Alright, I don't mean to sound tinfoil here, but...

Is Patrick Casey a fed? Or lying about his identity?

He's now the leader of identity evropa, yet he appeared absolutely out of NOWHERE beyond the work he did for red ice a few months ago when he replaced Eli.

He claims to be a 2016 graduate of San Diego State University, but I can't find a single google result/anything only of anyone named "patrick casey" attending SDSU.

The kid seems to have no background whatsoever. A ghost before he emerged in IE.

Can anyone prove me wrong?

Attached: pca.jpg (225x225, 5K)

Is this antifa trying to sow doubt and division?

No American is a European

change your identarian movements’ names it’s actually embarassing

He's been in IE since it started.

looks like a droopy eyed yid tbqhwy

What happened to Nathan?

It's MOSSAD, user. CIA and MOSSAD are behind these groups, movements, and e-celebs.

if you stupid ass white plebs haven't figured this out yet then it doesn't matter. you idiots literally fall for every single psy op and just keep growing more pro israel by the month

truth literally has no bearing here. did you mention q user ? no ? then this will fall on def ears. people want to hear what they want to hear, harsh truths are not yet in style

Sadly you're prbly right.
It'll take a massive coordinated effort to redpill the people. At this stage all we can do is look for allies.

Attached: me blackpill.png (828x556, 963K)

I know he's been in IE a couple years but he came from nowhere. I genuinely can't find a single result on him from before his IE days, and nothing from SDSU where he allegedly graduated, not a trace.

Not trying to be paraonid, it's just odd...Maybe he's using a pseudonym?


I ain't antifa I just genuinely worry about psyops

Exactly what I was thinking. As soon as a group gets popular, the character assassination begins.

Actually. I side with you. Having no credentials is suspect. Don't listen to the CIA/Mossad niggers here implying Antifa is intelligent enough to sow division on Jow Forums.

If thats his actual name, some people don't leave a trail behind them. Pre Gen Z types who don't have a real online presence, never on social media or never using real name online

Found the jew when feds infatuate they encourage violence unless someone is encouraging violence they are probably not a fed.

go away jew

Doubt it, he is however a manlet.

What is it with IE and manlet leaders???

Is that the same guy as Reinhadt Wolf, the guy who was on Red Ice a lot?

jewish antifa go away


Lol fucking kikes, are you guys even trying anymore?

Attached: 1525125213058.jpg (688x456, 41K)

>IE is being run competently and rationally after a years long clusterfuck.

>Must be a fed behind this.

Fuck off jew

Attached: 1523931983801.png (570x806, 404K)

Moarpheus here, yes this guys is a controlled op pied piper zionist hasbara shill.

Want to know more about this ?


i still have no clue whatsoever about what identity evropa does
are they just an utterly useless organization?

I met Patrick Casey. I don't think he's a fed, however I don't think he is a good tactician or political mind. Casey essentially wants to turn IE into AmRen Jr. under his leadership and I don't think that's an effective route forward.