U.S announces withdraw from the U.N human rights council
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>muh israel
fuck npr. they tried to start a civil war and it failed. they tried tpo start a race war but black people are too lazy
They made a big stink about how the UN is anti-semetic, hahaha, fucking Americans.
>The UN Human Rights Council has always been a problem. Instead of focusing on real human-rights issues, the council has used its time and resources to bully Israel and question Israel's legitimacy as a sovereign state
bout time, they cant even clean up the shit on that ceiling, how they going to clean up the shit in human form invading their continent?
Next lets revoke all UN staffers immunities
What are the implications? The entire American foreign policy is based on accusing someone of violation of human rights.
Right move for the wrong reason. Rather that than stay though
sweet. Fuck those azzholes at the (((UN)))
Un flat earth in photo.
When will this nightmare end
What is that shit on the ceiling?
That's a good goy.
Wait until Jow Forums finds out the whole reason was because Trump and MUH ISREAL!
Donald Trump continues to demonstrate his status as an Israeli puppet.
You think this administration thinks that far ahead?
>The entire American foreign policy is based on accusing someone of violation of human rights.
and Trump is preventing this from happening in the future
Ya because China.
2024, enjoy your prime years under Trumps administration....
>human rights
Oh no America what?
The amount of globalist shills defending a jewish-owned organization that doesnt do nothing for peace.
Gay guy here, I am witnessing the loss of all progress my culture has fought and suffered for in the last few generations. We deserve respect, especially during this month. First the fucking baker is allowed by the supreme court to deny our rights, now we are leaving the fucking worlds committee on human rights? All of this during pride month, such a slap in the face. As a long time pro pagan pro natsoc pol contributor I am asking my fellow polsters to speak up about this.
lol imagine being such a butthurt liberal you have to pretend to hate jews just to try and flip Jow Forumss mind on Trump. I love it hahaha
We can finally cleanse this nation of it's festering parasites.
Discord raiding again?
Apparently they are having a border skirmish with the Gazans to celebrate.
Dude /pol doesn't belive in America or American way of life anymore. Sad. /pol would lick a kings boot to make Muh enemy cry.
>US quits UN human rights council – 'a cesspool of political bias'
>Nikki Haley says council is ‘protector of human rights abusers’ that targets Israel in particular and ignores atrocities elsewhere
Fucking hell lads, I just love the Trump Administration! How can they be so based?
This will teach the rest of the antisemitic nations of the world - vote for Israel or America will take action!
Such a breath of fresh air after that filthy antisemite B. Hussein Obama defied Israel at the UN and made peace with that filthy antisemitic nation of Iran. Yuck!
get lynched fag
Good Job! Hiding behind the Jews is a time honored tradition.
kek I can't tell if you are serious or not. If yes, get a life. If not, get a life.
Is that the same human rights council the Saudi Arabia chaired?
>Muh Obama!
No shit, our shitposter in chief is a massive human violation
>Obama and Kerry
Made peace with Iran, massively gimping their already only civilian energy -level nuclear program in exchange for no war and opening up trade.
Left Israel high and dry at the UN.
Cancelled the Iran deal.
Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.
'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.
'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.
Withholds PA funding.
Significantly increases aid to Israel.
Fights tooth and nail for Israel at the UN, chimping out with "WE'RE TAKIN NAMES, GOYIM!" when the world doesn't bow to the jews.
Has a jewish princess daughter who counsels him on foreign policy.
Best friends with Netanyahu.
Netanyahu slept in Drumpf's son-in-law's bed (a.k.a. Drumpf's daughter's bed).
Escalates in Syria, actively attacking the Syrian military and killing hundreds of Russians
---also, under his presidency (coincidence? really?)---
South Carolina makes it illegal to criticise Israel
A New York judge (with rumoured ties to Trump) declares that Iran did 9/11
You neocon retard kiddies are just mad at Obama because he was the first president in decades to actually push back at Israeli control of US foreign policy. Of course he didn't completely cut it but he made significant first steps. Now your ultimate good goy orange boomer is in to undo those steps and make sure it never happens again and you rub your dried out half numb willies in joy at that. remove yourselves from this earth.
t. Donald Kike
Next, withdraw from the UN. The globalisation commie pot needs to go.
Good start tho.
wasn't he the israeli jew who stole US nuclear tech top secrets and gave them to Israel, which essentially confirms 100% that Israel is a nuclear-armed nation which refuses to allow UN inspectors and regulators in--something they perpetually accuse Iran of, btw, classic Alinsky tactic.
imagine being such a zionist faggot. Jow Forums IS NOT A TRUMP BOARD you faggot. /ptg/ is just a cancer that infected this board, God willing soon it will be erased from this board.
Good. Why even wait?
I hope the rest of the world kicks the USA and Israel out of the UN.
Who killed Gadaffi?
Who ordered the Drone Strikes?
Who armed Drug Cartels?
Who declared his support for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections?
Who "killed" Osama?
There is literally nothing wrong with Jews.
>being this naive.
Trump is coopting their tactics and using them against the Jews themselves
Yes Obama and co couped Libya. Using air and proxies. No new gorund war, no Americans coming home in coffins by the thousands.
Yes Obama massively upped drones strikes everywhere. Probably played it like Xbox.
BUT...Trump has massively upped drone strikes on top of Obama's. Trump has already carried out more drone strikes in 1 year than Obama did in 8. As sick as Obama was, Trump is 8x sicker.
>drug cartels
been going on for decades buddy. Obama was neither the first nor the last.
>supporting Hillary
first, he prevented her from being pres in 2008. He kicked her ass before Trump ever did, and he did it without memes.
2016? On the surface yes he did support her. He had to...on the surface. But look at what happened on election night. Remember that 4 hour gap between any more states delcaring?
There was a triangle of phone calls going on for hours. Calls between the 3 different camps. Trump HQ, Hillary HQ and the White House. Hillary was grumbling abotu challenging the election. Obama told her not to, said you lost, wrap it up and concede. She wouldn't. Her camp kept sending bad signals. He made her call and said DO NOT CHALLENEGE THIS, DO NOT INTERRUPT CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT. She kept grumbling >muh russia!. He said no, you will not challenge this. Now kiss the ring. She did. No speech that night but officially conceded. After Trump's speech, Obama called Hillary HQ again. He made the staffers give the phone to Hillary. And Hillary said
>Mr President....I'm sorry.
Obama could have chimed in with the Russia shit straight away. He was the president, he could have pulled some emergency shit. He did not. He half heartedly memed it in the aftermath but never made a serious effort. He met Trump in the White House very soon afterwards.
With Libya obviously it was not a very nice thing. But he acted directly in the US national interest. The gold dinar threatened the petrodollar. He's no angel but he acted for US interests - not Israeli.
he was dead already obviously
Imagine wanting to be controlled by a nest of kikes in the middle east. Imagine thinking the battle is about liberals vs conservatives.
Israel is also a jewish owned organization idiot. You defending them is doing the same thing. At least they are trying to fight the jews in some little way, even if it is only ceremonial.
>omg those poor spics
>but what about the palestinian concentration camps?
right move.
wrong reason
fuck the UN
fuck Israel
let them burn together
His liver or kidney or whatever it was.
>if ben garrison was a shill
Because (((Trump))) is outraged other nations don't suck Israeli ass as enthusiastically as he does.
What a disgrace to the murdered sailors of the USS Liberty, and to all Americans.
>Leaving the UN means supporting isreal even when isreal is going to get sanctioned to hell thanks to the US no longer being part of the UN anymore.
They're not leaving the UN you brainlet.
They're still a permanent member of the Security Council, meaning they can still veto all motions against Israel.
They're leaving the human rights thingy as a protest of how everyone else is so antisemitic, wahh waaaaah!
>Yes Obama and co couped Libya. Using air and proxies. No new gorund war, no Americans coming home in coffins by the thousands.
They shouldn't have done it at all
No, Pollard did something far, far worse - he gave Israel the entire set of secrets necessary to defeat the US defenses in a nuclear war, which Israel then bartered to the Soviets in exchange for sending Israel more Jews.
In other words, Pollard and Israel traded the lives of every single American for a few shekels.
If anyone in American history ever deserved execution, it's Pollard.
They will, im going to enjoy Obama and Hillary throwing autistic screechings.
if you aren't American, you really have ZERO rights at the border.