Drumpftards BTFO

Drumpftards BTFO

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Imagine if a Republican had done the same to Obama.

Ugh, I hate how just allying yourself with with the global brown majority and all manner of queers is somehow seen as riotous.

I want jobs, security, a sense that the future will be better then the present.

These people are children.

Uhm you mean VP Joe Biden?

>*raises your taxes*
But I love brown people.

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When all the men are childish immature faggots, who do boys look up to?
What will the next generation be like, when they grew up in the land of effeminate degenerates with no morals?

We missed the opportunity to have a skunk spray a wig and let a little girl with a cold wear the wig. Then when Biden starts sniffing her hair, projectile vomiting everywhere.

Translation: Fuck white straight males

Looks like he has an extra chromosome

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I think allot will become angry and just lash out.

I guarantee you this faggot was one of the first to cry about Trump’s “incivility” and “unpresidential” behavior. Fuck these people.

>caring about what any random faggot on twitter has to say

Get on my level, faggot.

We believe in the power of all people!
>black power
>brown power
>fag power
>wh*te (redacted)

This faggot is going to get #MeToo'd soon. You can see it in his eyes. Have there been any gays taken out by that yet?

Nigger faggot.

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He's still a white man. Someone who isn't banned from Twitter should point that out in his retarded tweet.


I sincerely hope Mike Pence becomes president and institutes concentration camps for trannies and faggots.

this is why we need to start getting rid of these filthy kikes and their lies, look how they treat our elected leaders with no respect, it just proves the Jewish people have no honor, deserving no respect be accorded to them.


trully childish behaviour, ''if we don't win everyone must lose'' kind of dumb line of tought


Bringing out the class and tolerance of the Libshit Nazi party. Keep it up!

Kevin “the next Wayne gacey” spacey was metoo’d

um, sorry sweetie, only were allowed to do this stuff,republitards aren't

Of course he's an atheist.

He lists all those degenerates and mud bloods. He must be a good virtuous person.


brotherly love is kinda homo

>Kevin “the next Wayne gacey” spacey

Look at this duuude...ohnononononono
>grown man lip syncing disney princess songs on social media to virtue signal
An American State representative in 2018 folks

hes actually bretty hot

(((they))) are Sabbateans (aka. Frankism).

> youtube.com/watch?v=vWMxHBuuP6U
> youtube.com/watch?v=D0i6A_fLsN4
> youtube.com/watch?v=n7QXz6hDtxI

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That’s already in the works. The left has made a monster that’s currently sleeping but will be extremely angry when it’s finally woken.

I almost feel they want the white man to eliminate all of them, because the way they are pushing, I can definitely see that happening if the general social climate doesn’t change


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How can a state vote to be represented by a basedboy??

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Wow, that fella sure does seem... Amped up.

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>muh welfare parents are proud of me so i dont have to care about what other people say even though im a politican
god will trump stalinized the military already?

Backlash has already begin. The pendulum always swings back.

>So...get bent, then get out!
a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.


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>blocks your path

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I miss ISIS. Think what they could do to this faggot if they got ahold of him.

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Wow. Stay classy, America.

I hope someone beats Brian until he shits his pants.


söyboy now become basedboy

even here (((they))) are messing

Why is the left so proud of being faggots and degenerates.

I mean, I get it, I can understand not being overtly against faggots, but what is there to be proud of at being a fag? Like people are not proud of being heterosexual, it's just the way they are, so if faggotness is the same as the fags say, why would these people be proud of it?

>Soaring diversity

Who the fuck talks like this?

Anyway, everyone knows Philly is a "diverse" shithole.

>get bent
Is this a rape joke?

Why go to Philadelphia? It's a fucking shithole of niggers and spics.

What are the chances this guy has molested someone in the past?

Yea and we hate you too

>We believe in the power of all people
>Except you, you fucking bigot! Get out!

can't wait for this faggot to beg for mercy claiming that he was a victim.

Big surprise he’s a degenerate faggot

His face screams it.

Why are all retarded blue-check leftists racist? No white people on his list.

>Still has the Shrek hands
This made me laugh far more than it should have

Not white or Christian though
For some reason

>we believe in the power of ALL people
>excludes whites, straights, christians, asians
>tells people he doesn't agree with to leave

So tolerant. So brave

So is he saying "All Lives Matter"?

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>I wish the vice president was more accepting of the LGBT community
>I’m going to act like the most obnoxious, abravise faggot possible, that should get him to like us!

>*flips you off*
thatll get a sensible policy debate going you showed him

Brian Sims is sexy as hell

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so professional.
so tolerant.

> power of all people
> excludes wypipow AGAIN
Fuck commiecucks and shitskins.

First, there's a fine line between Fuckin Jersey and Philthy - like San Franfreako - only filthy homeless and fags live there.
Second we DO owe your kind a big thank you! SO MANY were convinced to vote for Trump and MAGA!

>no mentions of asians

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Imagine were he had this finger already

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faggots btfo

Philly is an absolute shit hole, I don't know what this moron is talking about. He must be one of those faggots who never leaves old city if he actually believes this. I am more sure he is actually not that retarded and full well knows the propaganda he is putting out. Philly is one of the most broke and debt ridden cities in the entire union, brought you to by diversity. Have I mentioned the commercials on TV desperately trying to plead for economic wealth in philly rather than the exodus they are currently experience. They run up there with the whole visit/move to California commercials. I'll leave it you anons to decide what these two regions have in common for being so fucked.

>we're a city of soaring diversity
my dad knows philly a fuckton and he says only roxborough chestnut hill manayunk and center city are the only places you wont get robbed
what are some similarities between these districts?

niggers user
fucking filthy subhuman niggers

notice he didn't say "white" or "asian". just scum and degenerates.

this dude white as hell. what are you on?

even i know philly is dangerous because of nogs

>I want jobs, security, a sense that the future will be better then the present.
I'm guessing you're white.
Look, let me explain it to you in simple terms (so a right-wing cishet white male like you can understand).
That job you want? A brown person wants it more, and he's willing to work harder to get it. He crossed land or even oceans to get it. You inherited it. He deserves it.
That "security" you want? That's just racism. You feel better when you look around and see only white faces. But you know what? That kind of bigotry died decades ago. You're a relic of the past.
The future? It WILL be better than the past... as soon as white men like you accept that diversity is what will make things better, not clinging to a hateful ideology.

And if you can't accept that I'm right... kiss my brown ass, because we're getting our way no matter what you do.

gay jew
why am i not surprised?

>Philly is an absolute shit hole
Completely agree. First time there I saw an attempted kidnapping within minutes of arriving, at 3 o' clock in the afternoon. Historical beauty surrounded by disgusting people.

>Historical beauty surrounded by disgusting people.
I know the feel of the feel, nail on head user and a well deserved (You)

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>believe in the power of “all” people
>leave out whites
Wow, it’s almost like it’s obvious.

Diversity is what makes this city a grade A shithole. Philly fag check in. You're dad is 100% correct. Although there is some healthy gentrification happening in some parts of Philly.

Beyond that. They are insane children.

Call him daddy faggot

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>He crossed land or even oceans to get it
Then he got shot trying to climb the fence.

The city of homo-incestuous male copulation.

>red state

How did we go from the masterminds of forming this republic to electing shitheads?

Gr8 b8 man

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fantastic copypasta

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oh my god. jst imagine if a republican conservative right wing christian did this to a progressive left wing democrate muslim lesbian. don't you think the left wing media would attack the said conservative ? don't you think the left wing media would also NOT attack the said liberal person for dong the exact same act ? just imagine

Philly bro, fuck that and all the niggers ruining Pa.

I hope this faggot’s boyfriend gets raped by a gang of female niggers. lgbtqnation.com/2017/05/pa-state-rep-brian-sims-investigation-alleged-ethics-violations/