U.S. Representative just confirmed that the FBI edited transcripts of their interviews with suspects (302's)
U.S. Representative just confirmed that the FBI edited transcripts of their interviews with suspects (302's)
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McCabe is gonna hang.
are you idiots going to keep falling for their bullshit? nothing happens until you pick up a gun and shoot the kikes
fuck off cia niggers
weren't they already busted for this?
im constantly seeing headlines
>comey was too easy going with hillary, and that's a good thing
>comey went way too fucking far with bad info on trump, but it was totally not political
What’s a 302?
Peter Strzok just got escorted from FBI headquarters and his lawyer is arguing that conservatives are on a witch hunt.
The FBI is being exposed RIGHT FUCKING NOW
You already know nothing is going to come from this. Why look into this when we can focus on an invisible, magic Russian?
This. Im ready
You were wondering why muh chillens is getting shilled so hard by the kike media and sundry shitposters here? This is the answer.
Shit is getting GOOD since last Thursday holy fuck guys
Wait until you find out this is a regular practice and is lawful as long as what was edited is not material to evidence admissible in Court leading towards prosecution.
These are the transcripts of interviews the FBI keeps with subjects
I.e. the FBI interviews you, asks you if you broke the law, they write it in their 302, then they change your answers
Holy shit this is huge
Literally everybody who has been prosecuted by the FBI should be asking for a retrial because the FBI will edit interview transcripts
Also this
Impeach President Hillary nawo!
Shut up, OP! I have wetback kids to worry about.
Area code 302 is the only telephone area code for the U.S. state of Delaware. It is one of the original area codes established in 1947 for the North American Numbering Plan.
good post and good pic
checked and keked
the HRC interview wasnt even recorded so how would they prove this
mfw hillary's claims about area 52 and aliens are TRUE???
An FD-302 is the "Form for Reporting Information That May Become Testimony," the official form that agents use to enter the details and notes of the interviews they conduct into the record.
why do you think they're fake crying all over every network about muh kids
Because Operation: Dangle Shiny Keys is working. MSM pushes illegal aliens separated from MUH CHILDREN and 3/4 of the cuck faggotry latches on and won’t fucking let go.
More info on this ?
Share the weaponized autism of fuck off, boomer, we're full.
I don't give a shit about your digits.
It's an FBI witness form.
Mainstream news gloated recently about MCCABE being protected in DC by ISRAELI SPECIAL FORCES 24/7.
Roger Stone also revealed that the "FBI plant" pretending to be Russian was actually ISRAELI.
I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I have sifted through a leaked copy of the internal FBI memos from an anonymous source from the white house for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail, I have consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.
I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely nothing profound within this information. It is insubstantial at best, nobody is being fired and outright exaggerations bordering on slander at worst.
It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on more pertinent issues as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation.
Given the intense mental output of thorough investigation, it is essential that one rest to rejuvenate neural productivity.
I suggest going to sleep and completing at least 3 REM cycles before reassessing any further information.
>Even more seriously, text messages between Strzok and Page pertaining to the Russia investigation, particularly a text message from Strzok on August 8 stating “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.” in response to a Page text “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!,” are not only indicative of a biased state of mind but imply a willingness to take official action to impact a presidential candidate’s electoral prospects.
wew lad
Its probably just about where Barry illegaly got the cash for Iran by seizing the cartel laundering cash then throwing out the case.
literally the dumbest thing ever. It is a summarized report of an interview the FBI has with a subject of an investigation - which has the ability to be tampered as such. Why, oh why, are they not required to have a verbatim deposition and audio/video recorded interviews?
Reminder. NOTHING will happen to these people. Our Government, even under Trump, is telling us to FUCK OFF. This is theater.
Did you hear that some bean goblins were forced to abandon squallor and live in clean cages? Scandelous. Why are you even worried about this?
Fucking this. Everything else is just bullshit to keep you invested in a "side"
Finally truth.
They still deal with 1980's tech.
watch the catalog for this thread whenever something really damning is about to break
Some of the hardest sliding I've ever seen going on now.
this reminds me of something...
when the truth of things come out, people like Gabe Podesta are going to have to change their names. these people's children will be in very real danger.
fair is fair, i suppose
(((they))) came after my children
This is old news. First time it was news here was months ago.
classic pasta
nothing to see here folks. 302 forms are living documents and sometime they need edits, that's what they do.
Watching this shit play out on a national level to try to hide this is amazing to me. I can literally see the deep state media machine working at max capacity to try to cover up what’s happening right now. The IG FUCKED Mueller. He told him that he found Strozk and Page so Mueller fires them. But the IG didn’t mention the other members of his team that were also sharing anti trump messages. The IG now knows that Mueller was keeping clearly anti trump members on his team because he thought he was safe.
here's a great thread from late last night/early this morning.
remember the name Renteria...you'll be hearing more of it.
This. Its fucking nothing unless someone has the balls to prosecute
thats a representative.
Post a link to the tweet faggot
Exactly why this is a big deal.
Another exactly. Distraction.
because 302 can be procedurally entered into a court of law. as such, it as a form of evidence has to meet the very specific criteria stipulated in the provision assigning its status as a bona fide piece of evidence.
FBI can't just haphazardly alter their means of securing evidence...every relevant statue would have to be adapted to the new tech utilized. but that day is, i believe, coming soon. a lot of things are going to change.
Thank God we're gonna hold the reins of that change.
autists are the
>New Founding Fathers
McCabe didn't write the 302, either Strzok or the other agent did. They would know what was edited.
how did the meme about edited 302s even get started initially? i feel like it's been a rumor for a year now
Fuck all the shills. Mueller is done. He’s been finished. All the dirty FBI agents are being exposed. Mueller dirry team is being exposed. The IG set Mueller up beautiful Horowitz has authority to investigate anything within the DOJ, and Mueller is definitely within the DOJ. Horowitz notified Mueller than he had evidence that members of his Special Council team were caught sending anti-trump messages. Mueller had to fire them because it was obvious his team was tainted. But the IG also knew other members of his team were sending messages. IG told Mueller to get his shit in order or else. Now it’s coming out Mueller kept them on cause this was a get Trump mission from the beginning
advanced shilling
m8 I don't have a gun that can take a 7200km shoot
well, technically I do, but it's not gonna be accurate.
There has been a push in a lot of Federal law enforcement agencies to do A/V recordings of most interviews in accordance with some DOJ guidance a few years ago.
However, no one uses them unless they are completely pigeon holed by their department regulations to do so, or exercise exceptions.
Here is the policy:
And here is one of companies providing the tools to do so:
Who is Amanda Renteria? I'm guessing she shared the data or personal information of American citizens.
She was a Clinton campaign aide who was told by Lynch that the FBI wasn't going to go too hard on the email investigation
Bump boys
Yeah but mexican kids are in cages watching tv!
Mexican kids in cages is good press for Trump right now.
Take the TVs.
Deep State distraction propaganda operation?
All the Mockinbirds were activated.
Nice try, FBI.
>Accusation of unambiguous crime
>nothing happens
American is a banana republic
Lalala nothing's gonna happen
I see what you’re trying to plant in some of our heads, CIA.
Not a bad way of doing it.
Glow in the dark niggers or no we are rapidly approaching the necessity for citizens to take up arms against the corruption that will not remove itself.
shut it down now
This. Hillary is too big to jail. The FBI is too powerful to dismantle.
Wrong you are Mr. Brock.
what's the count, in years, they could potentially face?
Annnnnnnnnd.. nobody cares anymore. Go to sleep.
Snopes debunked this
It was much better today. Horowitz explained multiple times they HAD TO USE FORENSICS ON THE DEVICES BECAUSE FBI RECORDS SENT OVER GAPS IN COMMUNICATION
can't fuckin wait
this is like the best version of that pasta
little bit less than a 304
>Operation: Dangle Shiny Keys
my sides
i love you user
Up we go.
For the children.
Maybe so maybe not. It depends on how you look at it. There are probably some effects that need more study but we can't rely upon a lack of data to determine a position in a way consistent with the views of the American people. In these tough economic times, our focus should be on the future rather than on the past. We need to build bridges between men and women rather than walls and protect the values we hold dear. I look forward to working with my colleagues across the aisle and the citizen on the street corner to foster a stronger community for our children.
Fucking nothing's gonna happen until you fucking make it happen. These people are too powerful to jail for ANY reason.
And we are gonna get away with it. We already have.
Trump was too slow,, we still have all the power at the bureau.
We control sessions and rosenstein. Trump is impotent when faced with the true power of a United States institution.
We have toppled dictators before, a powder puff like Trump won't stand in our way.
Every day that passes we gain more power and there is nothing you can do about it.
IF, they're desperate enough:
>you know that there will be at least one major FF and likely lots of "small" ones
>some high-profile people will get JFK'd
>pockets of the nation will be affected as in 'locked-down'
>maybe the murmurs are true that it would be a great time to ensure you have cash on-hand. it can't hurt
>and scope out a place where you can seek relative safety away from the cities. you'll know which ones as they're the most populated
>in a situation of planned chaos, things intentionally go wrong as well as unintentionally, so be prepared. pardon the campy, overused simile but 'Tic Tock'
>Shoot up a building goy.
You FBI faggots are really bad at this. I'll enjoy watching you hang.
And they only slaughtered about 30 million in the womb for their Satanic rituals
Rosenstein is getting fired on Friday
I've seen this exact post before. It's almost like you're spamming it at the behest of a third party.
I'm the third party that's going to pay a nigger to spam your asshole with Legos and cock.
>unprecedented corruption
>government investigation saying government dindo nuffin wrong
It is nearly at a tipping point. The bullets will fly for real once liberals pull off a successful train derailment or a baseball practice shootout.
sipfags get the rope, too
And we are gonna get away with it. We already have.
Trump was too slow, we still have all the power at the bureau.
We control sessions and rosenstein. Trump is impotent when faced with the true power of a United States institution.
We have toppled dictators before, a powder puff like Trump won't stand in our way.
Every day that passes we gain more power and there is nothing you can do about it.
Some user had a theory.
I wouldn't doubt it either:
>simultaneously scaring SA's and mex to come illegally, and distract whilst he strangles out some swampies
>be spaghetti nigger
>try to kill american jews
>shoot my gun
>misses by 7198 miles
"fucking inaccurate gun"