Even more drugs in North America

CANADA legalizes Marijuana
Now canadians will be able to smoke pot / cannabis all they want
What do their american neighbors think about that?

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Americans can already do this in several states.
I know what you're trying to do, so you can turn off the proxy and fuck off.

As of now, the only bordering state where that happens is Washington, Maine has voted in favour but hasn't applied it yet, vErmont has passed a law, but it's only about private possession as opposed to organized sales
Also, no proxy my dear

I wasn't aware Americans couldn't travel to other states.

they can't bring it out of the state they bought it in, they can only smoke in private properties, if they're renting/in a hotel/in a bnb the owner can forbid them from smoking it if he wants
plus if you're from any midwest state you've got to go fairly far to be in a state that has legalized it

>People shouldn't have the rights to put in their bodies whatever they want
You're a moron.

>People shouldn't have the rights to put in their bodies whatever they want
They shouldn't. That's degenerate liberty

So you've got no problem when a white chick decides to put a black cock inside her body I suppose?

it still needs to be signed by the governor general


You can have a moral objection without insisting on legislative restrictions you fucking cuck obsessed dick smoker.

You deserve to be the arbiter of morality? What happened to libertarianism and the right for people to do as they please on private property?

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Imagine being the guy trying to make this argument.

The fact George Soros pushes for legalization should tell you a lot about this issue.
Then again degenerates don’t care if Satan himself endorses their addiction of choice as long as they still get to indulge themselves.

>The fact George Soros pushes for legalization should tell you a lot about this issue.

Did you know George Soros also breathes air? You should stop doing that, otherwise his jew agenda will enter your lungs.

>tfw going to Canada this July
>tfw never did weed because it funds traffic
Well, time to try it out, I guess

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haha weed dude, lets just all get along and smoke a phat one lol




Canada is doing the right thing, now we can flood the US with marijuana across the border to make things right for the Canadian economy.

$3.50 a ton, best we can offer.

I could care less desu

Faggot brows in desperate bid to win back his declining voter base.

Imagine my shock.

See Colorado

We got you beat

>makes good on a campaign promise
Truly a faggot.

Canadian weed laws were already lax AF.
It was already pretty much decriminalised, and legal for "medical use". I could just go into any dispensary and say i needed it to sleep and they'll sell it to me.

Nope. Her toll is hers to pay.

The most important thing is home growing. If you're not in a shit province, at least.

Good. There is literally nothing wrong with people smoking weed in the privacy of their homes, and it's good the economy. Anyone who says otherwise is an authoritarian killjoy.

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first doug now this? based, had nothing to do with Trudeau fucking cunt press S to spit

>I could care less

Well, go ahead then.

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They are pushing this in the UK lately as well and everybody is pissed that they aren't even considering making a bill.

So leafs can smoke weed while simultaneously getting sucked off by their dog as they die of heart failure because they had to wait too long for a transplant? Cool beans.

What a joke this country is

was it worth the dog blowjobs


Fucking illiterate

Time to change their flag to a green with a cannabis leaf in the middle then


islam doesn't like free and easy drug use. Thats right goys, a good way to keep out muds is to have the real drugs legal.

>do as they please
That's what happened to libertarianism. It can only work with a moral people, otherwise it degenerates into a license for hedonism and societal rot

Here is the flag of Canada the year 2100

Attached: canada_new_flag.jpg (742x420, 62K)

blaze it 420 247 lmao

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Market is saturated here.

t. Denver

Yup, the weed prices in Cali are so cheap it blew my mind

It’s about time. Took like 6 years.

I don't care

> smoking taima is immoral because the Jews said so

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May the pot stocks rip and rally tomorrow like no other

>all liberal faggots flock to Canada
Trump wins again

The government is allowing people to plant their own marijuana plants in their house (up to 4).
This will make sure the weed prices stay low.

Canada still has that retarded law that will take your kids away if they don't accept the fag-agenda. Honestly, I would rather have my freedom to express my opinions openly than be socially convinced through massive large scale peer pressure that doing 'now-safe-drugs' is the new okay. Addiction runs through my family. I learned to cold quit and control that autistic parasite behavior. I feel bad for the poor souls who are going to be fed into the larger agenda that is unfolding. It is obvious this is a counter to trumps tariffs and our current laws over drugs here. They are trying to win over the favor of some citizens by having them jump over to Canada.

Means you're next on the menu. Go to sleep, leaves... nothing worth agitating about... it'll work itself out... just like in America... shhh. Toke..
Go to sleep

Government wants minimum pricing, no amount of home growing will change that. They want $9/gram plus HST and $1 exise tax

am in Vancouver and it's already smoked openly in the streets and nobody cares
it may as well be legal already

Thread theme song youtu.be/oFRbZJXjWIA

Sounds like you care, FAGGOT, fuckin' crying about it like a bitch.

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You can buy weed on the current black market for $5/gram. That type of lunacy would mean most would just buy from them.

they better use the weed revenue to pay for a fucking wall.

I don't smoke weed, but just the fact that legalizing weed will put a financial strain to thousand of lazy niggers brings a smile on my face.

Did it change anything in the states who legalized weed? I'm sure they moved to selling harder drugs, but a lot of occasional pot smokers just went the legal route...

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i just drive 20 minutes into dc.
dont really care belgium kike.

reefer madness eh bud?

black market weed is just as good and cheaper.

Say thats $12/g all in. Top shelf weed here in BC are selling for $3 or 4. So government got there work cut out for them if they want to weasle in on the existing market

I'm eagerly awaiting an application process for a micro-cultivators license, my cost of production is 15c/g. Those big LP's don't know whats coming when the craft market comes availible

But is it worth hastle? Getting potential arrested, jacked or murdered to save a few bucks?

It's not worth driving in the getho when you can just pickup your weed at the dispensary on your drive back from work.

Bonus: screw lazy niggers.

Prices are already set around $120 - $200 for good stuff, I look forward to watching the government cannabis boycotting people will be doing desu

>getting murdered over weed


here's your (you)

Heroin should be legalized unironically

justin should not be getting credit for this, legalization was already going to happen thanks to recent supreme court cases

great... now Canada will be slightly more shitty than it already is. drive-thru orders will be fucked up more often, health care will go up, people will be even worse on the roads, and there will be more bums bugging you for money.

No, you moron..

Getting killed for putting a fight while getting robbed because you showed up in the getto with your new car to buy some weed that was hidden in some lazy nigger's ass.

>Heroin should be legalized unironically
Already done washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/09/13/canada-has-just-approved-prescription-heroin/?utm_term=.a45c60cb3fbc

but you'll be high, so you won't care

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They are the ones pushing weed you kike. The Puritan influenced Americans (Christian) are against it

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I can't wait for the Canadian tears when they get strip searched for drugs.


If you're right-wing (ie: libertarian), you should support this.
I support this and I have no intention of doing drugs in the first place
People should be free to be degenerates on their own private property or on peoples' private property that allows them, just as people should be free to ban degeneracy on their own private property and disallow people form being degenerates on their private property.

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A broken clock is right twice a day

>yfw your friends never bought in when shares were ~$1

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live longer than you Tyrone

Good. Hopefully stoners will finally go to Mexico like they fewgood they would in 2016 if trump beat Bernie

Wow, you watch way too much Jewish television, retard.

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They're also the ones who got it banned in America you spergy little bitch, try picking up a fuckin' book you god damn aboriginal, or I'll fuckin' roll out there and drop you on your fuckin' neck and leave you in a chair for life.

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