Audio of children begging for their parents at Trump's prison camps

>Audio of children begging for their parents at Trump's prison camps.

You literally cannot defend this. History will shame Trump and his supporters.

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Someone should add sounds to this pic.

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Also, we will see about history.

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All those over emotional people in the comments. It's very disturbing when you realize how weak people truly are. They won't last long.

I sounded like that when I was dropped off at preschool.

Hmmm.... how can I put this... I do not give 2 shits about any of them. Hell, the ones should be getting the spear should be the parents for doing it to their kids. Fucking faggot.

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wtf I love criminals doing stupid shit now

its all ammunition to be use during the upcoming presidential election...THANKS OBAMA

>here is a sad kid
>fuck borders and law and shiet

fuck em

>That qt kitty
Absolutely UNF

The children should be given up for adoption and the parents should be locked up for 10+ years in American Federal Correctional System!

Anything to keep the IG hearings out of the news I guess.

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Why don't they deport the kids too? I don't get it, there's no need to separate the families when you can expell them too.

Is it because they are anchor babies who were born in the US to illegal aliens? Also, didn't this happen with Obama too? Honestly, I think the moral thing to do is for the countries where the illegals came to take responsibility of the babies too.

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>where the illegals came from*

Let me live with you. Let me in. Let me have access to your fridge, your wife and your money. Do it now. Now! NOOOOOOWWWW!

What parents would ever take their kids with them when they go to commit a felony? Horrible parents, simply horrible!

Exactly! No one cried when Obama did the same thing...

>You literally cannot defend this.
I know, right? They're not even getting gassed. What is this pussy shit?

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Just kick them out. How hard is that?

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These camps are now considered internment camps by Wikipedia.

You literally cannot defend Trump anymore.

Yes, this happened with Obama.
No, they're not anchor babies.
Trump is keeping them due to the rampant child trafficking that happens around the border area.



Already jacked myself raw listening but I can't stop.

The children should be given up for adoption and the parents should be locked up for 10+ years in American Federal Correctional System!

Sure you can. These children should be taken from their parents. Their parents are criminals and human traffickers. It is the right thing to do. To protect the children.

isn't their parents that put them in that position?
They know what's happening but they still try to cross illegally.
Why isn't Mexico doing something? It seems like Mexico doesn't give a fuck about their own citizens. Truly a shit hole.

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Fuck off you literal shit eating sodomite.

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HAHAA sounds like a bunch of Minions!



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>Obama is gonna put is in FEMA concentration camps.
>Trump is actually putting children in concentration camps.
>Jow Forums defends him.


they aren't trump's prison camps

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Yes I can. Their parents broke the law. What do you THINK we do to families every day when one or more of their parents break the law? Thats right, numb nuts. The law breakers go to jail and the kids become wards of the state or get placed with hopefully trustworthy family members. We do this every fucking day and it only becomes a problem for YOU when it keeps YOU from getting what YOU want. We know what YOU want and the answer is a flat no.

That last line actually gave me chills.

That law only applies to criminals.

If you don't PROSECUTE the parents, they you can't take the children away.

Might as well start gassing them since the Left thinks they're doing that anyway.

just say you want completely open borders then. crossing the border illegal is a crime. endangering your children by taking them through geographical mouse trap is a crime. sex trafficking and child slave labor are crimes.

yfw Trump decides to ship the detainees in cattle cars as a cost saving measure.

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i came

Can someone explain why the children are being held separately and not deported along with their parents?

i love the tears

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Because that is how we make America Great again!

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Child trafficking.

You realize you dumb fuck are responding to a Democrat political propaganda video right?

So, get in, sit down, calm down, quite down, simmer down, stand down, and SHUT UP!

This is one of the ways we MAKE AMERICA GREATER!

If you no like it,, go to other place!

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it's immoral to allow non whites to live under a system of white supremacy. we are simply liberating them from white supremacy and returning them to their brown shitholes to live as they should. they will be happy there.

Don't care. Now fuck off, faggot.

Why is it trumps fault when the parents know they are doing something illegal and are putting their children in awful positions?

Why aren't you fuckers crying about American kids going hungry, or homeless, or going into foster care? Where is your compassion for your fellow citizens, just as innocent as the illegal kids?

Who gives a fuck like seriously?

Fuck the shitskins, stay in your own fucking country you retarded subhumans.

Let me ask you a simple question. What do you propose they do with the children instead?

Parents are in prison, law forbids child from being held in adult jail.

>caring about trivial first world problems

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yes i can
The screams of these children are a warning to other fake asylum seeker illegal immigrants to NOT cross the border illegally.
All the government is doing is enforcing the law.

Child Trafficking is a big thing. This is done to check whether or not the children are actually with their parents, or if the children are being trafficked and the child needs to be returned to their real parents.

HAH! Trump and his supporters have no shame! That's rich. We're talking about a POTUS who is an internet troll and his army of faggot unfuckable hate nerds and losers.


Children will scream if their parents throw them off a bridge too. Easy to solve: stop doing that.

>Let me ask you a simple question. What do you propose they do with the children instead?

The only reason the families are being separated is because the Trump administration is charging them with a crime. He can deport them if he wants... just don't charge them with a felony just to invoke PL 107-296 and rip the family apart.

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Their screams of fear make me laugh.

the democrats are colluding with mexico and south america to affect the midterm elections. That's illegal.

history will see this for the ruse that it is; no one objected when obama made this a law.

prove to me its real and not actors.

audio is absolutely useless, even video i wouldn't straight up believe.

I don't understand why Trump even gives a shit if these kids are being sex trafficked. As long as that shit happens in Mexico.

Keep the kids with whoever they came with and deport them together. I'm sure the Democrats will be willing to compromise on having to go to Mexico to fuck little kids vs. having them imported into the US.

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>You literally cannot defend this.
Uh, maybe the parents shouldn't have illegally imported their fucking children.

>muh chuldrun
fuck off, we're full

>commit crime
>get charged with crime
I don't see the problem. Or do you think sneaking into the country illegaly is not a crime?

>a bunch of brats crying now
>or the screams and gurgles of our children when they are chopped up still alive

wikipedia is run by faggots and pedofiles.

History will realize that they aren't prison camps and it was the parent's fault anyways.

Which is why they're so upset that Trump is ruining the supply of little kids to diddle.

It's not working anymore.

You guys really shoulda read the boy who cried wolf.

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It is a crime. The Obama administration agreed.

But charging parents with a felony and then going out of your way to separate the family is more work for you, and hurts the family.

If you really want to deport them, you can. In fact, that's exactly what Obama was doing ("catch and release").

>this post

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History will show that the people the most upset about this are worried that they won't have any kids to sexually abuse from the southern border.

I agree with This is 100% the parent's fault and the left will lose this shilling attempt. If they don't want their kids to be put through that then they shouldn't have tried to smuggle them illegally into a country.

I have a solution, don't even bother with the catching, just blast them with machine gun fire as soon as they come within visual range.
Remind me again why a country should show compassion to LITERAL invaders?

Can you fucking imagine if a leak like that came out? Some kind of memo to Mexico and Central American nations about some quid pro quo for sending their unwanted north in exchange for something during the next democrat presidency. Scandalous.

>The screams of these children are a warning to other fake asylum seeker illegal immigrants to NOT cross the border illegally.

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Faggot. The Flores Settlement set forward that children couldn't be held in the same facility as the adults detained for immigration offenses.

If you have a problem with it, go bitch at the uber liberal 9th Circuit Supreme Court. They're the reason all of this shit is happening.

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>Remind me again why a country should show compassion to LITERAL invaders?

Because they're fleeing violence in their own countries. If you watch the video, there's families fleeing gangs that will murder them.

So they get to the United States just to be murdered there?

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Because when you don't charge them, they keep trying to come back until you don't catch them.

Not my problem, fix your own fucked up mess, don't bring it to my doorstep.

Also I doubt killing a spic counts as murder, closer to animal cruelty


Let's be honest. This will be a big thing for about a week until the next big scandal and still be something Daily Show references on occasion for about another month and everyone will forget about it after that. Caring about illegal kids is just a phase, dems will find something else to sperg out about before long.

Fake and gay, faggot

You don't get across the border without paying a cartel. Well, you can try, but if you get caught they will kill you...

Anyway, you can claim asylum in a number of ports. What they do is bring a kid (maybe not theirs) with them to gain sympathy from US authorities and be granted asylum, which makes them eligible for welfare. I imagine cartels, who regularly kidnap kids, can sell you a kid to bring with you as a prop as a packaged deal.

I gave up on editing wikipedia in the mid 00s after a couple arbcom's. I can only imagine how much worse it is now.

They're not being murdered. Killing invaders is justified.

these people are now committing to removing fences, locks, security systems ... you name it. they're going all in on this 'No Borders' concept. if they start ripping down people' fences, ...? they're calling it #NoBordersMeansNoBarriers

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>Because they're fleeing violence in their own countries. If you watch the video, there's families fleeing gangs that will murder them.
Not our fucking problem.

With that attitude most of our ancestors would never have come here.

Audio without video over still images?

>I have no duty to help those in need.

Good for you.

Other people aren't as edgy as you, however, so we're willing to help victims.

All that you'll get as you pump in more indios is a gradual northward spread of cartel violence and compromise of institutions, especially as the US becomes a majority-indio country.


Maybe not yours, spic mutt. And that would have been great.

For most of the existence of the US. We never intervened in any international affairs. Only after WW1 did we ever start to give a shit. Thank god it's swinging back the other way.

It has been a longstanding tradition of saying "NOT OUR FUCKING PROBLEM"

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>Because they're fleeing violence in their own countries. If you watch the video, there's families fleeing gangs that will murder them.
so ignore the gang-violence in the US and the lives impacted by gang-activity? Why are they putting immigrants ahead of Black families?

hello everyone its anzu! :3

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why don't leftists care about fixing Mexico?