How many of my fellow burgers are going to fucking space? I know I am.

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Space force without space crafts (shuttles are shit)

Welder here. They're going to need help grinding all the swastikas and german names off the secondhand fleet they purchase. Plus someone's gonna need to help them tack some dumb little jet engines to the hulls so nobody asks any questions about the propulsion.

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Is space force only for smart people or can a grunt like myself get involved?

I think there's a place for u fren :D

I'm thinking that a great ayys announcement is going to happen in the next following years

Imagine if tomorrow the governments announced that they are among us or in our orbit: shit ton of people would apply for government jobs that are related to them. To prevent mass applying, Trump is opening positions for those truly interested or talented enough

I'm ready, man, check it out. I am the *ultimate* badass! State of the badass art! You do not wanna fuck with me. Check it out! Hey user, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate autists will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle meme phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart shitposts, phased plasma pulse Pepes, 10Ds, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks, ree's...

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10-4, roger that my good man. All fun and intergalactic space games until you get shit-canned because the hot outerspace babe with telepathy catches you fantasizing about tonguing that alien butthole and your busted for mentally raping her.

YFW everyone in outerspace is an SJW feminist.

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>space ship passes over canada
>everything is frozen
>water turns into maple syrup
>coworkers turn into niggers and chinks

Its going to be the airforce satellites edition. Only for smart people. No space marines, no wasting xenos. Its going to be a bunch of nerds looking at computer screens.

Knock it off, fagget

Yeah, because space is such a threat right now.

It's obviously not a front to collect tax money to Trumps friends businesses while you drooling retards are fucking clueless with your shitty memes.


They still janitors and shit though

space literally belongs to us.
every planet rightfully belongs to us.

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hahaha we'll have to worry about literal illegal aliens not just muslims

¿Don't the Chinese and Russians have shit in space? We're supposed to own a majority of space. Fuck other countries. Go U.S.A!

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No u

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I have literally been training 11 years for this era

There's a place for everyone in the SPACE FORCE

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Congress has not approved the space force yet

Shhhhhhh, Space Marine

kek is pic related someones fanfic or something? Because Vahlen a cute

Sadly I am 27 and have a son I must take care off.
By the time hes 18 Ill be to old to reenlist.
I guess Ill just have to die on Terra unless a war breaks out and they have a need for warriors.
Godspeed Anons, I will give you a Roman Salute on the first launch of Space Force.

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Aren't there asteroids worth quadrillions of dollars worth of rare metals flying through space? Imagine mining one of those fuckers.

A space fleet will be built.

How to join Space Marines?

how fucking jaded are pinko peace-nicks that they think being in outer space isn't a life changing experience even if it's to clean up debris?

It's not ready yet, but when it is, probably enlist the same way you would with any other branch.


I like you, you're a smart guy.

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hahha education is costy as fuck

Health care can lead you to bankrupsy

>we building a space de agency

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That's what they want people to think.
When they take 100,000 people to mars, they are going to need space police and space marines for the space government.

Bring it bitches!

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I want to

I think the joke is that shortly before Trump's Space Force comment, legislation about space cleanup was passed. That said space cleanup is definitely a better thing than turning space into a warzone, which is currently considered illegal by most nations because it'd create more debris and probably turn Earth's orbit into a churning mass that shreds anything that tries to pass, which would be bad for space travel and satellites.

>believing in the space jew in 2018

lmfao wake up retards. call me in 3018 when we send robots across the cosmos that we astrally project into. In the meantime, have fun with your eyes exploding when you pass through the radiation belt

The memes keep coming true.

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But earth is a flat realm. With firmament above us.

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We're gonna love to see 40k happen lads