China btfo

The Summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge is online.

For the first time since 2012, the United States is in possession of the world's most powerful supercomputer - Summit has twice the processing power of the Chinese TaihuLight.

Attached: oak ridge summit.jpg (740x561, 74K)

So what do we actually do with computers like these besides compare dick side about how many bits it can process per second?

The most important strategic uses are nuclear simulations circumventing the test ban, weather modeling to unprecedented time scales and granular accuracy, and aero/hydrodynamic simulations for rapid prototyping of military hardware.

Fuck me it has the same retarded green aesthetic overpriced "LOLgamer" PC's have.

It's powered by Nvidia

It would be really nice for anything to do with machine learning, that's for sure. And unlike popular belief it's not only actually used for ai. Like ie regression and so you use that for so many things. From genetics to space shit

>For the first time since 2012, the United States is in possession of the world's most powerful supercomputer - Summit has twice the processing power of the Chinese TaihuLight.

yea but the US doesnt use it for logistics like China does so that means the US can use it to monitor all you dumb amerifucks online to make sure your all ready and willing to die for Israel, hahahahahahahahahaha

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it’s just a bitcoin miner

Paid for by Chinese purchase of us treasuries. USA is doomed.

The dick waving is important considering wumaodang faggots like Zhang here have been shitposting about China's supercomputer dominance as proof of their ascendance of America for six years

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Hey there Tai Ni Dong.

massive parallel computations

Good point. This will likely be used for some type of idiotic warmongering.

>USA is doomed
Nope. We have a supercomputer and they have some worthless bits of paper

Imagine the meme processing power that thing has. If Jow Forums could hijack it we could meme a Trump dynasty lasting for the next 200 years.

Was this designers by Razer?
Why do Americans have such tacky bad taste?

They could have made the back door a bit more subtle, they just dont give af any more.

Shut the fuck up faggot, that looks wicked.

Attached: fagdrag.jpg (250x238, 26K)

it might possibly even be able to compute how big of a faggot you are

Do the chinese ones really look that much better

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>insult china
>"canadian" comes to the rescue
like clockwork

god i fucking hate little bug chinkmen like you, thankfully i already stole/came inside/procreated with a model woman from your country. i fuck her every night and her pink chinese pussy feels great against my cock.

But how many pepes can it store?

Can it run Crysis and Doom?

China is on the downside of growth. It had a little moment in the sun, but it’s falling apart.

... because gamer PC's use Nvidia graphics cards and this was also made by the same company. Why is pol so fcking stupid?

Ah you know China.

They will just copy it eventually.

Sorry that your PC is shit

a really tiny black box would be more threatening, i think

Ah, so thats where the slide threads are coming from. One massive, very expensive shitpost bot.

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>For the first time since 2012
The US has had technological supremacy since the 50s. Just because its not public doesn't mean we don't have it.

The massive enclosures are needed just to hold the numerous components.

Summit is stuffed with over 27,000 of these things

Attached: tesla v100.jpg (913x567, 58K)

Your entire manufacturing sector is gutted. The dollar is going implode. Say hello to 3rd world status.

1. Dick waving for online scoreboards.
2. Researches from universities/gov use them to run programs for whatever they need it for.

Depending who you are you get allocated time to your account and can use that time however and unless you're from a uni or gov you're not getting access to it.

I see JIDF is out in full force once the truth goes up, so does their kvetching.

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The black cube, anons... THE BLACK CUBE

What truth, you dumb faggot?

Yeah, and the mighty Chinese are propping up their real estate market by building endless fields of unoccupied skyscrapers

Attached: ordos city.jpg (980x551, 128K)

Since the other anons haven't answered it to well, here, they mostly do large simulations from weather/geological simulations to predict the weather to other stuff like simulating a quantum realm to get statistics on what could work on that level

This is all BS

Lockheed Martin has a multistate computer in Boulder, CO that makes this thing look like a 486DX


>Summit will deliver more than five times the computational performance of Titan’s 18,688 nodes, using only approximately 4,600 nodes when it arrives in 2018. Like Titan, Summit will have a hybrid architecture, and each node will contain multiple IBM POWER9 CPUs and NVIDIA Volta GPUs all connected together with NVIDIA’s high-speed NVLink. Each node will have over half a terabyte of coherent memory (high bandwidth memory + DDR4) addressable by all CPUs and GPUs plus 800GB of non-volatile RAM that can be used as a burst buffer or as extended memory. To provide a high rate of I/O throughput, the nodes will be connected in a non-blocking fat-tree using a dual-rail Mellanox EDR InfiniBand interconnect.

They can't even use Taihulight properly and it takes about a year to write code for it.

It's more like gunbarrel

Last time I checked you need physical STUFF to not be third world. Your manufacturing sector is gutted. Have you ever considered the Chinese have been intentionally supporting the dollar as they caused our manufacturing to collapse so that they could then withdraw support and watch us die?

> it takes about a year to write code for it.
user.... dont go full retard

So when does Skynet go online? I’m done with this gay earth already.

The Jews have been shipping the factories to Asia but the key mass production technologies and processes stay in the JEWest, this is how the JEWest controls Asia.

Trump want's to bring back the factories and the Globalist Jews are furious because turning Asia into a low-wage factory was a big part of their game.

Whatever helps your sleep at night.

>the Chinese have been intentionally supporting the dollar as they caused our manufacturing to collapse so that they could then withdraw support and watch us die?
That wont happen, china will devalue or cause massive inflation to prevent that from happening. China would NEVER want to be number one economically my friend.

china will just steal it, literally the clintons and bush and obama gave the chinese 20 years worht of r&d

I used to think that was a meme but this webm is from Canadian television, too

Attached: 1483565937123.webm (720x404, 2.68M)

The Jews have nothing to do with the Chinese strategy of collapsing he USA empire without firing a single shot.

re-read what I wrote kike or are you too inbred to process what it says?

One day they'll all be on a single chip, unless we're using space crystal tech or someting

Omg this is a whole new level of self delusion.
The Chinese are so inferior they don’t want to be number One? Lmao


i can finally play Roblox at 4k 144HZ 300FPS

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That's not a super computer. It's a jack booth. You go in that door, insert money, and beat off. Maybe benis slides through hole in wall. Smells like bleach. Sticky floor.

Well in this worthless fucking post here You are apparently indicating that China, unlike the United States, has no interest in using technology to monitor or suppress their citizens.

All I can say in reply to that is thank you friend for your assistance with the June 4th tank man big yellow duck democracy free Tibet Dalai Lama 天安门, I received your encoded message and we'll act on it soon

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What the fuck? I don't remember any of that happening

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>value of dollar goes down
>our debt to china goes down
you're retarded. go buy baby's first economics lesson.

We develop cutting edge VR pornography

chinese supercomputers are shit tho we have always had better stuff than them

computers work better when they have cool lights and colored cases derpy

MAVIS PSV's for project Milorb.

Attached: SRUAV2.jpg (280x208, 16K)

But can it run Crisis?

Cryptocurrency mining

They don’t want their debt paid back. They want our manufacturing gutted. They have succeeded.

Isn't ANDRL run from Oakridge too?

mine potcoin and doge

yeah it looks stupid as fuck

looks entirely photoshopped

Are any of you not AI?

Can it run Crysis?

I am a meat popsicle

If you set the graphics to low, it gets a solid 20fps

I mean it occurred to me that the Summit is AI porn... Just sayin.

Go read Murray Rothbard, Mises, Hazlett, or Friedman and stop deluding yourself before it’s too late.

The West can finally solve the JQ.

"I present to you the hacker known as Jow Forums!"

we dont even have natural intelligence here let alone ai

>You are apparently indicating that China, unlike the United States, has no interest in using technology to monitor or suppress their citizens.
that is correct you fucking inbred kike. Now go follow your comrade and kill yourself like the jew you are.

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wait over 2 million gig then if each node somehow is 500 gig?

E0 - 66

Attached: 51AqPmljuXL._SX300_.jpg (300x292, 20K)

Summit is the name of a strip club here in Johannesburg. Some really cheap HIV infected pussy at that place. But its still a ball.

>>China, unlike the United States, has no interest in using technology to monitor or suppress their citizens.
>that is correct you fucking inbred kike

Holy fucking shit, are you guys seeing this asshole? Is he serious?

why would it BTFO us? most people in china don't really care about who owns the most powerful supercomputer, we just know the fact that's the symbol of technological progress, and it's cool as fucked

They use it to post blacked threads.

Yes but not with chrome running in the background.

Really really modded Skyrim

Used to shitpost pro-jew memes and control the narrative, it's a jidf front. Time to really (((shut it down)))

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Oak Ridge Tennessee?! That thing looks like one of those Escape Rooms you pay to get locked in and find clues to get out.

well the difference is, in china we are not allowed to criticize our own country, but in western you are not allowed to criticize your jew-lords


1080p 60fps Crysis, is finally here!

does it get pornhub though?

Thats what they do there?

Im pretty sure Im somewhat sentient

>compare dick size about how many bits it can process per second
look at this scrub, were comparing floating points

all this power, for what

whats the point of this garbage...... show me increase in internet speed, and then you'd have my attention. 1 GBps internet speed isn't fast enough anymore, we need to go extreme. Make it 1000 Gbps.

>all this power, for what

This one will probably be used for geodesy, meteorology, and bio-mathematics. But many are used so we can keep designing superior fighter jets and other DOD goodies, which is all the shit that keeps USA as the hegemon, and it would be very disruptive if it lost that status.