Black woman in Michigan tries to claim that her parents' truck was vandalized by evil racists. So obviously fake...

Black woman in Michigan tries to claim that her parents' truck was vandalized by evil racists. So obviously fake. The woman in question is a political activist (black nationalist) in her area.

Attached: racisttruck.jpg (960x720, 121K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The narrative is unraveling in real time. It turns out the truck had lettering all over the back--things like "US is racist shithole" "Black Panthers" etc. The owner peeled off all of this stuff before the news crew showed up.

Attached: kkktruck.jpg (480x640, 30K)

Here's the comment by the local news station:

Attached: usracistshithole.png (555x792, 270K)

How do you manage to get the "hh" but fuck up spelling white? Truly this could've only been a nigger.

All that tacky stick on chrome.

Is the truck about to be repossessed?

Here's a link to the bullshit:

Attached: heybrutha.jpg (500x678, 50K)

>Backwards hail hortler hakenkruis/swastikas

I pray the truth comes out here. These people are slandering an entire community.

Thats the real crime here

What's wrong with wite pride?

Better question is did they start a go fund me page asking for money yet?

Agreed. I find ths kind of shit so reprehensible. These people are making stuff up to smear whites and keep racial tension alive. Fuck them.

Here's a link to the original Facebook thread that started it all this morning:

www facebook com/jiquandajohnson/posts/10160481142220453


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>All those manji
Damn japanese highschool girls, spray painting trucks

Nobody besides blacks spell it like that.
Why are blacks so dumb, Jow Forums?


Attached: gofundme.png (538x560, 363K)


It's comical.
Of fucking course.

See... I can't nigger as well as the niggers do. A go fund me never crossed my mind.
I just don't have the nigger gene and can't think of scams like that.


Attached: thisfuckinguy2.jpg (496x600, 34K)

My first thought was why don't they call thier property insurance company or auto insurance. Nah, immediately try and get free money from the internet.

she's got 3 fund raisers up at the moment.

Attached: lololol.png (921x701, 352K)

>All four tires slashed
Wouldn't a white know how to spell and only slash three tires so insurance doesn't cover it?

Howdy Hortler

Attached: Screenshots_2018-06-20-01-23-41.png (458x240, 197K)


White people can spell "white"

What about the rims that obviously have NO damage to them whatsoever...

Those are some nice (for a nigger) rims

She should have learned how to write white first

Attached: ap.jpg (702x526, 78K)

Jesus, it looks like she started one, donations tapered off, she started another, it took in even less then tapered off, then she spent five months concocting the perfect crime.

Anyone find examples of her misspelling "white" yet?


This is classic shit

Should i donate so i can sue when it comes out she lied

>inb4 she opens a gofundme for her legal fees

factory rims


Attached: 1454565200521.jpg (188x255, 14K)

Oh yea, and Hail Hortler.

>$10k for a paint job and new tires

Wait a minute Scoob..

>How do you manage to get the "hh" but fuck up spelling white?
thought it was a nigger-tier attempt at the SS lightning bolts

Pretty obvious those tires are just deflated rather than punctured.

Meant to be SS

Fuck my shit up senpai you know the american negro to well

If "witey" did it, they wud b lots of broken glass all over the place.

Probably a burning rag in the gas tank also!

Just Sayin!

She probably googled swastika and saw this, thinking this was the correct facing one.

>Implying a nigger knows people other than Nazis used swastikas.

Attached: Screenshot_20180619-203429_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 416K)

Bet the tires were showing tread!


It's not like its hard to understand such a basic creature.

>hey y'all so some racism happened
>starting a gofundme
lmao could not be more fucking obvious

Just think to yourself, "what would I do If i had no tact, class, conscience and didn't know any better and I stole"

Naw dude that was too good. I cant into that thought pattern

That’s black woman hand writing.

Put a bunch of chrome strips on a work truck?

What's with the moon runes?

And falseflag it for internet gibs, exactly!

Attached: spastica.jpg (750x825, 43K)

>Those are some nice (for a nigger) rims

Do you even nig? They take out loans to buy big, shiny rims for their ride that cost more than the vehicle itself.

Am I the only one who notices the way she wrote “g”? It’s the basic black woman way.

Ayo nigga whatcha doin'

>shiny truck
>nice suburban home
>"Community Organizer"
100% sketch. Every fucking preacher in Chicago is like this: parishioners are struggling to make ends meet, and they roll up in a Benz and a suit. He's definitely up to no good.

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"we're going back in... bring bananas "

How the fuck do these people find themselves with houses and vehicles? Seriously. They looked middle class

those are stock Chevy rims, still weren't spray painted tho, lul

bitch should be arrested for grand larceny, wire fraud, being a nigger

was prolly more like saws sticka



Goddam witepipo

>work truck

Could you imagine being the only white male on her street? "Fuck"

Government employment.

as much as I hate the swastika, you could definitely tell a non white person did that, the way they drew it looks like some gangbanger decided to make that swastika hood

Fair. Also buying a full size gasoline truck lululul

>backwards swastika
>hh and not HH

Attached: file.png (500x678, 241K)

Yeah lol i thought it was a bad SS lightning bolts

they always seem to avoid getting paint on them. really activates those almonds.

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Attached: blackrace38.png (962x2179, 976K)

>posting a pic of yourself with the can of spray paint
holy dogshit every time i think they couldn't possibly get any dumber

How is gofundme allowing this racist bitch to commit fraud?


>buys truck
>cant afford maintinence
>self vandalism.mp4

>Jiquanda Johnson

Attached: 1504000972124.jpg (636x651, 39K)

I guarantee it's the kind of paint that is designed to wash off easily and they let the air out of the tires. So...$10K for a washcloth and access to an air compressor.

This nigga needs to get on my level.

Attached: Finnjet_1800.jpg (1800x1167, 614K)

Attached: thumb.png (480x480, 309K)

Backwards swastika, check, Misspelled word, check. Lowercase HH, check.

Sounds like a good idea. Maybe some more niggers will hear about this and decide to try it themselves.

That's not paint - that's that spray snow decoration you spray on windows at Christmas. Fucking cunt.

That's a can of spray pan grease... Why would they have sparaypaint sitting next to olive oil dumbass

Fucking right. Anyone who drops coin to them deserves to be had.

Attached: UPRTljZ.jpg (530x970, 155K)

Why aren't the rims fucked up? I think this is a false flag.

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Those were ss bolts famalam


Attached: 7513.jpg (300x300, 16K)

Hurrah Howie!

that swastika though. 2real5me hale hortler!

Attached: SacG0fi.jpg (363x810, 73K)

>use spraypaint
>go inside to get phone to take pics of what you painted
>absentmindedly place the can of spraypaint onto the counter

also, you can read the can. i know reading is hard for you niggers

>put manji on her parents' truck instead of swastikas
What a dumb bitch.