Why are you okay with using children as pawns?

Why are you okay with using children as pawns?

Attached: 34234324.png (1620x1620, 1.4M)

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Why is there so much shilling of this
>muh kids in cages
on Jow Forums today?

I'm not ok with anything that liberals do.

Rob was always the worst of the C&H artists.

>Why do people care about inhumane treatment

Are you this dense?

Honest to God wtf do they think should happen? Nothing at all?

>of spics that grow up into big spics that will destroy your country

I'm see through I'm that white, and they should all be thrown over the border and shot if they come back in.

well you sure as shit didn't care when it was under obama, so go fuck yourself with your pretend care and virtue signalling

Need more voters for your Coalition of the Ascendant huh

Attached: northern_segregation.png (1419x1419, 1.78M)

You should know that by now: Jews