Why is it that Jow Forums is in love with Taylor Swift. I get it she's a meme and a decent singer but I just don't get why this board loves her so much.
Help me understand this
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I just like how she likes cats to be honest.
Here in brazil only the niggerest and gayest cunts hate her thats why I like her
Jow Forums made me like her more
>blue eyes
>long legs
>wears short skirts or shorts
>not apparently engaged or married
most of /pol is incel and has no friends, dummy
We're not, she's a jew
shes the red. so am i.
Low IQ virgins prostating themselves before a decent looking whore.
Slide thread sage
I want to ejaculate near her cervix.
Because she visits Jow Forums, I wont tell how I know this and what boards she visit, but yes she do it
are you a big guy though
You would understand if you were hetro.
She has excellent genetics and is one of the finest examples of a human being.
She’s the archetype of aryan whiteness in looks and behaviour. A cornball nerd who triggers retarded niggers like Kanye west.
2018: TayTay the Thiccining. Is large Taylor, best Taylor?
>but I just don't get why this board loves her so much.
Because she's classy, hot, and northwestern European. It literally doesn't take anything else to make a good woman.
Explained here:
I am hetero I'm just wondering why it's her specifically.
makes sense