Faggots on suicide watch!
France confirmed Faggots are mentally ill, and faggot couples only allowed to adopt handicapped potatoes!
Faggots on suicide watch!
France confirmed Faggots are mentally ill, and faggot couples only allowed to adopt handicapped potatoes!
discord gg/jgNKY2w
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wouldn't want them having sex with normal kids huh
so they are doubling mental illness while having armies of mentally Ill brown men invade.
Best timeline.
Manif pour tous, now this... France is different from countries it tries to imitate, that is Germany and UK. It's very little but still something
This is pretty based. Maybe things could turn around for France after all the mishaps. Not even the U.S.A. has the balls to stop trannies.
Not bad, France.
Sexual orientation is a mental disorder. Straight, gay, whatever. It's a mental illness!
Humans would be better off if we had no sexual desires at all.
W-wait, so we're not actually fully cucked yet ? Did (((they))) swallow the redpill or are they gonna use this as a way to double down on faggot propaganda ?
We're finally doing something right.... for one
>fags raping retarded children
But they already do that
I hope they don't SURRENDER on that...
exactly, you fags can only rape the handicaps.
Not a life for any child.
Good. If you are an orphan or an unwanted child, you have suffered enough. No need to suffer the bullying resulting from having two dads.