>French men are fucking pathetic. They all died in Ww1 Actually they all died during the Terror (1792-1794) while the jews and their masons puppets led the bloody 'revolutionary courts' imposing proto-bolchevism by force. It was said the blood of the patriots and monarchists was flooding so much in Paris all the sewers of the capitale were vomiting blood for weeks. The jews killed France and the civilized world during this period.
You had 2 empires, a colonial empire and another monarchy in the middle, you had the time to recover
Caleb Perez
>Affirmative action in sports Sounds fair
Hunter Rodriguez
Led by masonsry and juden each time, nothing of divine right. Daily reminder Napoleon emancipated the jews for the first time in 1400 years in Europe. Daily reminder he was their puppet. Daily reminder he was a 33.Daily reminder he killed a whole generation of young french white men in meaningless wars against others europeans nations. Daily reminder he triggered the Rothschild overcome of the bank of England. Daily reminder he enabled the jewish total control of the finance worldwide. Daily reminder he was a floppy dicklet. Daily reminder he was praising the mohametans. Daily reminder he weakened europe for decades after his death.
Nicholas Cox
How’s Hongcouver? Must be nice paying $1,000,000 for a dilapidated shack.
Hunter Gonzalez
The whole idea of national sports is to showcase your talent. Aka blood of the soil. French born Africans are not blood of the soil. They are not Frenchman...they are French citizens.
How are the white French public dealing with this? Even Team England isnt this cuckes.
Brandon Evans
Well put
Jace Peterson
Those are some dark-ass niggers. It's like the opposite of a CIA nigger.
Jose Hughes
Damn this is very interesting. How come this "terror" isn't talked about more on Jow Forums.
Jacob Lee
>How are the white French public dealing with this? Even Team England isnt this cuckes. How do you say "based black people" in french?
Sebastian Martinez
I dont know I own my own house in a small 93%+ white town in Ontario. Hows your nigger president? Oh yea hes gone now. Hows Trump doing sending kids to cages and what not. Seems like a good guy. Detroit seems like a good tourist destination...
Thomas Gomez
Nobody gives a shit. Some years ago there was a small shitstorm about "them non white players not singing the anthem" but it died down. People who don't like shitskins either don't watch football at all or just look at the flag and shirt color and take the wins when they come
Juan Adams
Thats pathetic..... This would never happen...even American football teams have lots of white players...a country full of nogs...wtf m8...u high m8y
Aiden Morales
Football was always for the poor so it makes sense that it's mostly nogs
Oliver Young
These are the niggest niggers I've seen. How can someone be so BLACK?
Logan Adams
№13 is literally king nog.
Isaac Rivera
French like much more rugby which is way more white than this shit.
Levi Davis
Oh and it could be even worse if some of these niggers weren't mercenaries. The nigger who scored the winning goal against Poland today? Born in France, trained in French clubs and national youth teams but then he decided to play with Senegal because it's easier to get a spot in the starting 11. A lot of dual citizens do that
Xavier Sullivan
Rugby is a whiter sport forsure but that is no excuse for the football team. It should be MINIMUM 75% white players of French origin. Other white europeans are acceptable...like Greizman(german name). Look at team Poland...Team Germany...Team Russia... Is it 99% Nog? Come on man show some respect. This is pathetic.
Luke Phillips
....They should all 'decide' to go play in their real homeland. Infact the French authorties involved with football should make it a rule. You need to showcase REAL frenchman...this isnt team France. If French people think this is actually team France you might aswell all call it a night and get cucked up the ass.
Charles Myers
People don't give a shit about football, not that much anyway. And young whites study and get a job instead of playing football
Jace Baker
damn, all South American teams are whiter than france......
Chase James
Trump’s doing his job, I think your president might be able to learn a thing or two from Trump. Speaking of presidents, how’s yours? I saw her eyebrows come undone.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Fun fact : the Grande Loge de France masonic order motto was Liberte Egalite Fraternite. Since they killed our monarch it's still the french republic motto. It's how blatant the kikes are (and proud of them). Look at all the fucking disgusting satanic-zoharic shit they were alrdy pushing back then : Horus eye, phrygian cap, solve-coagula baphometic posture, muh stronk wimin, muh all races equal,... The declaration is disgusting on every level. And it's the first thing the kids are studying in the public obligatory school.
Fun fact 2 : when they beheaded Louis XVI, a jewish rabbi plunged a handkerchief in his blood and made a inverted cross sign with it sprinkling the crowd with it while reciting talmudic bullshit. They financed the revolution at every level. It was the only way for them to trigger their emancipation, killing the king was a death sentence for the church too. Without the church pushing for the strict control of the jewish rights (obligated ghettoization, forbidding them to do politic nor publishing their opinion in the press,etc), they were able to take control of everything. Once they used the stupid masonic goyim to overthrow the monarchy, they used the even more stupid and greedy bolchevic peasants they freshly formed to kill their previous ally to cover their crimes.
Its called a Prime Minister in Commonwealth countries....and hes doing okay because hes a giant cuked faggot and everybody wants him gone except basedboys and immigrants.
Parker Scott
> you had the time to recover From what? From being meat grinder during 200 years ?
My family are French. They left France with Razily on a ship for the new world in 1600s. I wonder if they noticed tbe degeneracy....but it also explains why Quebcois Frenchman are way more manly than France frenchman...they are all from the 16 and 1700s. They left in that era.
Chase Smith
You should really start a thread talking about this. This could redpill more people about the other (((hidden))) Bolshevik revolution
Communists even praised Robespierre >. During the Soviet era, Robespierre was used as an example of a revolutionary figure
>During the October Revolution and Red Terror, Robespierre found ample praise in the Soviet Union, resulting in the construction of two statues of him: one in Saint Petersburg, and another in Moscow (the Robespierre Monument). The monument was commissioned by Vladimir Lenin, who referred to Robespierre as a "Bolshevik avant la lettre" or a "Bolshevik before his time".[68] Due to the poor construction of the monument (it was made of tubes and common concrete), it crumbled within three days of its unveiling and was never replaced. in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximilien_Robespierre#Legacy_and_memory
kek. used to be 4 times britain. Germans were a warzone in the religious wars. Is swinging and being cucks a normal part of frogs?
Nicholas Baker
>football That's faggot ass soccer
Dominic Ortiz
I did it once few years ago, it was quite succesful beside my broken english. But it's 2:30am here and i'm too exhausted to start an expose right now...Maybe tomorrow. But in tl;dr you nailed it, the french revolution was the blueprint of all the others (failed or succesful) incoming jewish bolchevik revolutions. They always use the same patterns since then : corrupt the nobility/bourgeoisie with their shekels using the wires of the secret societies. Then use them to break the order in place/rulers. Wait a little for the nobility and bourgeoisie to rip each other for the power. Then form a pseudo-civil militia supposed to represent the people to kill the fresh and weakened winner in a bloodbath, and finally take the crown and install a (((new))) talmudic doctrine/police state.
My favorite one is what we call the Infernal Columns used for the vendean genocide (a region who was very catholic and pro monarchist, where the bolchevic decided to simply kill everyone). They used 12 giant incendiary columns to erase the whole region from the map. It's the only time in history such a method was used at this scale. Just imagine 12 giant rotating blazes surrounding a whole region killing hundreds of thousands of unarmed men, women and children. At least the jews tried original methods back then. fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonnes_infernales
That's great, maybe tomorrow I can help you bump a thread about this.
Chase Thompson
Yes that would be nice from you, i've some spicy infos about the jewish involvment in the revolution and how they planned it for literally centuries. And it's coming from their very own mouths, they can't stop to brag about it, they are so proud and full of themselves. >jewishvirtuallibrary.org/french-revolution