico.com/magazine/story/2016/08/tea-party-pacs-ideas-death-214164

The important lesson is that this is precisely what the NEET Jow Forumsster should be doing to support himself and bleed the never trumpers dry, to do well by doing good.

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Because it was moderates larping as radicals
they literally do not differ from the traditional republican platform.

It won. Trump identified the parade and stepped in front of it.

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>Why did the Tea Party fail?

it was infiltrated like a south american nation.

The tea party's platform was basically


Kind of like the democrats today.

Started out as a libertarian revolt*, then got taken over by religious fuckheads and neoconservative garbage to destroy it's message while pretending to have addressed it.

These basic bitch GOP members talking like they're tea party leaders or whatever is so cringe inducing. They are charlatans.

*: This is the part of the history where most retards fail and try and lie to everybody and themselves, trying to say "no it was always religious neocons! that way I don't have to pretend these issues are complicated (and that's a good thing!)"

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Movements that don't know (((who))) runs everything are destined to be pushed back into wage slavery and irrelevance. Real life is like this: Those Jews that everyone pities? They have run the money supply of every country they have resided in for the last 3,000 years. Really. Grasp that. Jew are Masters in the truest sense of the word. Their control of money helps their other Goyim control projects. Those projects are News, Education and Entertainment. With those, they control all the information that is discussed by "respectable" people and all that those people learn. They even let their favorite Goyim pretend to be Masters. (So the masses never think Jews actually have control.) It does not matter how noble your cause is. If all the money you use, the news you watch, the education you receive and the entertainment you consume is controlled by Jews, you are a slave to those Jews. If you can't even say "Jews have an unfair amount of control over society," without losing your job and all future job prospects, you are in a big pickle if your movement threatens the profit schemes of the Jews. Start by exposing Jewish control over everything. Everything starts to make sense once the Jew has been named.

They seemed really cucky in a lot of ways, like their constant obsession with highlighting as many nonwhite members of their groups as possible.

Did you see that on the news?

It really is the big mystery.
Of course, it's not though.
Once you realize Ron Paul was a larp.
Go back further, so was GE Griffin.
The real alt right guys, who wanted to destroy fiat money, return the gold standard,
Laissez Faire economics and an end to the war on drugs,
Despised the military and police. Routinely took stances against police brutality on blacks.
Had no beef with the queers.
And somehow it evolved with that tabloid whore from Alaska as its talking piece.
Whatever incarnations it went through, from its humble beginnings based on the banking conspiracy, to libertarian, ancap, tea party...
Has now rolled into the alt right, miraculously transformed into a growing fascist movement...
Once you understand that all, that is, all politics at level of state and federal government are scripted and larped.
You have no power. All grass roots movements will be infiltrated from within by the guy with the most money.
Some will even be started to to push society in a desired direction.
And what we have here is leading somewhere really really bad.

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They faltered on immigration. They assumed they could further dupe Americans with the belief that Mexican Catholics were their brethren, that they had a duty to help these subhumans.

Whatever they were or could have been was undermined by Neoconservative elements in the GOP and they became something of a prototype for what the 'alt right' was/is scapegoated as: fringe right wingers. One could make the argument that the downfall of the Tea Party faction helped facilitate the rise of other more extreme right wingers in the GOP and help immunize them to an extent to the attacks that Neocons, the DNC, and other assorted zionist trash lobbed at the alt right and other right wingers who aren't part of the anti-white political sphere.

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The Tea Party was astroturfed by Koch Bros & friends to get a bunch of dumb, loud Republicans into power so they'd get massive tax cuts. Mission accomplished.

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Ron Paul would have been elected president if the media didn't pretend like he wasn't running for president.

Sadly, the only people that will get elected are the people that the elites want to get elected.

I still can't tell if Donald Trump broke that mold and there was a coup against the elites or if they're just playing us all.

It was a libertarian movement that was hijacked and taken over by neocons