Why wasn't Hitler able to paint even basic concepts like perspectives?
Why wasn't Hitler able to paint even basic concepts like perspectives?
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This isn’t a political topic, saged
You would be surprised how many successful artists (as in, paid and/or with a large social media following) can't into perspective
Severe mental retardation.
It's almost like he wanted to go to school to learn how to become a better artist
Because he was a shitty artist.
Yeah, picasso was much better at painting perspectives.
that pic looks fine to me. you must a faggot.
I don't understand what I'm looking at. Explain pls?
Hitler was all about the Impressionist period, but he wasn't so good at that style of art, and the style was out of date by the time he tried to become and artist
>being an artist
>as a career
Hitler was an economist who never realized it
Not bad for someone who learned on his own
>what are vanishing points
Better question is why doesn't the painting look weird unless it's pointed out with the lines?
Perspective is extremely important if you're gonna paint shit like Hitler such as buildings
what is this retard shit
it's a painting with MS paint lines drawn along each corner
>why doesn't the painting look weird unless it's pointed out with the lines?
The picture looks totally fucked dude, the stairs are blocking the window. The door at the top of the stairs is fuck huge.
The parallel lines are supposed to intersect at a single spot, it's called a vanishing point, in single point perspective, as demonstrated in pic related by Raphael.
>vanishing points are real
Look at this fag. He thinks the Earth is round.
Does anybody have that pic comparing Hitler's art to people who got accepted into that Vienna school?
It seems his definition of "good art" is being photo-realistic.
That's a limited definition of value. Anything different wasn't appreciated or considered, which is a fallacy.
yes but the main event of this painting is, obviously, Diogenes
who gives a shit, as long as it doesn't look like compete dogshit, which it doesn't NOBODY gives a fuck about your tooty frooty art "rules"
>this retard shit
The point is, there is no point, no vanishing point, the parallel lines don't converge, as per the real life visual experience, think looking along a train track, all the parallel lines, when extended, converge at a single spot.
>who gives a shit
lol ok pleb
let lack empathy...you need to feel others when you paint.
You mean objective standards based on what is appealing to the normal persons pallet? Right, no one gives a shit
Because you need to pay some chick with a weird city body 80,000$ and to find out whats good and whats not.
Or you can sell drugs, claim the painting is whats sold for 10,000,000$ then later when you need a tax break donate that drug laundering painting to a muesuem for a 10,000,000$ tax break.
nice response
Do you know that art is subjective? Hmm really throws a wrench in things doesn't it you shiteating artqueer.
>normal persons pallet
lol what a meme, no normal person is an art critic, you'd be hard pressed to find an art critic who's head isn't tightly lodged in his asshole. Also normal people are LITERALLY the same people you would call plebs.
WTF is this from? Argo?
>Do you know that art is subjective?
Art may be, but visual geometry isn't, if you see parallel lines going off in all directions in real life, you need to visit an optometrist or a neurologist, because it means your vision is fucked.
leave the geometry to mathematicians artqueer, nobody gives a shit about your "OBJECTIVE STANDARDS" of art
right wingers are incredibly stupid and can't into anything that requires considerable brainpower
If the painting's purpose is to depict reality, then it should be subject to the physical laws of said reality.
you sound like a Jew
>defending hitler is jewish
that's a new one
you are stupid
it is impossible for a painting to not be a subjective interpretation of reality
Here are some of the other threads OP has made today.
He was starting out and attempting to get in to art school to become better. As a young man who was self-taught, he's pretty good.
nah, I've just ascended past getting caught up on pointless abstraction
Valid but irrelevant quip. Rejected.
He was an ameteur
>nobody gives a shit
Anyone who is attempting to realistically portray architecture, as Hitler was, would indeed 'give a shit', as it makes all the difference between a convincing representation, and the daubings of an imbecile.
800+ threads made in the past 6 months. Mods have done nothing so far but it might be a proxy hopper.
No, the point is OP is a fucking kike faggot spamming anti-nazi threads all day long like a fucking autismo jew
artler tried to paint reality he should follow the rules of reality. art isnt subjective and the fact that you do not understand this means you are not an artistic mind
stay angry artboy, leave your posturing to people who care
>if I use interesting vocabulary I'll look more intelligent
lol sit the fuck down artqueer
how could he learn it if he wasn't accepted into art school
Look at his shadows in paintings too. Hitler was a certified retard.
>art isn't subjective
nah bud ur wrong, you can only assign qualities to it to which you can judge on an inferior/superior basis, but the totality of a piece of art is subjective. Going against the grain of the "rules" of art is art in of itself.
he actually wasnt a bad painter. if youve ever seen his artwork it just lacks something thats hard to put your finger on. his artwork just doesnt evoke any emotion from the viewer.
>Going against the grain of the "rules" of art is art in of itself.
t. abramovic
Well he certainly seemed to be able to paint a pretty picture all over your face, KIKE.
>all the parallel lines, when extended, converge at a single spot.
flat earth confirmed
>I don't have a legitimate rebuttal, let me compare you to a whacked out satanist
>thinks regular words are 'interesting vocabulary'
lol ok wordlet
how are you able to tell what threads hes made?
that's funny, you can't even see how pretentious you are
memeflag I'm guessing
I have alerts on his hashes/phrases. Same filenames too.
>i dont have a legitimate point, let me ridicule everyone who has
gets boring fast. Become something. So far you offer no substance.
Had the elitist jews known what he was capable of, I'm sure they would have let him into art school asap. never underestimate an autist.
>he thinks the Vienna Academy is some kind of hobbyist tier school
No, user, that's where high IQ individuals and the cream of the crop (Jews) go
Listen my friend, I'm honestly just baiting you guys. But on a serious note I would say art as low as 4-5/10 is acceptable as long as the perspective or something else isn't so far off its uncomfortable to look at. I just really hate most artsy types because they really do generally have their heads WAY up their asses. I don't do visual art personally, I'm shit at it, but seeing someone who can even do something on young hitler's level is impressive to me. Personally this arises from the fact that if I had standards as high as yours I probably wouldn't be able to enjoy much of any art at all.
>A circle is a line in Euclidean 3D space
>Going against the grain of the "rules" of art is art in of itself.
There's a difference between going against the rules and not even being aware of them in the first place, which clearly he wasn't, since his goal was realism not abstraction, or are you trying to have us believe that Hitler was a proponent of abstract art ?
how do you decide here to even draw the lines?
I got ya.
Look, faggot, using more accurate language isn't pretentious. I get this shit constantly and it's giving me a fucking ulcer.
Asking someone to intentionally obscure their language is synonymous with wiping your ass with your hand after years of sanitory hygiene practice.
We arent fucking indians. Go fuck yourself.