What do you have to say wh*te boi?
Jow Forums BTFO
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Let the millennials pick their own damned avocados.
Fuck avocados and anyone who eats them. I hope they cost $100 each tomorrow.
Sure, lemme know when the wages reach a level in accordance with the work. Until then we can import avocados from Mexico for pennies. No need to stress California's water table even more.
Go pick your maple leaves you fucking Canuck Cuck
As if I would help to poison my nation
Not an argument Amerimutt ;)
>we are leftists and we support the workers
>think of the poor business owners that can't hire cheap labor anymore
>tfw no more guacamole so illegals leave willingly
I believe this is the sound of scared niggers that are afraid of being put to work in the fields again
lmao that day will come soon when America goes down the shitter
>What do you have to say wh*te boi?
It is necessary to exterminate any pollutants to that threaten our economy or gene pool.
That is all.
The way people defend modern day slavery is mind blowing
>can't employ illegals and pay them barely anything
fucking whites lmao
>Sure, lemme know when the wages reach a level in accordance with the work
lol you're pretty stupid
Time to end the welfare gravy train and get Americans off the fucking couch and back to work.
>finally acknowledging immigrants take jobs (34% of CA workforce is foreign-born)
>doesn’t acknowledge immigrants depress wages
I’ll work that shit when it pays a living wage in (((current year)))
Except that’s bullshit. Maybe in California they rely on illegals (figures) but most farmers import Mexicans legally for this shit. They come in legally on temporary work visas. They get paid pretty well too. Anybody can help these farmers out too but the reality is nobody wants the jobs and they’re not the ones illegals take from us
>inb4 all these jobs suddenly get filled by rural and suburban retards
>Trump literally gave these people jobs
>paid pretty well
Are you fucking joking?
time to raise wages and offer benefits, if you have to import slave labor from 3rd world countries to survive you shouldn't be in business.
Force welfare niggers to pick fruit for gibs. Problem solved.
That's what we have niggers for.
These articles just confirm the reason why some states/countries are friendly to illegal immigration.
Their industries have become reliant on cheap labour.
How can't more people see through this fake outrage?
Less guacamole for the illegals. Win win.
yeah sure idiot and white people will take those jobs as soon as the employers raise wages to a proper level
> Hiring illegal immigrants.
> Don't need to advertise for workers.
> Illegals being deported.
Jeeze, it's almost as though illegals have been taking our jobs, but libtards are trying to spin it the other way and point the blame at murricans for not wanting the jobs in the first place.
They do. Twitter is a bot fest that only brain dead Bolsheviks believe. They'll feel the bite of the rope of the slave lash, one way or the other.
>Now the wages for avocado pickers will need to rise to attract pickers
This is somehow bad
I suggest putting registered democrats on slave plantations to pick fruit until they die of heat stroke
I say that brown people should be slaves. God wouldn't have made them niggers if they weren't supposed to be treated like niggers. No whites should work in fields.
This bitch is so dumb. No one wants these jobs because they pay like shit because they were able to hire illegals under the table for 5 bucks an hour.
Now that they can't do that anymore, they'll have to raise prices so citizens will take the jobs. Weird how that works...
how are there not robotic farmers yet?
>democrats making up reasons why the new niggers, spics, should be their crop pickers
Whiter than you, Xiang
I remember making fun of Chazzy Bono when it’s housekeeper was deported. It was really pissed when I said stop crying over the loss of your slave labor.
When you've got a really shitty job to fill and no one applies you've got three choices, pay higher wages, make due w/o it, or hire an illegal immigrant.
no it was a statement, dont be dumb.
Who cares? You don't put that shit on cheeseburgers.
There are still immigrants here that are willing to do the work for pennies. Do you honestly think that if we deport all non-whites, that these jobs simply won't be done? No, wages will simply have to increase to attract workers.
There's plenty of homeless people in LA and SF that are able to work so maybe stop giving them handouts and make them work
That's BS. I lived in an agricultural community for years and no one ever posted any jobs anywhere. Farmers are land jews that just want brown slaves so they never advertise they are seeking workers.
You ever notice how much farmers chimp out whenever there's an immigration crackdown? They're panicking because they'll have to pay workers a fair wage and pay payroll taxes! Actually, no, nevermind, the government will literally pay them to do nothing
I'll just write a quick script to harvest them. A million times more efficient than doing the job by hand, and being a software engineer gets me a nice comfy six-fig salary
That job is for the black people, they already have experience.
N-n-no Seriously Whitey's.. you better apply for those jobs.. I haven't had my Avacado Toast and Onions milk for like 3 days.
to dems the illegals are modern slave niggers.
If fruit picking were really the only jobs they take then I wouldn't complain. However, I'm at university and I'm wondering why ever cafeteria worker is an ESL person. Why is construction filled with ESL spics? Why are there so many ESL cooks, cleaners and lawn care people. When I was a kid in the 80's and 90's, gas stations and liquor stores were owned by americans. Americans seemed to be able to do these jobs I don't see why we need foreigners for them now
time to reposess the farms and kill the people employing illegals
>pretends to be leftist in OP
>brings up that Americans are mutts six posts later
Australians are shitposters on purpose, Canadians are shitposters because they genuinely can't do anything right.
B... but... they told me they were all future doctors and astronauts!
>demands $15 an hour state-wide
>business that previously paid illegals less is struggling to find labor
>"look wut you did nazis"
you still need operators though, farm equipment can't work itself
I've always had them in my home, why is this a meme now.
> Democrats want their slaves back
This /thread
Sign me up?
i would but aw shucks im on the other side of the country
Continue ejecting beaners and automation will take over. Avocado are not a necessary foodstuff and waste enormous quantities of water to cultivate.
>Whiter than you, Xiang
Not an argument, lmao the absolute state of Burger education
>Do nothing
>Force California to live up to its technology reputation and innovate a solution
Necessity is the mother of invention. We cannot rely on slave labor forever.
Remove socialist doctrines and capitalism will fix everything.
Bullshit. Whites don't NEED those jobs. Whites who aren't pieces of shit already have good jobs.
If you are White and fail to make it in the US, an hero because you suck.
If that's what you America going down the shitter I got a 2 bedroom apartment for you to share with your drug dealer and wifes boyfriend.
Fuck off liberal scum.
>mfw there aren't any working-class whites left in SoCal.
This is weird on so many levels. Imagine trying to say white people are bad racists for NOT wanting immigrants to be taken advantage of so they can provide slave-wage labor for upper middle class white girls to have the privilege of buying a green fruit for cheap prices. I'm beginning to think that lefties only just say what ever shit pops into their head in an offended/snarky manner, add some buzz words or the insinuation of those buzzwords (racist, Hitler, nazi, etc), and no matter how nonsensical it could be they just hope that the right wing person is spineless enough to cuck on a certain issue.
We can sell it to the beaners for inflated prices to bring money back into the states.
You're right Mr. Shekelstein. Tell'em how no one will ever pay more for Avacados!
all i heard was 'ching chong ching chong'
speak engrish Liu
>fuck Republicans for trying to destroy Unions that force companies to raise their wages or adjust the standards for their workers
>fuck Republicans for not letting us import Beaner slaves to work on our Democrat plantations
Maybe the farmers should hire more people with shorter shifts, instead of expecting them to pull 16H days while shitting on produce that later gives faggots and liberals ecoli?
Especially when you have filthy brown mexicans touching your food. Fuck that.
highly underrated
I don't care if avocado farmers go out of business
Fucking THIS. Welfare niggers should be working on our parks, our roads, and whatever else we tell them to do if they want food.
>white people
Hold up. Black unemployment is higher than ours
Notice how this nigger only said "white people" because she knows that niggers are welfare babies and refuse to work.
My cover has been blown o noes.... ;(
Why can't the toilets be cleaned by lower class whites?
Oh boo fucking hoo, was your life hard because you're brown buttercup? Get a fucking job as a minority hire. Every company I've worth with or for in the last 10 years is looking for some.
Why is racism against whites tolerated on twitter, but if you are right of John McCain you get shadow banned?
>need for 10k seasonal farm jobs
>tens of millions of immigrants flood in most going to welfare immediately.
Heaven forbid we create an avocado picking machine. This was the same exact argument the cotton farmers of the confederate states (who were democrats mind you) used to justify slavery.
And let me tell you something, I like to larp as a leftist because it's funny how you faggots get so triggered under my threads lmao
noone cares about dumb avocados
He should join a Gap Year company and get European teens to work for him for free funded entirely by money they saved before flying over.
Because techies were all geeks and faggots in the early 2000's and now run every news org and social media site.
The whites that do that need to hang. Same if they hire them to remodel their bathroom or do their lawn
Actually, he's right. A lot of these "jobs no one else will do" are temp jobs anyway. No reason to genocide ourselves just for a job that exists for another couple years.
They will increase wages to attract workers or their farm will fail.
Why are techies cucks and masochists? I thought they were libertarians?
Some are. They stay quiet though.
I literally have an interview w/ I.C.E. next week. This bitch better hope all of her papers are legit.
Someone tell this bitch that it’s not whites who are most hurt by illegal immigration. It’s the people at the bottom — namely unskilled black workers. They’re the ones who get squeezed out by illegal immigrants.
Sweet, I work with I.C.E on a regular basis. The NJ guys are based.
>oy vey how will we ever suppress wages now
Except you probably contribute to the closest thing Jow Forums has for reasonable discussion. There are too many retards here to have genuine discourse and it all gets lost in a sea of shit. At least your shit is still political.