Who else has realized all presidents are puppets?

Who else has realized all presidents are puppets?

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i just wet the bed

That's not fair. He's not a puppet just because anybody can convince him of anything at the drop of a dime.

Who is the one controlling Trump?

Sage this slide thread
Type sage in all fields

A puppet can have it's strings sabotaged or outright cut. Surely if just one of those string errode it will feel better about itself?

not Trump. why do you think (((they))) are spending billions trying so hard to defeat him

Magafags love their no text posts with a meme image they found on ptg. If you don't realize the entire electoral system is beyond rigged, and the NYC billionaire real estate agents with kike children isn't controlled by jews you're probably one of those gen Z the_donald retards that have ruined this board.

Jews, just like every single other president.

good question let us discuss who it is

fuck you puppet pals 4 lyfe

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If (((they))) wanted to defeat him they would have never given him ANY media coverage (like with ron paul). Trump simply plays the part in the dialectic. The jews invented both post-modernism and the (((alt-right))).

Hillary wouldn’t have been a Netanyahoo puppet. She would have stood up his toxic masculinity and we would have done away with Israel and Putin’s Russia. Drumpf supporters will never admit this.

If Jews were controlling him what's the purpose of having other Jews and their followers constantly attack him on everything?

>Only leave UN Council when Israel tells him too


The real question is when did you realize that Trump is also one?

took me a while haha

the syria bombing and the immigration shit

to control both sides, frame the debate, and thereby control the entire decision making process

you ask who is pulling the strings? Greed. Greed is pulling the strings and the puppets will dance for money no matter what

Before the election, people were waking up the JQ in staggering numbers via the internet. They realized elections are a scam and that the entire government works against them.The kikes were afraid and did what they always do to hostile movement, they coopted it. They gave the "right" a character, gave him constant media coverage, and convinced everyone that he was an "outsider" that was going to defeat the "system."

Now everyone is neatly back into their republican/democrat divide and fighting over inconsequential issues that are only symptoms of the JQ. Isn't it weird that the country seems to ALWAYS be divided 50/50 politically? I'm sure it isn't fabricated at all.

The thins that ACTUALLY matter, trump hasn't touched. You have no idea HOW DIRE things are and how quickly we have to act to reverse our complete genocide. "Triggering le SJWs xD" means nothing (unless you're still in high school).

So joining up on some right wing movement would be what the Jews wanted to have happen? What's left for anyone to do?


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syria bombing was the final proof
and a dozen others after and retrospective before that

Megramon Kro'kaz

Ecclesiastes 3.14. It is what it is.

bullshit. I live in a major liberal city, witnessed the debates live on TV in a class full of libtards, and they loved watching Trump during the debates because they thought he was so stupid and would crash and burn. the same media effect was to give Trump more media air time for ratings because people thought he would crash and burn from his unscripted comments. most of the stuff he would say about corruption would fly right over all the libtards heads. Ron Paul was bad for TV ratings. The jews did create post-modernism, and the alt-right, but Trump was created before the stereotypes. pic related, it was a joke he was running. once he picked up steam and won some primaries, (((they))) got scared. Even FOX news hated Trump until he was the only GOP left. (((they))) shilled so hard for Jeb, spent billions on Jeb, failed. (((they))) then spent millions on Rubio, failed. (((they))) even spent millions on Cruz, and failed. Trump is not one of them, this why (((they))) shill against him nonstop.

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1783 Crown Temple States incorporation, owner is the British crown.
1913 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA incorporation is printed on the Rothschild owned dollar.

These are your owners:
Stanley, Morgan, Goldman, Kuhn/Kohn/Cohn/Cohen, Oppenheimer, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Spencer-Churchill, Stuart/Stewart, Planck, Smith, Jasper, Levy, Palmer, Gordon, Moore, Fitzgerald, Kennedy, Noble, Bennett, Forbes, Beresford, Bancroft, Barclay, Cabot, Higginson, Adams, Baker, Coffin, Cooper, Delano, Gardner, Otis, Quincy, Rice, Bush, Lehman, Tudor, Sassoon..Shermans, Clarkes, Royces, Lindsays, Raffles, Robinson, Pratt, Bartlett, Abraham, Guggenheim, Loeb, Strauss, Sach, Lazard, Seaf, Goldman, Schiff, Morgan, Schroder, Harriman