Your daily white pill

Jow Forums needs to start coming to terms with the fact that the moment a white shitlib girl like pic related becomes pregnant, she goes full 1488. no exceptions. every single white woman you see on the street screeching about the patriarchy and lgbt and multiculturalism is redeemable and will be brought into the fold the moment they have a white child. they just need to be knocked up. modern day multiculturalism is that easy to destroy. this ist he primary reason the jews feed birth control to all white women and encourage abortion on them.

it is your duty to impregnate as many white women indiscriminately as you can. don't ever give up.

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Nice titties.

>as you can
You know they can't, right? That's the whole point.


fucking fuck, what's with all the shoops today
first it was taylor swift and now this terrible shoop
shoops ain't allowed round these parts douchecunt

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katy perry is such a vapid cunt, but damn those are some big juicy titties.

>these women are roasties and should be terminated
>these women are redeemable
>it's our duty to reprogram women

the fuck man

Uh, no. My white mother is a liberal who is pro-multicultural and watches liberal propaganda on TV all day. If I try and tell her Trump isn't as bad as the liberal propaganda tells her, she freaks out and accuses me of being a Nazi. White women are beyond saving, they just need to be controlled like slaves by white men.

read "your daily milk.."

your mother didn't raise a young white child in the environment of real multiculturalism though. she just virtue signals about it now that you're an adult. it's meaningless.

>it is your duty to impregnate as many white women indiscriminately as you can
I liked you up until this sentence. That's a nigger behavior and it's not just a joke, it's LITERALLY a nigger behavior.
Black under Jim Crow laws had far fewer babies and stayed married almost as much as whites, whites are simply more k-type than niggers.
Not only it would make whites more similar to niggers but it would make them more prone to racemixing, not to mention the fact that all womn would end up being single mothers and the kids in jail or worse.
>pic related are your ready to be pregnant cows

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It was her turn

(She took 3 turns)

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This is what she really looks like without the layers of paint on.

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where are your nipples?

>Jow Forums needs to start coming to terms with the fact that the moment a white shitlib girl like pic related becomes pregnant, she goes full 1488. no exceptions

What a ridiculous statement. You haven’t seen the wave of shitlib moms pushing their sons to become girls?

>let's continue our k strategy while we flooded by the r strategy non white subhuman hordes
friendo some of us actually want to survive as a race.

Wait.. OP pic is a shop?

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We haven't lost our majority yet, that means that if tomorrow all whites were to wake up as a white identitarians we would be able to slowly fix it, one of the biggest problem is the fact that our opinion is still in the extreme minority.
Btw I haven't said anything about having more kids than average, just don't go around making new single mothers or reinforcing the one night stand culture

Yup. Bimbofication shoop. As if Katy wasn't enough of a bimbo to begin with.

He's right you now. My sister used to be a massive shitlib sjw. After she plopped out a blond boy with blue eyes she very quickly started singing a different tune.

In a way I'm impressed by her - she hit the wall very early, her mid 20s but she managed to make a career despite it - she was shrewd enough to latch onto left wing politics and see how if she publicly supported Obama and Clinton it would mean the (((media))) would keep pushing her.

She can't sing, she is a post-wall hag yet somehow she is a millionaire star.

She sucked her way to the top.

Wonder if Harvey had her when she was young?

what do you call a communist who has kids?

a fascist

damn, make up is the devil

She's still hot in that pic

What happens when they get an abortion (payed for by their parents)?

true. why even bother shopping that magnificent rack?

But then she gives birth to a niglet.

abortion of course