I haven't mclistened to a speech he's made in a long time, has he made any speeches of late?
Robert Hernandez
Reposting because it's worth it.
Leaf here.
Can I just say how jealous I am of the state of your country? Your leader openly states that he is there to put his country first, not the rest of the world or the UN or the feelings of others. He's actually taking steps to securing your borders, ending your wasted money on foreign countries that hate you, and prioritizing your economy.
We are stuck with a child leader who specializes in making us feel good about ourselves at the expense of our jobs and well being. Zero thought is given to the people here. Instead we are told to pay more for outsiders so we can give women in third world countries abortions and settle hundreds of thousands of immigrants who do nothing but rape this land and society of ours. We're pretty much at the point where I think there's no going back and that we are permanently fucked.
So yeah, I'm mad jelly. But good on you, my friends. I can only hope that we do what we have always done in the end: follow you.
Elijah Nguyen
Yikes... not good. I'm off the Trump train
Nathan Cruz
Every time I see Melania I get the deep sense that God is working a Miracle through her and her husband in some way. I've always had that sense since the escalator.
Little black boy >Why doesn't Nancy Pelosi care about me being seperated from my father by a prison sentence for a non-violent drug offense? >Because you're a citizen, son. Democrats don't care about citizens.
Jonathan Parker
Cool I recently downloaded "sims 4 reloaded" but its a disc image. I'll have to look up how to install it.
Hudson Hill
Thomas Wood
They've taken the whole country from the Republicans. These are horrible people who used the disgusting tactic of demographic warfare for votes
And you won't use the power you have to get a win?? WITH THE ENTIRE COUNTRY BEHIND YOU????
Reminder to start pushing "Dem S-13" and "Black Dreams Matter" into the normiesphere, they are catchy and will get traction very quickly
Also we need to find more sources and really slam the "most of the kids are not with their real parents, they are with human traffickers" angle. This whole thing can backfire on democrats really fucking fast if we can find some kids who were raped/sold into slavery while attempting to cross the border, and would have been saved if the laws had been enforced like they are now.
We are never going to reach the batshit insane 30% of the population that is die-hard liberal. But the moderate people (or more accurately, the "I have other shit I'm dealing with and don't really understand or care about politics beyond social situations" people) will wake up pretty quick if they see the reality of what's going on. We just have to break through the MSM and get the facts to them -- which we already proved we could do in getting Trump elected.
>The National ICE Council has announced its opposition to the Ryan Amnesty plan that the House is scheduled to vote on later this week. ICE Union President Chris Crane wrote that if the Ryan Amnesty passed, "it will have significant negative consequences for public safety and interior enforcement in general."
>Crane also expressed disappointment that House Republicans didn't consult with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers during the drafting of the legislation, the same way that the Gang of 8 didn't consult with ICE officers.
>Here is the full text of the letter sent by the ICE officers:
Adam Hall
They totally planned this child cage bullshit. I swear this was planned during the election.
Jayden Clark
Your support of Trump is tacit support for Trump extreme zionism. Top priorities should be to promote family values, end immigration and make the US a christian nation again. None of these things are seriously taking place right now. Instead we have Pro-Israel policy with shiny little tokens given to the anti-immigration crowd to justify going all in for Israel. You are a sell out like all the others, maybe with good intention but thats what it is.
Alexander Butler
Jesus my post was horrific. In any case please advise.
Brayden Mitchell
# # # #
For the record I want the original Goodlatte bill PLUS PLUS PLUS. I want EVERYTHING fixed in one go. I'm trying to be "glass half full" on the compromise bill okay?
It is my understanding that neither of the immigration bills currently being considered by Congress include staffing increases for ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), while again increasing Border Patrol and CBP staff by 5000 officers each.
The Administration and Republican members of Congress are fully aware of the dire need for staffing increases within ERO. So keenly aware of the need for additional ERO officers, one of your first actions as our newly elected President was to sign an executive order authorizing 10,000 more ICE ERO officers. So keenly aware of the dire need for additional ERO officers, prominent Republican Congressmen like Bob Goodlatte, Trey Gowdy, Raul Labrador, Lamar Smith, John Carter and others previously pushed for thousands of additional staff at ICE ERO through proposed bills like the Davis-Oliver Act.
Previous legislation by House Republicans that would have increased staffing at ICE is an absolute admission that House Republicans are well aware of staffing shortages at ICE, and likewise are aware of the risk to public safety posed by failing to include legislative staffing increases at ICE in current legislation. After spending years fighting for staffing increases at ICE in the name of public safety, House Republicans have suddenly abandoned their positions and instead now fight to keep ICE dangerously understaffed. In keeping with the infamous "Gang of 8" amnesty bill, boots on the ground law enforcement officers were excluded by Republicans from having input on both new bills. The same House Republicans who condemned the Gang of 8 and Obama Administration for not including our input, have now done the exact same thing.