After four days of being really pissed off at the media's obvious bullshit, this guy suddenly made me smile again and laugh about it. Thank you, based bald soi boi.
Except winning the election is the ONLY way that the rest of Trump's agenda gets passed. Real immigration reform can be enacted or bills improved upon next year with clearer majorities. If the Republicans lose either chamber (especially the House) you'll just have 2 years of absolutely nothing getting done except Judges. Maybe even impeachment.
>A recent report by the Migration Policy Institute, entitled Chilling Effects: The Expected Public Charge Rule and Its Impact on Legal Immigrant Families' Public Benefits Use, revealed that 10.3 million out of the 22 million foreign nationals in the U.S. receive benefits from at least one welfare program funded by taxpayer dollars. Additionally, 54.2% of foreign national children, age 17 and younger, are granted welfare benefits. The data also showed that 46.3% of foreign national welfare recipients are adults, age 18 to 54, and 47.8% are older than 54.
>MPI examined a leaked draft of an executive order that would deny green cards to individuals who use public benefits, or have relatives who do. The report goes on to explain how the Trump Administration's Public Charge Rule would reduce the number of foreign nationals on welfare, cause a decrease in immigration levels, and make it more difficult for foreign nationals and their dependents to be eligible for welfare benefits.
>"Although it is difficult to estimate precisely how many people would alter their behavior in response to the proposed change in public-chart policy, if immigrants' use patterns were to follow those observed during the late 1990s there could be a decline of between 20 percent and 60 percent -- and that even some members of groups exempt from the new rule [e.g. refugees] would likely withdraw from pubic programs."
>More than 10 million foreign nationals live in households that receive government-funded welfare benefits, including Medicaid, TANF or SSI (cash) benefits, food stamps and/or Social Security benefits.
>select all squares with cars or hit next >there aren't any >select some street sign >it accepts it Dumb Captcha. I've waited a small portion of my life for this exact moment.
> >Recent data, released today by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), revealed that the government granted amnesty to 53,000 illegal aliens -- 7% of all DACA recipients -- with existing criminal convictions under Pres. Obama's DACA executive amnesty. Of those criminal aliens approved for DACA, 10 were granted status despite being arrested for murder.
>Additionally, the DHS report revealed that almost 8,000 more illegal aliens ended up with criminal charges after they were granted amnesty through the program. The data also show that of those criminal DACA recipients, 31 were charged with rape, 500 allegedly committed sex crimes, and more than 2,000 were arrested for driving while intoxicated.
>"You have to have a conviction. You can be arrested a whole lot of times and get DACA," USCIS Director Francis Cissna said in a Fox News interview.
>According to the report, more than 1,200 DACA recipients were granted amnesty, despite having between five and nine arrests on their records. Another 24 were granted amnesty, despite having been arrested more than 19 times, and regardless of the severity of the crime.
>The report's release comes as the House is scheduled to vote on the Ryan Amnesty plan that would grant amnesty to at least 1.8 million illegal aliens. Because the Ryan Amnesty, like DACA, allows illegal aliens with criminal charges to still qualify, it would enable illegal aliens with multiple arrests for crimes to be eligible for the amnesty. It's all documented
Nolan Roberts
Yea, they're NPCs or people possessed by demonic forces and the love of money and pleasure.
Christian Smith
all of europe was silenced when the EU activated its meme laws
>>"illegal immigration is bad because it hurts inner city blacks" >I'm tired of this shit. Republicans can't win the black vote. Stop pandering to them. its about winning the recucklicans not about winning the blacks directly
Ian Watson
The win condition is different. Dems need black votes. Reps win if they don't vote D.