What are the chances of Mexico ever becoming a world super power?

What are the chances of Mexico ever becoming a world super power?

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Very good! Genocide the Mexican people, import some decent folks, and time.

0%. USA has controlled North and South America since the Spaniards left. Don't believe the bullshit media. Venezuela and Cuba were the only ones to say fuck you to USA, and look how they turned out. Mexico will always be ran by the CIA, making $$$$ off of the cartels and corrupt politicians in Mexico.

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About the same chances as Saudi Arabia electing a woman leader.

0 unless we neutron bomb it

We will win the World Cup
That should give you an idea

somewhere between siesta and cerveza.

i love the hate.

Its always funny how the gringos lose their shit on mexicans but you keep eating tacos thuesday.

lmao waht is it no more tacos and nachos? or you will ban it too?

Fucking incels.

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If located elsewhere in the world they could probably reach regional power status with some time and development.
Located right beneath the United State of America? Not going to happen. The US would invade before they would become a military threat. As would any hegemon.

i'd like my tacos prepared to authentic standards by people trained in food safety, paco.

i'd be glad to ban burrito trucks and 24hr mexican joints, everytime i go there i end up with eye watering diarrhea because you brainlets don't know how to wash your hands properly. admit it, you spit in the gringos food, we all know it happens.


Socialist Non-Asian countries can become super powers?

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The amount of Mexicans already here is plenty to satisfy taco demands. We can eat tacos and stop more of you from coming here. Spiced meats, cilantro, onion, and salsa is not rocket science.


LOL see how child like these mother fuckers are?

Muh food

You’d be surprised by how the world realigns after trump collapses the dollar.

When the inevitable beaner majority votes to allow Mexico annex the United States.

I just want mexico and africa to become amazing places to live so all the niggers and spics will go home and they would. They have a sinfull pride about where their race originated from.

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>but you keep eating tacos thuesday
Your bait is gay

if we continue to let them take over the US? chances are high.

Yeah, sure Billy, but meanwhile the worst of my people still stealing you your "yabz" and "wymin".

>Literally a lucky strike

Yeah, sure, pendejo.

>Facebook meme

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That can happen with good leadership

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If they went back to their old gods? 40 years.