Ultimate Question

Choose your Queen Jow Forums

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Only time I vote left


good choice senpai

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Them some ugly old hag whore bitches.

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Right. For God, King and Country!

T. Galician diaspora

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The one of the right.

Not even a contest

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Nuestros amigos 56-porcentajeños no pueden dormir tranquilos.

The queen of Spain is a former peasant journalist who managed to give Felipe the succ and know is living the meme.
In Catalonia we serve a life long sentence under the Spanish state and its army of goons.

gawd damn


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bless me father ive been having unclean thoughts about the first lady

Get that shit out of here.

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The look almost identical now(but also too old) but Sophia did used to be kind of pudgo.

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Why not both?

Have you said your prayers to our Princesa today?

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