>New York has literally no standing in this case >sues anyways >waste state taxpayer money defending FUCKING ILLEGALS
And people will still vote for Democrats there
Evan Brown
From Texas DPS threat assessment:
"All eight of the major Mexican cartels operate in Texas, and they have enlisted transnational and statewide gangs to support their drug and human smuggling and human trafficking operations on both sides of the border."
"Mexican cartels constitute the greatest organized crime threat to Texas. These powerful and ruthless criminal organizations use military and terrorist tactics to battle each other and the government of Mexico for control over the lucrative US drug and human smuggling markets."
"They dominate the wholesale trafficking of illegal drugs along the Texas-Mexico border, producing or smuggling most of the illegal drugs to the US."
"The cartels also engage in other criminal activities beyond drug smuggling, including profiting from human smuggling, weapons and ammunition smuggling, extortion, kidnapping for ransom and robbery."
"Mexican cartels directly supply illicit drugs to cities throughout the US and rely on US-based gangs to further distribute drugs."
" We judge that nearly all illegal aliens who illegally enter the United States make use of alien smuggling organizations (ASOs)." Yes, every one of these people are paying evil doers and "compassionate" immigration policies empower them.
Dylan Williams
Reminder that Journalists are the Enemy of America.
"We assess that the cartels have profited from the increase in illegal crossings in 2014 and 2015." All from Texas DPS. Many some of the virtue signalers who lack virtue and a brain ought to educate themselves on an issue they have no business opining about.
"The Tier 1 gangs in Texas for 2016 are Tango Blast and Tango cliques, Latin Kings, Texas Mexican Mafia, and Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13)."
"These groups pose the greatest gang threat to Texas due to their relationships with Mexican cartels, high levels of transnational criminal activity, high levels of violence, and overall statewide presence."
"Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), whose members are known for highly violent crime s such as brutal murders and dismemberments, emerged as a top-tier gang threat in Texas in 2015." Guess what happened in 2014-2015? "Compassionate immigration"
"The increase of illegal alien gang members crossing the border into Texas among unaccompanied minors the previous year... positioned the gang as one of the state’s most significant gang threats."
Jaxon Brooks
Ryan Adams
>it's an 'ativan-fueled rant by the maori' episode again
>in arrangement they chose >most likely a shitton are human smugglers who rape the girls and enslave the boys...or rape the boys too.
Trump please find the kids getting smuggled and kidnapped! I am dying for this legendary narrative flip. You cant tell me there isnt one girl with that situation who got caught by border patrol.
What do we know about these two? Were they bumping uglies behind their spouses back during their clandestine objective of ousting a duly elected president?
Hm, no sweetie, since the Supreme Court ruled on gay marriage there is no more definition of what a family is, it could be you, your cat and your parrot.
Jaxon Thompson
Apparently one of the GoPers there said Trump didn't sound too enthusiastic about Ryan's bill. Said it was 6/10.
Michael Ortiz
Not only will we still vote Dem, I feel we're going to go much further left.
Jose Thomas
I'm not living in a country where I don't have representation because a bunch of faggots gave half the third world voting rights......
Thomas Reyes
Jaxson Lee
What do we know about Sally Moyer?
Been out all day
Benjamin Sanders
He's become such an amazing politician right before our eyes.
Wow, an anti-trump picture that doesn't draw him in an obnoxious style.
Brody Myers
and you're getting another one
Sebastian Walker
Adam Moore
Archive everything we find - social media etc
Liam Price
Yes, the council of human rights advocates like Cuba and China.
Elijah Watson
what should you do if it's a sex trafficking victim and the 'parent' is actually her rapist?
is the officer stabbing still justified in that situation?
Juan Brooks
Trump needs to reject any and every bill that allows illegal aliens to be reunited in detention centers (concentration camps). In no way does it put Americans First. American children are not held with a parent in "family jail" when the parent COMMITS A CRIME. Again, fucking reject any bill and DO NOT GIVE INTO LEFTISM FAUX OUTRAGE!
For anyone swallowing the shapiro pill remember that he is only begrudgingly giving Trump positive press in order to get internet shekles. >youtube.com/watch?v=nNyV8e84t30 Listen to this from pre election where peterson exposes shapiro's bias.
Robert Butler
>well passed buzz with a good 16+ ounces of Gin and no food in me >listening to 80's Jpop >leftist asshurt all around >internet has picked up and is back to its normal speeds >bedroom has cooled off Who else is enjoying their afternoon? I heard some of it, it sounded like Campaign Trump is back and fired up.
>Trump Administration knows that Obama Administration basically dealt with the illegal immigration problem by encouraging those who could qualify to apply for asylum and then enacting lax policies for processing asylum requests. They are relying on the huge media backlash against Sessions' zero tolerance policy to cause the numbers of phony asylum seekers to plummet before the midterms.
Michael Wood
I don't know, the Drumpf-goblin style has kind of grown on me.
Jack Wright
Gabriel Martinez
Actually, giving the image now, I think I should center the text so it balances with the above images
cuck was about to make up some shit about a downs syndrome baby being detained and he goes "wah wah", triggering the everloving fuck out of this little bald bugman who could only repeat HOW DARE YOU over and over