Racist Christians!

Study: Majority of Christians View God as a Young White Male

>A research study found that most Christians imagine God as a young while male.

>The study was from psychologists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and sampled more than 500 Americans.

>“From Michelangelo to Monty Python, popular illustrations have consistently shown God as an old and august white-bearded Caucasian man,” the researchers wrote in their study.

>The results found that of the sampling— 300 men and 181 women--- most chose a younger and friendlier version of God as they looked through hundreds of possible choices.

>“Together, these results help paint a picture of an American God who may not resemble scriptural or historical depictions,” the researchers wrote.

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Too bad they're all going to hell for giving g*d a corporeal form

Did the scriptures described him as brown?

>>The results found that of the sampling— 300 men and 181 women---
hmmm I wonder why 300 American males would view the epitome of power as a young white male? Really boggles the mind, maybe we'll never know!

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No but the left desperately wants him to be. The Jews have more genetics in common with Mediterranean populations than they do peninsular Arabs. There are plenty of people who could pass as white in that region to this day. I like to consider them off white but still it's not the dark brown Juan the Gardener look the left wants to portray. This is the same left constantly trying to define Lebanon as Arab and attacking people who support its now genetically proven Phoenician origins.

>“Together, these results help paint a picture of an American God who may not resemble scriptural or historical depictions,” the researchers wrote.

They are aware that in Christianity, Jesus is God, right?

>And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
>His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
>And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
>And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

And your point is? Maybe that's telling. Do you hate them because their white? Or that they're Christian. Hmm, maybe (((you))) hate both?

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Why wouldn't you view God as the best there is? Who wants to envision god as some stinking nigger.

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This. That's idolatry.

ive never read the bible or was a christian but i know that there's no doubt that god is a male... man was created in god's image and women were made from men. as for white that's not totally clear

God does not have a human form. Neither does the Holy Spirit. That's why the both of them sent Jesus.

>god is anthropomorphic


I like to think of Jesus like with giant eagle's wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk!

so the Jews in Israel was the colonizer?

how come israel is white between all browns countries, even a bit north Turkey is brown

Man was created in God's image because he has a mind, a body, and a soul like God does. God is the mind, Jesus is the body, and the Holy Spirit is the soul.

>liberals knowing anything about Christianity.

who the fuck views god as young

Were they questioning retards? How can someone who calls themselves Christian think God has a human form?

>younger and friendlier

kek, nice slip

Inshallah brothers

Do jews or muslims view god as white?

>Majority if Christians view God as Jesus

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I thought left-wing SJWs hate everything to do with Jesus..

Jesus is an aspect of God, like your body is an aspect of you. But at the same time, you are not your body.

>How can someone who calls themselves Christian think God has a human form?
probably by reading the new testament

God (the Son) gave Himself corporeal form when Jesus incarnated as a human being. Jesus is God. The prohibition against idolatry refers to making and worshiping images.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God. The word "God" doesn't just refer to God the Father.

This guy gets it

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That sample size is an abomination to come to this conclusion. I'm not going to bother even looking up the article to bother checking.

That's an ancient heresy called Partialism that is anathema to all forms of Christian orthodoxy.


God is beyond ethnicity

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>making and worshiping images..

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Yeah maybe if they were some faggot monophysite

This 100%. God is incomprehensible. It’s a force neither good nor bad, free yet unfree, omniscient yet unknowing, everything and nothing.

God is everywhere at once. He doesn't just have corporeal form, he is all corporeal forms. He is a circle with an infinite radius and no circumference. But God is so many things that he can't be human. This was why he sent Jesus to be born as a man to speak directly with his creation and receive the gift of salvation. It was an act of fathomless compassion and love.

>more than 500 Americans
>Majority of Christians

>saving and posting a 280x148 picture

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So the agnostic model

Jesus was from Galilee.

Nobody worships that painting. Pagans make idols with the belief that the spirits of their gods will literally inhabit those idols, and they worship their idols as the literal embodiments of their gods themselves. No Christian regards any image of Jesus or the other Persons of the Trinity like that. They're just pictures.

Moreover, the post I was responding to insinuated that merely forming a mental image of God as a human being (i.e. imagining Jesus) is the same thing as building a physical idol and regarding it as God and worshiping it, which is what the Mosaic Law actually prohibits as a sin.

here some rare

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Jesus was God in Human form
Some people obsess over what his fleshy vessel was like but that is if little importance
His message,his soul and his sacrifice is what truly matter

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No it isn't. Your body isn't just a part of you, it is you and at the same time it isn't you.

Just read The Shack. God is whatever you want to view him as. I still favor the old man look for God.

now i wonder why this japanese not shinto

>Not understanding the concept of the trinity
Shit nigga it's like you don't even metaphysics

Teaching English most likely.

>omnipotent, omniscient creator needs to look like a huwite man or a middle easterner
these liberals are all mongoloids, paolo

In literally every reasonable interpretation of "=", this is a logical contradiction. Are you retarded?

God here.
Can confirm that's what I'm like.

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dear God.. you haven answered my prayer since i was 8..

>i wish to be the little girl

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Unless they mean Jesus, who the fuck views god as young?

That's only because of the Romans

Maybe because Jesus Christ (i.e. the literal manifestation of God on Earth according to Christian doctrine) WAS A FUCKING YOUNG WHITE MALE.

You're right that His ethnicity is of little importance, but it isn't totally unimportant. To step into history as a human, Jesus had a people of His own just like all humans do. That's an essential part of being human. The problem comes in when chauvinists obsessed with ethnicity or race reject Christ because He wasn't from among their own people, which is ridiculous.

Sorry, what you're saying is incompatible with the doctrine of the Trinity as defined by the Council of Nicea. Jesus is fully God.

By referring to Jesus as a mere "aspect" of God, you appear to be advancing (rather than Partialism) a specific 3rd century heresy called Sabellianism or Patripassianism.


Is this your position?

Based Christians not so cucked after all

Romans are the only reason Christianity is relevant.

Weird. When I met him he was a ball of light that responded to emotion.