Be Hitler

>Be Hitler
>Fight for Germany in WW1
>Get ass kicked
>Blame the Jews
>Kick out all the Jews
>Fight WW2
>Get shit pushed in
>Blame the Jews

what did he mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>trying to understand german autism
dont even try, these arent humans but animals

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Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.

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Play some HOI4 faggot.

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>Play some HOI4 faggot
Holy fuck does Germany have oil problems when i play. Romania has some but they are so fucking close to the soviets and usually gets btfo. Man i suck. Also italy always gets navaly invaded by fucking the UK. I just get overwhelmed because i' a retard

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Build convoys, motorized and tier one fighters until the war. Get Romania as a puppet so you can use their troops to occupy med ports and get all their oil for one or two civ factories. Ignore Moscow and push straight for Stalingrad. Secure the oil in the caucuses and you've won the war after you grind out to Moscow/Leningrad. After you've secured these push into the Urals and they'll capitulate.

Don't forget to use AA guns instead of AT they don't use tungsten and most Soviet tanks have low armour. Get a few hunter killer divisions of medium tanks and use those to destroy the Soviet armoured divisions before the t34 can be supplied.

Is that you again? Holy fuck man you're on here more than I am.

that's a negative lad, I only shitpost here after work and weekends. You though? Hot damn son I see you in every thread at the mere mention of NatSoc or Shitler

You're over-exaggerating. I'm not even a nazi I like debating, hate JIDF, want to undermine my government and I know there's quite a bit we can learn from his regime.

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Do burgers need triple confirmation before they understand?

I agree, but by your own admission you troll quite a bit so the two of us get into autistic shitposting battles much more often than we should. Can't say I blame you though, everyone trolls a bit here and there.

If it weren't for the fucking Soviets then maybe Germany would have won the war. Stalin used his soldiers like cattle. Hence the term "goyim". The Russians were their fucking slaves and made to fight. The Soviet elite were all Jews. The war was literally Christianity vs. Judaism.

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I'm not even sure how much of it is trolling or wanting to debate. I rarely make threads on Jow Forums or even post on other websites. Hitler is the most the most lied about man since Jesus Christ though I believe that unironically.

He's also one of the greatest orators in history.

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If it weren't for the fucking Soviets then maybe Germany would have won the war.

Then maybe Germany shouldn't have invaded and declared war on them.

>If it weren't for the fucking Soviets then maybe Germany would have won the war.

forgot my meme arrow

Germany never did you faggot

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He's clearly a troll. Or perhaps he meant to say that Anglo-America shouldn't have funded the Red Army after it marched into Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Finland and Romania.

Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans

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>what is operation Barbarossa

Imagine my shock when the nazi cuck doesn't know basic history

This is just what the British Empire sent the Red Army through official channels..

3,000+ Hurricanes
4,000+ other aircraft
27 naval vessels
5,218 tanks (including 1,380 Valentines from Canada)
5,000+ anti-tank guns
4,020 ambulances and trucks
323 machinery trucks
1,212 Universal Carriers and Loyd Carriers (with another 1,348 from Canada )
1,721 motorcycles
£1.15bn worth of aircraft engines
1,474 radar sets
4,338 radio sets
600 naval radar and sonar sets
Hundreds of naval guns
15 million pairs of boots

The American military claims they armed a further 60 divisions just through the Persian corridor alone.

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>America trained the Red Army

Citation required

How do you think the Red Army learned how to operate the untold billions in equipment you sent them? You're not very bright.

So you have no source? Glad we settled that

Damn good video. Like it alot

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Official amount of Lend-Lease Americans given to the Red Army : $11b (massive understatement)
Official amount of Marshall Plan aid given to Western Europe : $12b (much of it was in the form of loans)

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I never disputed lend lease. I'm asking you for a source on your claim that America trained the Red Army

Excuse autism

What are you looking for exactly? You think they dropped off tanks/planes and said figure it out? Or what? The American general staff worked with the Red Army to learn German tactics so they could formulate better battle plans do you want me to prove that instead?

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Take a screenshot of my post like you did before. I'm going out for dinner next time we meet ask me to prove the American general staff worked with the Red Army and i'll have it. I keep my promises.

>What are you looking for exactly? You think they dropped off tanks/planes and said figure it out?

I've never heard it claimed that America trained the Red Army in any capacity. I'm merely asking for a source on this specific claim. I'd like to hear what this training specifically entailed not what you assume to be the case

So you have no source? Glad we settled that. Enjoy your dinner

I'm going out for dinner. Both general staffs trained each other. I can prove it. I remember exactly what my source is. I'll have it next time we meet.

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.. to be clear that's not what I meant though. I just know I can prove that as well.

I'm sure you will, enjoy your dinner

Imagine my shock when the nazi cuck can't debate and posts tired JPGs instead

>get shit pushed in
nigger or spic faggot?

big dick centrist

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Did you guys know there were black nazis?

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Haha whatever you say Sub-Human

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Glad you think so. Faggot

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Hey nazi cuck why didn't you respond to getting BTFO here