Story related of typical propaganda.
You are some sort of conspiracy nut if you do not want all of the vast number of vaccines they push.
Story related of typical propaganda.
You are some sort of conspiracy nut if you do not want all of the vast number of vaccines they push.
Other urls found in this thread:
Remember back when there weren't big advertisements at all the grocery stores about coming over to get your free vaccines?
Remember when grocery stores didn't even sell vaccines at all, and, like that was something you went to the doctor for?
Remember meningitis?
Meaning what?
No, it gave me amnesia.
The bogdanoffs were arrested today. It will all come out soon enough - the truth about the millions unwittingly injected with bogdabots.
Of course I remember that you fuckin' redditard, I was born in the '80s bitch.
i was
i was
>You are some sort of conspiracy nut if you do not want all of the vast number of vaccines they push.
This. Vaccine conspiracy theorists are the worst.
But if you don't give your kids vaccines they can't go to school with the other kids and could get polio and shit, right? I don't know much about it, but I figure it's better to be safe than sorry? Someone redpill me.
I mean it kinda seems pointless if the left wants to let droves of unvaccinated third worlders in without any vetting because they have unvaccinated brown kids to protect.
Ha...wait, you don't know your kid wouldn't be allowed to go to school unless he was vaccinated?
huh? no I do know that, that's why I mentioned it. Pretty sure you can't send your kid to school unless they are vaccinated.
Basiclly that vaccines either:
cause autism
have mercury/other heavy metals
inject things other than what they say
I a mostly cautious about them, I am having a kid soon and dont want all that shit if (((big pharma))) is in control
I think there is an important distinction between people who are suspicious of vaccines versus being suspicious of the the flu shot. I’m pro-vaccine given that they’re spaced out over a slightly longer period of time, but the flu shot? That’s a bunch of horseshit
so are you not gonna get them vaccinated? My wife is pregnant too, so I'm not sure.
That's a falsehood in almost every case. It's one of those things where they just run a line again and again and bully you into doing it because you won't know how to address the legal basis or care to stand up anyway.
But I don't know why you'd want to consign your child to the public mind destruction camps anyway these days.
>round up the population in tight controlled urban developments
>privatize the outskirts
>only nature allowed is parks/zoos/government allowed spaces
>vaccinate the next 15 generations
>nobody is allowed in or out
Woah a vaccine I ain't putting that toxic shit in my body
>Drinks an entire bottle of cola in one sitting
ive never been vaccinated and im still alive. sounds like a big scam to kill more whites off t bh
Ahh, well you're correct it is mandated. agreed. something is going to kill me and if I die from the flu then it was just meant to fucking be. unless it's some new pandemic or some shit they can fuck off. practitioners get paid to meet quotas, no actual care for the individual patient.
No, it's not mandated. You don't know what you're talking about.
And if your child is in danger of catching 100 different rare dread diseases by sending him to some absolute pig sty of a school then maybe you don't want him there in the first place. Go to the State Department website and they'll list a recommended vaccination schedule for pretty much any country you want to visit. We're talking serious developing halfway 3rd world countries. And you might find like one or two you don't already have if it's your first time going abroad.
yeah and bacon gives you cancer, think I'm gonna stop eating that shit? if you go to california, you can't buy fucking plant tape without a cancer warning sign on it. Almost everything we come in contact with on a daily basis probably contributes to some cancer
Bullshit. Post a picture of your upper right arm. Everyone in the UK has a scar on their upper right arm from when they received a BCG vaccine. If you look hard enough you can see it on absolutely everyone over the age of about 14.
I am very hesistant. I will get some of them, but ones like hep b? No gay sex anytime soon.
>using California logic to make sense of California
Hep B isn't the only fecal-to-oral one. As long as you teach your kid to not eat shit or food grown in literally shithole countries where they literally shit in the fields then you probably don't have much worry about those ones.
But who knows with the kind of people they're bringing in these days.
>48 states and DC require varicella (chickenpox) vaccination (Montana and Pennsylvania do not); and 45 states and DC require hepatitis B vaccination (Alabama, Maine, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota do not) to enter kindergarten. Some states require Hib, PCV, flu, and Hep A vaccines to enter kindergarten. Connecticut is the only state to require 9 vaccinations, while Montana has the fewest requirements at three. Many states require more vaccines as the children age, for example West Virginia requires the meningitis vaccine at the CDC-recommended age (11-12 years old).
I will use their retarded hypo-paranoid logic to justify my bacon habit any day, buddy
That's not a legal document. Why would you cite wikipedia to support your conspiracy theories?
>Story related of typical propaganda
Did you forget the story?
>vaccinesso simple a small pharmacy can provide them
>this is bad, an evil conspiracy
>cause autism
>have mercury/other heavy metals
>inject things other than what they say
Well, lucky none of that is true.
forgot the top of that quote:
>As of Aug. 22, 2014, all 50 states and DC require vaccinations for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis; polio; and measles and rubella (49 states and DC also require mumps vaccination).
fucking kek bro, are you just trolling me or high? I'm a few beers deep so I honestly can't tell
Most states require mandated vaccination, I don't know where you're pulling that they don't out of your ass.
I said grocery store, not a dedicated health related venue. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want anything in a grocery store getting in to my bloodstream.
I'm also not about to take medical advice from a place where the lady at the checkout isle can't even identify vegetables because they don't have bar codes on them.
CDC also recommends circumcision and pays for half the ads I hear on the radio (in partnership with the Ad Council). It's a propaganda agency and little more.
Vaccines don't work. They are all placebos like all so-called modern medicine, none of which is effective. Science is a Jew lie. Kill all the doctors so we can be healthy. Natural homeopathy is the way of health and immortality.
Well buddy, just because we decide they're kikes and are a propaganda machine doesn't suddenly stop them from being a government agency. They dictate the laws, your child either follows these laws or doesn't get public education, which isn't that bad of a thing.
Uncut fag here with a jewish doctor, the look on his face when he did a physical last year is priceless. " that a markless goyim?! MARIAM GET THE SCISSORS"
Uncut is a stupid word to use for it because once you're cut you can't uncut it, but it's not like we know either way. I find it funny that you'd resort to that sort of trolling if you actually had a medical background or knew what you were talking about.
Maybe the problem is that you got one of these public educations, since the only thing that matters is citing state law (which is typically available online these days) because the word "mandate" doesn't even mean anything. Would you like to try to shill harder? What are you even shilling for, anyway?
lol easy on the redpills
theres literally nothing there. i have soft clear white skin, id see a white mark if thats the case
>tfw im not part of the system
i got all the shots and i turned out just fine.
i dont have literal autism, but i do have autism if u kno wat i mean.
at least i dont have polio or all the weird shit the shots protect me from
you should get some more exercise tho that's not going to do you well once you lose your youth
I know, I hate all those people with polio. Dodged a bulled on that one, especially all the unvaccinated 3rd world people who don't have polio.
Polio is fucking rampant!
Shilling the truth is all. I'm trolling now because I told a story about my kike doctor finding my penis escaped the blade of a jew? Okay guy. And unfortunately I didn't even go to public school, but I do have buddies with kids and they are MANDATED by the state, to have them vaccinated PER STATE LAWS, or they will no longer be able to attend school or even go to college. If the truth is shilling then you're truly too far gone brother.
Wait, are you a grill?
I was talking about the CDC, not your alleged personal penis and graphic sexual stories with your jewish doctors. Would you like to reorient your trolling attempts?
post bussy
The issue that most reasonable vaccine skeptics have, and I share their views, is how concentrated the vaccine regimen is from birth - 15 months. The fact is there is no evidence that it is necessary to pack all of these vaccines into an infant in the first 15 months.
I would talk to your doctor, explain your concerns, and ask for the 0 - 15 month schedule to be spaced out as much ass possible preferably over 3-4 years. This will mean more trips to the doc but I doubt that is your main concern.
If your doctor isn't receptive, find one who is.
Why don't you ask him why there's even a 0-15 month schedule in the first place?
Where is the evidence of any of those things? Thanks to vaccines, towns don't get wiped out by small pox and five year olds aren't crippled by polio. Stop watching Alex Jones.
Hey we finally got a resident shill,
literally list mercury as ingredient.
I would like to assert the wonderful fact that my cock is as sensitive as a 7 year old boy as many times as I can in this thread, that's all. As far as the CDC I don't even give a fuck, I just thought we were debating facts vs reality, not semantics. Either way I don't support the shit so we're basically just pissing in the wind at this point, here's some canadian nigger ass to ruin your day. why are leafs such thots?
>5 year olds aren’t crippled by polio
Their unvaccinated third world classmates will fix that
what do you mean by that? atleast im not fat
im a pure virgin
I mean, really: what happens if you don't follow the 0-15 month schedule anyway? What kind of imminent danger would you face? Why does that need to happen at 0-15 months?
What are the dangers? Does he have a conflict of interest if he's found to have not been pushing the established standard of medical care? (use technical terms like that - standard of care - ask him where the schedule comes from.) Put the screws on him. Regular Ph.Ds don't go around in regular life getting called "doctor" but for some reason MDs. do. Do you personally think there is something special about them that elevates them above other kinds of doctors? Or are you even taking your medical advice from a nurse or a pharmacist or just an ad spot on tv or a shitpost on the interbutt?
I mean that you don't have much meat on your bones (meat = muscle) and that during this time of your life you have the easiest and best time you will ever have to pack some on to ride out the next several decades until you die. Maybe it looks nice in fashion drawings and internet pictures, but it's no picture of health.
i went to the dr for a fucked up wrist and before we even got to discuss the wrist the assistant or w/e came in with a whole bunch of 'boosters' and a flue shot on a tray. "hey so we have here you havent had _____ boosters or a flu shot in awhile so we're gonna give those to you"
>LoL no, we're not doing that
that was the end of it. she just said oh ok and walked out
And I also mean that while you might just be soft and supple now that you'll wind up fat before you know it at this rate. It's a terrible cliche to say everybody always thinks
>it's not going to happen to me
while young, but that's actually completely true. You're on track to wind up fat and saggy earlier than people who are more athletic. And I can tell you it's not fun getting fat and saggy while all the other bullshit in life you have to deal with as you get older is also taking up your time and energy.
There's no point in trying to socratic method them. They will just fall back on the fact that it is the recommended CDC schedule, this is standard procedure, etc. They will just stonewall and talk in circles if you attack the legitimacy or wisdom of the CDC.
The better approach, and the time saving approach, is to bluntly tell them you want a delayed schedule and if they aren't on board find a doctor who is.
They must have a lot of free time in that place if they send around a lady with shit to sell like deserts on a platter. Probably only Wall St. has a better cost structure.
Reminds me of same shit with fluoride at the dentist, they think I am crazy af for not wanting it.
Not necessarily. I mentioned the State Dept. schedule earlier, and I went in with an interest in getting one or two that I had looked in to and that seemed like a sensible idea.
I probably got lucky, but my doc was open about whether or not it was a good idea and what the tradeoffs might be. Then again, I went in having done a little bit of my own research and I wasn't there to be bossed around. I'm paying him to share his expertise with me, nawmean?
The Jew vaccinate their children.
It really is just protection.
If everyone is protected, there is group immunity.
That's my point though. You have a doctor that will work with you and try to help you make an informed choice, not all of them are like that. Some of them want to strictly stick to the schedule and try to persuade you to do the same.
Some BCG don't react. If it is the case, the child should be re-vacinated one more time after 6 months.
The Jews sexually molest, torture, and mutilate their children, and then go on to dominate the medical industry with psychotic nonsense and invalidate the Hippocratic Oath while arranging the whole thing with insurance scams so that they can laugh all the way to the bank no matter what damage or death results.
I wouldn't take Jews as any source of authority.
The find another one. If you have a shit doctor then he doesn't deserve to make money off of you.
Correct. I’m almost all state you can sign a school form and refuse vaccinations for religious, personal, or health issues. My Mom has been doing it for my a long damn time. I’ve never had a shot in my life, nor ever been sick.
Where did your mom learn how to do that, in case other moms might want to look into it and see what they think?
I wish there had been a chicken pox vaccine when I was a kid, that shit was miserable and I still have little random scars all over my body.
I'm not sure what issue your'e trying to get at? You think there's too many vaccines in too short a period? How did you come to this conclusion?
I agree, that was my piece of advice to the posters I first replied who who expressed concern over vaccinations
Just don't pick the scabs. I had that and it sucked for a while but really when you're a child you catch whatever shit from school like 10 times a week and chicken pox just means you stay home from school for a while. The earlier you get it the better. It's almost like nature working itself out, like the way people in other parts of the world can drink the water there no problem but it'd give you the shits or worse because your immune system didn't have a chance to grow up with that.
And because you had chicken pox you're now at risk to get shingles. Welcome to the club. I'm awaiting my (potential) first shingles outbreak.
ive never eaten like a pig, and fast and do yoga a lot, i should be fine though.
How do you think I should come to a conclusion as to whether there are too many vaccines in too short a time or not? I don't think that's covered on the State Dept. website, and I've never heard anything about it from the CDC.
Closest thing would be when the Jewish media threw a complete fit during the recent Repleblican primary debates when Trump, Paul, and Carson all merely mentioned it as a consideration. What do you think about getting jammed with a whole bunch of different things meant to provoke your immune system with amplifying adjuvents and everything else? Where would you draw the line?
My mom was born in montana, and has always had a knack for this shit. I asked
Her why she didn’t vaccinate us, and she said she in the late 80’s while she was first pregnant she happened to see a documentary about vaccinating too heavily, too quickly. I believe God just looks out for my family.
To answer your question, just ask the school for an exemption form, sign and cite it. My mom always put personal.
Yoga is good shit. I did something like that for a long time, but ti's more of a compliment than a substitute for physical activity that provokes your muscles to grow. Healthy muscles are full of things like protein and glycogen that the body can repurpose when in duress for other uses to heal itself. If you don't have much muscle, you're going to wind up like my 98 year old grandma who can barely walk with a cane anymore and spends most of her life snoozing in a chair and having early stage congestive heart failure. But not in your 90s but maybe decades too early.
Literally the first result.
"Children are given shots (vaccines) at a young age because this is when they are at highest risk of getting sick or dying if they get these diseases"
What's happening to them at 0-15 months? They're not even in public school yet by a long shot.
Or are you just saying younger people get sick more often because their immune systems aren't entirely developed yet and they haven't had a chance so far to get exposed to whatever baddies are around?
>like the way people in other parts of the world can drink the water there no problem
Do you actually believe people in places with contaminated water don't get sick from it? This s the power of anti-vaxx intellectuals.
>I asked Her why she didn’t vaccinate us
>her answer was she's a dumb cunt
Where was your father?
>What's happening to them at 0-15 months? They're not even in public school yet by a long shot.
Daycare, mom/dad taking baby out with them when mom does chores or other tasks, family/friends visiting baby, babysitters/nannys, etc. Those are a few things that are very common and all of those pose a risk for getting exposed to certain diseases.
>Or are you just saying younger people get sick more often because their immune systems aren't entirely developed yet and they haven't had a chance so far to get exposed to whatever baddies are around?
That is what the CDC is saying, yes.
>The United States has the highest number of mandated vaccines for children under 5 in the world (36, double the Western world average of 18)
>The vaccine schedule for children aged 5 and under has nearly tripled in 25 years. In 1983, the Centers for Disease Control recommended 10 vaccines for this age group. Today, the recommendation is 36 vaccines.
Yeah they have different parasites in the water in different places. You'd know that if you ever been abroad how people get the shits or cant keep food down or whatever. I personally just use a rly k00l little water bottle with a filter element in it and drink away as I please. So far so god, and nobody else who has used it has gotten sick either.
A lot of places really don't even have proper sanitation, so you're opening yourself not only to whatever horrible chemicals but also the all-important fecal-to-oral route that is behind a lot of the vaccines they try to push. Seriously, are we living in a first world nation or a gay paradise where we eat each other's shit all the time from a young age, and import our food from locations where people shit on the food before they send it to us? And vaccinations are the cure for these problems?
All you have to do is stop and think with your mind.
They make the world sick and then they make you more sick to make you less sick. Death is profit, suffering is income.
Daycare at 15 months? I think the money spent on the vaccination campaign would better be spent on maternity leave.
As for the CDC, we have a correlation vs. causation problem. If they don't teach logic in public schools anymore, then we're definitely on the wrong side of the cost/benefit ratio letting our precious children go get infected with horrible diseases to not even get educated. You have to fix the underlying problems, not just add more profitable and ultimately destructive non-solutions.
Bitch, I didn’t mention this was in the eighties while they in England while my father was stationed there with the Air Force. I meant that was the first time she had ever seen anything questioning vaccinations. There is much more to the story If you’d like to here it
>Daycare at 15 months?
And mom/dad taking baby out with them when mom/dad does chores or other tasks, family/friends visiting baby, babysitters/nannys, etc. But yes. Daycare is very common for children below age 15 months.
>You have to fix the underlying problems
>not just add more profitable and ultimately destructive non-solutions.
Are vaccinations actually that profitable? They're given out for "free" (muh tax meme) at the health department (at least the ones im familiar with), most insurance companies flat out pay for them, and if the insurance companies don't then you can easily get reimbursement. I think when it becomes profitable is preventing a disease before it actually happens so you don't have to pay for the healthcare costs of curing the disease once it's acquired.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure after all.
Hear it. And many more grammar mistakes. I’m on mobile
Go right ahead. Maybe I missed the seeds of this story, but I'm always interested to take in more shared experience.
>Bitch, I didn’t mention this was in the eighties while they in England while my father was stationed there with the Air Force. I meant that was the first time she had ever seen anything questioning vaccinations. There is much more to the story If you’d like to here it
Found an interesting bit of info. Supposedly, only 1.8% of the overall profits big pharma makes comes from vaccinations.
>would better be spent on maternity leave.
"Maternity leave" is just another word for "child neglect" just like "daycare".
He thinks preventative care is an evil conspiracy to poison people. He also thinks dirty water doesn't affect local people, he's retarded.
>mom/dad takes the baby out of the house
That's fucking normal m8. That's how babies get exposed to local pathogens. Are you some sort of germophobe?
>underlying problems
schools don't teach, apparently are disease pools according to you. My school taught and wasn't a disease pool. I got the MMR and nothing else. If there's something these days that requires more, then ask yourself why that might be. You have to look for the causative factors, not just apply the symptomatic solutions. This is a big problem with the long-running perversion of the public education system, changing from an input-based idea (teach children) to and outcome-base idea (train children).
And yes there's an entire government fund and court system for when vaccines cause damages to indemnify the vaccine manufacturers while simultaneously putting basically gag orders on the damaged people if they want to take the hush money. Are you really so retarded you think the vaccine industry would have exploded as it has if it weren't profitable, just like the rest of the medical scam? Do you also think scientists all wear white coats and can do no wrong because they are utopian altruists, free from human bias and flaws?
There's this thing called heard immunity, which results from others receiving attenuated vaccines.
I don't particularly like the idea of maternity leave as much as eliminating the income tax and the idea that both parents need to work to support a family in order to double the tax base. But I bring it up because there's no particular reason we should be penned in to the set of solutions provided to us by our (((masters.)))
If this is seriously the creative state of our great civilization and our higher educated then we are all truly doomed.
That is Norway, home of Trump's chosen people. Fuck off shill, Norway has spoken.
What if we didn't bring in other herds? How come the herd immunity talking point vapids never suggest this as a solution instead of just humping the vaccine leg and only the vaccine leg?
Are they incapable of personal thought?
Wait... Burgers get their vaccines in grocery stores? Are you joking?
i was vaccinated as a kid for a the typical, and put on a stock of SSRIs in middle and HS.
No, I'm not joking at all. They hang big banners on top of the store front, put reminders in the window, announce it on the in-store PA system, send out fliers in the mail along with the usual grocery store coupons.
They make money off of it and also get more people into the grocery store to buy other things.
Your kid isn't allowed in kindergarten anymore here unless he's vaccinated. Not that I believe vaccines are harmful but it's yet another way they restrict freedom of choice.