If Texas goes blue, the US is fucked completely, which is happening soon. Can we stop it Jow Forums? Can we redpill the spics?
Texas is going blue
Kill the Hispanic invaders. Nobody is allowed to live.
putting their kids in concentration camps doesn't really seem like the best way to redpill them desu
Holy kek Le 40% face
>up, right corner
LOL! Looks like condom.
It's a cannon you drunk Ivan.
I live in San Antonio. There's areas here that look like the worst part of Mexico. The higher the number of hispanics the more like Mexico it looks. We have to stop them from coming. It's the only way to stop Texas from turning into a giant left leaning gibs hellhole.
But look like condom.
>Come and take it
Take what? Cock? Cuckstate.
The cannon was installed in a fort in Texas. When Texas revolted against Mexico, the Mexicans tried to capture the fort. Texas said "come and take it" and killed all the spics, and their independence. The cannon and phrase became emblematic of the Texan revolution
So it’s safe to say the “Hispanics are conservative” meme is dead?
Anyway it's look like cock, lol.
> fuck pork
Are you insane fellow Tex-user? Pork ribs = best ribs.
Flip Arizona blue; it's the Californians fleeing their broken mess of a state.
Checked, but beef is where it is at in the Lone Star State.
>Can we redpill the spics?
why waste a redpill when leadpills are cheaper and more effective?
put them all in camps
The average hispanic is more socially conservative than the average white. Voting habits wise, they are a solid dem voting block.
No, no it's not. We do beef brisket, pork shoulder, pork ribs (no beef), and bacon (in everything). Plus, it drives the Muzzies CRAZY.
Texan, can confirm.
Nah, I'm sure it's fine and this won't lose the GOP their votes for the next couple of generations or anything
america will soon be a south american style catholic country
dooose vault
It's the same shit as Muslims in Europe. Reactionaries when it comes to what they want, but they vote for the furthest progressive parties. Democracy is stupid.
the problem isn't just the spics it's the Californians moving to texas and any other red state, because their own state is shit and they want to flip them.
South Texan. Yep, it's funny in a way, espically since they have to put up with the left in the party.
>doesn't really seem like the best way to redpill them desu
You can't "redpill" them, the majority will always vote dem for gibs. The best bet is to encourage them to leave, which the whole kids in concentration camp thing does.
only the legal ones do.
>Can we redpill the spics?
They already are. The problem is the liberal whites from California flooding the state.
WEW lad didn't know Texas was this fucked.
Exactly. Just because they vote dem doesn't change the fact they are heavily religious, hate homosexuals, hate PC culture, hate trannies, etc etc
oh god its california all over again
Texas won't go blue. The only part that's really blue is Austin and that's because of the massive amounts of faggots there.
except this time it's the Californians that will cause it to flip.
you forgot about the part about the Californians moving to it so they can flip it.
>lolbertarian flag thinks its because a few thousand californians move there every year despite the fact that its 40 percent spic
of course
>The best bet is to encourage them to leave, which the whole kids in concentration camp thing does.
The concentration camp thing is bad for us and you know it.
The media are signalling HARD about it and women are soaking it up. Women are a fucking meme all you have to do is show them pics of some beanlet crying and it's game over.
all those dark red counties in west Texas are majority spic. As long as the Texas GOP is cucked enough they won't vote dem.
The white liberals with zero morals is truly the poison to this beautiful state. If anyone ends this place, it will be the liberal whites.
Austin is tiny compared to the rest of the state. You have nothing to worry about.
Catholicism seems to work.
Yeah keep calling them spics, that’s the best way to convince them to vote for you.
The problem is that the white Californians will lead the party further and further left in this state and the beaners will then vote (D) because that's what they've always done and will always do. You see that blue patch in southern Texas? Some of those counties haven't voted Republican since Teddy Roosevelt ran for office. They're also 90% hispanic.
>Those trips
You better hope that this is the future then, or those numbers won't mean much:
Fuck guys, we just aren't being inclusive enough.
Or calling them spics and shitskins. Serious question, are the people in pol mentally retarded?
This are the people who browse Jow Forums user, you cant be this new
Agreed. I'm a CA conservative and being a dick doesn't attract people you want to associate yourself with.
>Austin is tiny compared to the rest of the state
Austin is one of the fastest grown cities in the state and stands at either the fourth or fifth largest, depending. It is also going the way of California cities and becoming expensive to live in, so the poorer libs are spreading the disease to neighboring towns.
Yeah, I'm sure the GOP were right on the verge of winning all those non-white voters who have been voting Democrat for decades. Any election now they would have flipped to Republican if it wasn't for Drumpf!
Spic post
this so much. i cant stand mexicans and their dumbass logic these people are too stupid to be allowed in here
Goodbye wypipo. Your stupidity ensures your race is doomed.
If only you knew how bad things really are
>muh californian refugees are flipping the state
when will civic natty texcucks wake up and realize that spics will never be like them and vote for their own tribe
>Can we redpill the spics?
Hardly but you can let everyone know the Texas Democrats' Senate candidate has a record.
Beto O'Rourke was arrested for theft AND ALSO got a DUI. Got off because of daddy.
your mama is blue cuz i stopped tapping that sweet ass 2/10 concern trolling faggot try harder
Troll thread. Sage. Cruz is winning Hispanic vote, and Abbott is up 10+ points.
>when will civic natty texcucks
When they live near them. The only good thing I can thank Hispanics for is that growing up near them, I never fell for the civcuck meme.
you are effectively nothing but a host to a parasitic state
>no taxation without representation
The fact that you have to beg them for votes means you have already lost
There are some multi generational hispanics in Texas. These typically vote Republican and conservative. The only worry I have is the California communists fleeing their bullshit and voting in their retard candidates. Austin used to be a nice hippie city with its own Texas twist. The faggots from CA started moving in during the 00's and have slowly fucked up all that was nice about it. Fuck california.
I live and see hispanics everyday and I still prefer them over the degenerate white communists in Austin.