How bad is Mexico that the people there are willing to risk destroying their families just to illegally cross into the United States?
How bad is Mexico that the people there are willing to risk destroying their families just to illegally cross into the...
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They dont come here to escape anything worse than your average inner city in America.
They come here for gibs so the fucking spics back in Mexishit can live fat and rich.
And they send it to the cartels.
Full welfare for all Hispanic/Latino users IMMEDIATELY.
Mexico is the worst shithole in the world. Neutron bombs are needed to disinfect the entire country.
*full welfare audit for all Hispanic/Latino users IMMEDIATELY.
It's not that Mexico is bad, it's that the US is way better with a system ripe and ready to be raped.
i don't hate mexico, i hate the fact their smart enough to abuse the most powerful nation on earth
Considering Mexico is run by drug cartels and I think they elected a communist or something recently, probably PRETTY FUCKING BAD.
How should I go about importing a wife from latin america? I give up actually attracting any women here.
It's not. Liberals just like to say Mexico is bad because they are racists who think brown people are beneath them.
>Browses brown hating board
Pretty fucking terrible. Which is exactly why they have to stay there.
>INB4 someone starts posting webms of Mexican cartels chopping up people with axes while they’re still alive.
>actually using axes
>not just a carboard cutter
The people who illegally cross the border usually come from really poor and underdeveloped areas where they have very shitty services and standards of living. The thing is that all this could be fixed if both the government and our people collaborated to help these people but the population is too apathetic to care and the government is too greedy and corrupt to bother. So the people who live in those cities are uneducated and lacking in values.
I almost got deported to central america once.
I'm mexican.
I was born in México
Both of my parents are mexicans.
How does a gringo import a woman from mexico?
it depends are you looking for an average Mexican or an upper-middle class Mexican?
This... How to get a brown wife?
are you white?
>Go to sonora, the most self hating state of mexico
>show your whiteness
>pick the one you want
>import her
100% of the girls i've talked to in uni are super willing to leave the country for canada, usa, europe or straya. they just want to leave.
Great, I shall use my whiteness to my advantage. Thanks mexican user. I just hope your not waiting there with a crew ready to jump me.
Upper middle class is better, I'm telling you from experience burgerbro. Also avoid leftifts, they are almost as crazy as yours.
American Mexican here born and raised im legal but my parents came here illegally however they are citizens now.
From my understanding Mexico is much worse now in terms of Marco violence than when they left. All they came here for is economic opportunity.
They are both " lowrr middle class" now they own their a couple cheap houses and have decent jobs.
I've never went to my father's side of Mexico but I've been to where my mom is from. It's literally in the middle of nowhere the closest road is like a 8 mile walk up and down a mountain and the closest school is in the next town over a hour away.
I hate the idea of illegal immigration but I can see why they would want to get out and I really admire their courage.
I know they're all the same to you, but these immigrant families getting all this news coverage aren't Mexican, there are hardly any Mexicans crossing over anymore. They're mostly Honduran, Guatemalan, El Salvadorian and other Central American shitholes. Mexico is rich and relatively pleasant compared to those places.
ay guey!
the gringoys know
just go to literally anywhere in Mexico and you'll find somebody your type, nonetheless, take into consideration not most Mexicans speak English so you'll have to learn at least basic Mexican Spanish. after all, there's 132 m and more than half are women
Not even bad desu.
Only if we are talking about the Northern part of Mexico.
You want it? it's YOURS my friend!
WE NEED 1000s of votes!!!
the one where they ripped the heart off is way better
>smart enough to abuse the most powerful nation on earth
we became weak when the libshits allowed all this asinine trouble to literally flush our society away
60 years of failure behind us, 60 more ahead
Well to be fair, the southeast isn't that bad either if you live in big cities with some wealth, there isn't much violence or crime when compared to the center or north.
Sonora has the best looking women and a lot of them speak English. They are the gringos of Mexico.
a good chunk of illegals are central american arent they? Ecuador, El Salvador etc
Look if you seriously want to get rid of the migrants once and for all you need to invade and genocide everyone in this triangule (pic related) i'm not even kidding. This is the real final solution
Can we just invade Mexico and end this shit? Libfags are going to whine either way, we should be able to wrap it up before midterms based on Mexico's military experience.
South has more poverty though, literal subhumans living on huts.
Plus, it's closer to central america.
It's pretty bad but it could be way worse, it'll be better if those faggots stayed here and worked to improve our economy though.
That makes it seem like they come to Mexico, perhaps through a non-existent border, but Mexico doesn't have welfare for them so they keep going up into America.
They come here illegally because we allow it. They take advantage of us. It's that simple.
Yeah, who wouldn't want to flee that? And let us not forget, the USA let that place fester for decades.
Less time robbing Muslims of their oil and more time destroying your cartel neighbours would be great. Morons.
What is it about liberal faggots that makes them open their anus for illegal immigrant's gain? Not talking party leadership, but your average cuck - why can't they see the ploy?
Don't or learn some spanish set your tinder there with a bio that just says free green cards
very few stay. I met one, he was from Honduras and we used to smoke weed together nice fella
remember when Hillary let all those guns sent across the border? good ol' times
A lot of them do stay in Mexico, like I said it's marginally better there than in Central America where they are dirt poor. Usually they have a cousin or a brother etc who found work in the US and they follow up here.
I have a vacation home in Baja it is literally paradise
all spics do here is get on welfare and pop out kids. that's it. it's essentially importing niggers. why this is a good thing to some people, I'll never know.
They don't teach critical thinking anymore. Just group thought. I don't even know why they want people to come here illegally, it fucking sucks to come here illegally. These people will never have upward mobility by being illegal. When you think how horrible it is to come here like that, it shows that Democrats just want slaves. They haven't changed.
reminder that there are 11,000 children in cages and around 20 are mexicans
Guess Jesus wasn't the solution but genocide every indio. Fucking anglos I give you that
They don't have those hostess cream filled pies in Mexico. Its the only reason I risk going over to the dangerous USA but its worth it to suck that sweet sweet high fructose corn syrup. My doctor said that If I don't stop sucking the cream out of those mutt pies I'm going to end up with le 56% I told him its way beyond that I even sharted my pants at the local mart two weeks ago.
You cheeky shits make it sound like it doesn't happen in your backyard!
I noticed the news today was very close to calling illegals refugees, but they used lots of close synonyms and metaphors.
Mexican citizens certainly aren't going to be refugees, but what about the ones coming from Central America? If they are, then should we have Mexico take them as refugees?
You are still getting inmigrants because you fail to realize that Mexico is not the problem, they are as overwhelmed was you are in fact Mexico deports more inmigrants than America. No the issue here are Central Americans you guys need to get rid of them, attack the source of the problem
White mans land is the pinnacle of attainment, for all peoples incapable of creating a civilized 1st world
>their (Hispanic countries) leaders are shit-tier corrupt assholes who do the bidding of the cartels. they have no vision. the only dogma motivating them is "faith" in the unreal/unrealistic
I don't know what constitutes a refugee exactly. I guess some of them are fleeing from gangs and shit, so maybe. I know a couple of Venezuelan people who got to come here legally as political dissidents or something. There are definitely plenty of Mexicans who stay here illegally, but they usually can scrape together enough money for a plane ticket and just overstay their tourist visa. The people crossing the border with their kids on foot or on a raft must have no education, no resources, literally just the clothes on their back.
Basically this.
The fact that gringoym shower them with free gibs doesn't help either.
Posting a classic!
This, but unironically
I mean refugees by matter of declaring a country as a humanitarian crisis, and everyone is morally obligated to take their refugees around the entire world. Fleeing from gang violence is not something of this level. More so like Syria but without the war; the country is already collapsing on its own and people are dying in the streets. Such as Venezuela, for example.
t.bluepilled gringo
at least mexicans have a history and culture that: a) they should take pride in, and b) they DO take pride in
americans just sit around talking about: a) how they're masterrace greco-romano-franco-saxons that dun did european history an sheeeit, or b) all white men are evil and should be scrubbed from history and replaced with figments of the negro imagination
There is plenty of jobs in Mexico, badly paid, but plenty.
The problem with this central american scum is that they want the gibs
no infrastructure, dogshit literally everywhere, everyone is functionally retarded, general filth.
Just wait, you'll see, they're bringing it with them.
200+ politicians were assassinated this yea in mexicrap.
in all honesty that could apply to france
>And let us not forget, the USA let that place fester for decades.
Fuck off idiot.
completely their fault, place would be a fucking utopia by now if it was just whites down there.
Or if they had a 2nd amendment.
Pick fruit for $6 USD a day vs $11/hr
Well, there are mexicans there, so it sucks.
Holy shit is he alright?
Like your ancestors when they crossed the sea
mexico was created because they are all savage rapists that the rest of south america kicked out. epic meme flag spic
>short hair, red flag
don't do it, desu
Canal Zone 2.0
why are we putting them in summer camps in the first place, send them back
But we did do history, user, nuking our enemies from orbit.
Tell me why they're entitled to the Pioneer's Land.
This will never be theres, no matter how hard they try.
they live like relative kings off welfare, free housing, free school, free childcare and medicaid. all they do is breed like low IQ subhumans, even bigger benefits for anchor babies
Behold, Hispanobros, a land so pristine you will never inherit or own - much less see it.
Yes they should be proud of cutting the hearts out of virgin qts to make the sun rise and putting spicy meat on corn bread.
Sure kid.
Immigration from Mexico is at net ZERO you racist cis male scum. The Mexican border is only being used by other Hispanic countries. Mexico being very poor is an outdated image the1980s-1990s.
How is Chapalla mexico?
Been there before and i'm planning on retiring there.
>200+ politicians were assassinated
Doing god's work
>fuck you america, keep out of everyones buisness
>fuck you america why wont you fix this.
Wtf does the world want from us?