Why is it that some here (mainly pagans) say that Christianity is promoting submissiveness...

Why is it that some here (mainly pagans) say that Christianity is promoting submissiveness? It seems to me that "Christians" who are doing this are often left wing. That being said, I'd like to see why pagans think this and why Christians think this is not the case and Christianity is not against self defense and nationalism.

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>Matthew: 5:39

>if somebody hits you, say sorry and let them hit you again

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But there is also a passage where Jesus tells people to buy a sword. I get the feeling that that passage was about being better than your attacker. That's just my take on it.

All the turn the other cheek banter. How it's more righteous to die without sin than defend yourself and in doing so sin by killing for instance.

Christianity was an acceleration zone for European civilisation exactly because it stopped pagan cultures from considering every one else around them as enemies who's deaths would bring them to glory in the eyes of the gods.

So what is your philosophy or religion, out of curiosity.

Christianity is a decayed version of itself. Turns out there is a bit more to the faith than "turn the other cheek".
>Christianity was an acceleration zone for European civilisation exactly because it stopped pagan cultures from considering every one else around them as enemies who's deaths would bring them to glory in the eyes of the gods.
This is very true. There is no Europe without Christianity. Christianity bound Europe into Christendom.

inb4 Christianity caused the fall of Rome

>fall of rome
That's an argument I hear a lot, could you tell me why people think it exactly and why it's wrong?

Believe in whatever religion you want, I don't care. Personally, Ima Christian, but I have no ill feelings toward pagans or atheists. We are all united by white blood. That's what matters.

The slap across the face was an insult in those times. Reading this as promoting pacifism is anachronistic.

My understanding is that it comes from Gibbon's "Decline". His idea was that Christianity morality usurped Roman morality and led to Rome being unable to defend herself. It doesn't work though because Rome was already falling and there were dozens of other factors. It may have been a reason buts its impossible to claim it is the primary reason for Rome's fall. I'd say immigration, mercenaries, a decayed aristocracy, and a dilution of Roman culture all played a role.

I'm a non practicing Christian. Agnostic but if I'm working up a high enough mast I start talking to the Christian God.

There's also something to be said for defending others versus defending yourself. You'd have a hard time finding a Christian who would decry violence in defense of an innocent. Jesus himself said we should drown people who harm children.

The best part of "christianity" is white european culture. The actual book and jew values it teaches for really shitty, lefty hippy drivel. Only by cherry picking and rose-tinted glasses can you say otherwise desu

Yes, I think you're right. It was about being better than a bully, not refusing to fight injustice. Also, the Bible lays out an equality of spirit, but it does not forbid recognizing natural structures like nations or ethnic groups, so long as we recognize others in Christ and help them if need be. Also it seems that people are using Christianity to promote free handouts with no rules, which also seems to be a misrepresentation. That's how I see it, anyway.

>Also, the Bible lays out an equality of spirit
Not really. Romans 9, Parable of the Talents, Judas Iscariot. The Bible does not support equality of anything. Even in heaven we will be rewarded differently. Equality is the gravest heresy the Church currently teaches.

So, in regards to "leftie" values, what would you say they were? Can we not simultaneously respect one another in our religion while recognizing different groups living in different places?

What I meant was equality in judgement IE a faithful poor man would be chosen over an unfaithful rich man, that's all.

The Bible is nationalist as opposed to globalism. There is nothing supporting political globalism to be found anywhere in the text. Its actually the opposite. The Bible condemns Babylon, Babel, and Nimrod all for pursuing a globalist empire.

Absolutely. I just wanted to clarify what I understand the Bible's position to be regarding "equality".

You seem to have good arguments against the leftization of the Bible. Tell me, how does this affect you in talking with pagan European nationalists, are they starting to understand your views?

Galatians 3:28 pal

Egalitarianism, humility, shame, slave morality


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>slave morality
What to you is different in paganism, I genuinely want to know.

I only come across pagans online. And for the record I really like European paganism. I don't condemn my ancestors for following it. Although there were certainly excesses but paganism was dying as all things die. St. Paul puts forth the idea that when pagans acted according to the law (loving your brother, honoring god/self, being a good due) without knowledge of the law they were rewarded for it. There's a really good passage in this book called "Race Life of the Aryan Peoples". Gonna see if i can track it down.

he had syphilis

>And the city has no need for sun or moon to shine on it, because the glory of God illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its lamp. 24By its light the nations will walk, and into it the kings of the earth will bring their glory. 2

Nations are maintained even in heaven. The entire Bible is filled with references to tribes and people groups. Christianity, Judaism,and Yahwehism are all blood cults. You can't responsibility deny the importance of lineage, tribe, and group culpability in the Bible.

Do you think personally, even as a non-Christian, that some Christians are doing the right thing for their nation.

Why do so many people ignore this?

Christianity worships a dirty rabbi who goes around roman judaea preaching about how he is the son of the jewish god and the real messiah. He is pissed that the main jewish cult (pharisees) has fallen from what he sees as how the jewish religion should really be reformed and expanded to all peoples. He spends most of his time hanging out with the dregs of society in poverty, idolizing the weak and needy. He appealed to them by telling how you don't need to feel bad about being a loser, you can just pray and go to heaven.

Meanwhile in "paganism" (there are many different versions, I am an odalist) there are many heroic myths Gods never cuck or aspire to weakness. These are also oral traditions of my people, not from the middle east.

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Christianity is the anti-jew.

We were taken over same as our aristocracies, merchant class, land owners, and artists.

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Its uncomfortable.

For there are many rebellious people, full of meaningless talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision group. 11 They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach—and that for the sake of dishonest gain. 12 One of Crete’s own prophets has said it: “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.”[c] 13 This saying is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith 14 and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the merely human commands of those who reject the truth. 15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. 16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.

Someone who hasn't read the bible detected

Who did Odin sacrifice himself to?

No it was so that he'd be surrounded with armed men to fulfill a prophe y of Isaiah. Just crack open your bible its explicitly stated, the swords had nothing to do with supporting violence.

> But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

He told that to his disciples and told them to stop when they brought him two. The point of the swords was to make them look like bandits and outcasts as was prophesied about the messiah, not to defend themselves.

Luke 22:36-38

To me the pagan religions certainly had heroic concepts, and should definitely be remembered for that. But I also think that paganism didn't establish a direct connection between people and God, whereas in Christianity, Jesus Christ is the link people need. I would in no way support forgetting the accomphishments of pagans, but I think there is a reason Christianity took hold, Also you seem to be arguing for mediocrity being promoted, I think Jesus was trying to help those people, not tell them that their ways were right. Remember him saying to the woman he saved from being stoned "sin no more." Essentially I see Christianity as the natural next level of heroic values in Europe.


That is silly, God's cannot be killed. At best they can suffer pain like your God did on the cross. Odin still lives

The new testament and Jesus is the foundation of Christianity.

Himself to receive the runes that control the Universe

A god is only as powerful as its worshippers.

>Jesus calls out the Jews, His own people, for their corruption and hypocrisy
>they kill Him for it
>They kill His disciples
And yet this is somehow a Jewish trick? The Jews don't care about odalists. To them, pagans are just more stupid goyim untermensch.
Christians, meanwhile, are an eternal reminder that God Himself became Man and revoked custody of his Kingdom from the Jews. They are welcome in the covenant if they accept Him, but they do not get special treatment simply by virtue of being Jews.
>Gods cannot be killed
Yes. Pic related. Last time I checked, Odin never conquered Death Itself.

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Jesus gave himself over to be brutally executed by a bunch of religious fundamentalists who couldn't handle him saying it was ok to do stuff on the Sabbath.

Why is it that Abrahamic religions have a habit of labeling everything that isn't Abrahamic as paganism? It's one word to describe thousands of different religious belief systems.

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Ok. Just wanted to see what you were about.
This is what I was concerned about.
Jesus is also the culmination of the Old Testament.

>promoting submissiveness?

This begs the question, promoting submissiveness to what?

To God and his virtues like temperance and charity? Guilty as charged.

Neopagans are basically parroting Nietzsche’s criticism of Christianity (resentment, slave morality, inversion of values, etc). The thing is Nietzsche himself had a shitty understanding of religion and history - he formed his opinions by observing a form of Protestantism that had been heavily influenced by humanism, which was itself more Lucretian than Christian. Scheler goes deep into this and takes down Nietzsche breddy thoroughly, if you're interested look up his book Ressentment

Yeah I believe that too

I don't hate christians or christianity, if only some passages could be erased that would be great, or if the religion had originated in Europe. I just can't get behind it

Jesus said he came to fulfill the law, Jesus preached mercy and kindness. Do you even lords prayer?

The church has lost all of it's masculine energy. Christians ideals are inherently feminine. Charity, Egalitarity, Compassion and forgiveness, while admirable, are only sustainable under a patruarchy that is willing to defend their adherents from foreigners with ill intent.

When Rome laid down the sword and when the Anglicans became divorced from the Monarchy, and thus his military, Christianity was forced into a suicide spiral which attempted to live up to it's own ideals in a world that would not hesitate to seize on these weaknesses to snatch global hegemony from them..

The extreme of feminine energy in Christian culture, which is devoted to subservience and self sacrifice, is as doomed as a tribe committed to an extreme of masculine energy that has no identity without constant fighting, war and death. Christianity is not sustainable without a ruling Patriarchy willing to break the rules in order to uphold the ideals.

Different strains of Paganism have a lot of similarities. Even the Abrahamics share a lot of similarities with the pagan religions. The true path has always existed.

I just looked at the story and it bears a striking resemblance to Christianity. Perhaps Christianity already appealed to the previous heroic values which is why it spread.

And are to be kind and to show mercy. But that doesn't mean we abandon our principles. And that is why we form a state to do those things for us. The Bible is very clear that Kings operate under a different set of rules.

Very true. If the typical Protestant Christian learned how much of their religion was plagiarized from about a dozen other pagan belief systems and didn't put up a wall of denial their faith would be broken. The dying man-god is a recurring them in world religions.

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"Turn the other cheek" doesn't mean be a milktoast doormat. It means not holding on to butthurt. Priests, monks, and kings were also soldiers, and many are canonized saints
>Edward the Confessor
>Joan of Arc
>St. George
>St. John of Capistrano
>St. Ignatius
>St. Theodore the General
>St. Olaf
To name a few

But isn't there evidence to suggest that Christianity is actually supposed to have both masculine and feminine. Forgiveness and sacrifice, but also war for just cause. Just food for thought.

so we should drown god, who sent bears to maul children to death for making fun of a kike

That a legal interpretation to you big J man?

Really the real reason people fucking loath christianity in pegan threads is the family before me = burn in hell shit the bible constantly pushes. I doubt it would get much revilement on pol if not for that.

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>be Norman Rockwell
>tell everybody it's fine if niggers invade every single fucking facet of our lives
Gee, thanks Norman.

Doesn't really matter. Everything is a symbol and symbols are both true and false at the same time.

How should we treat the evil? Faggot.

You submit to Yeshua and semites words.

>The dying man-god
That's an interesting observation. I've seen youtube comments where a person claimed Christianity was bigoted and had a "pagan man-god"

I am of the personal belief that the old pagan europe and its maritalism was highly masculine. As the poster you are responding said, these societies were a bit too chaotic (perhaps, then again perhaps not as in the case of Rome, although Rome never really reached the levels of pagano-christian europe). Christianity obedience nature mixed with the pagan martial spirit of europeans created excellent results.

War for a just cause -- that is nowhere in the bible. In fact any attempts to really justify violence is bound to fail. When the Pope called for a crusade, that was entirely unchristian, but no one really cared. Play fast and loose with the scripture, keep our culture. I've met fundamentalist christians, and they are fairly massive cucks

The entire point of Christianity is to become "like God".


I agree, "turn the other cheek" is about forgiveness, which I suppose would be a type of temperance.

The pacifistic interpretation can't hold up to other passages from the gospels or bible. Namely Jesus using violence to expel the money-changers and his instructions to his disciples to buy swords.

Chrstian's of the modern era are just simply fully realizing the cucked values that are inherit in Christianity. Before, only the clergy could understand the bible and they specifically cherry picked and read to the masses the parts that are positive for civilization. Now, that people can read the whole thing and extrapolate anything they want from the Bible, the full degeneracy of Christianity is being released on the world. Basically, we can no longer bring back the traditional aspects of Christianity because the common man can read the Bible.

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God became man so that men might become gods

On another note, Nietzsche’s obsession with the hyper masculine was probably due to the fact that his father died. Black Americans, who are fatherless, have the same experience

What about how Christianity in the Church Fathers era was at least half Platonism? People forget how much easily Christianity slotted into ancient Greek thought.

european christianity is a relic of a time when christianity was used as a way to a) conquer people, ostensibly to "save" them, and b) keep untermenschen subdued by the promise of a blissful afterlife.
the new testament really does promote submissive behavior, but most free european christians don't act on this because it's retarded. paganism is the true nature of our collective unconscious mythologized. european christians act out the "pagan" archetypes that are embedded in them without even realizing it, and post hoc figure out a way to justify their actions within the framework of christianity.
the abrahamic religions were not made for us and are holding us back.

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I have no problem drowning god if the shit he did in the OT is legitimately true and he doesn't publically apologize for it and accept punishment for his wickedness. The issue here is that you wish to punish evil but provide your parasitic kike god immunity from his own flagrant sin.

That's nonsense. The degeneracy of modern Christianity rests solely on the shoulders of the schism during the Reformation. Luther made every man a priest and opened Pandora's box.

>Everything is a symbol

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big brain posts

It's funny how both Episcopalians and neo-pagans seem to think troo Christianity is just shitliberalism.

nice indulgences you got there satan

Are you sure these values are not actually egalitarian in the sense of today's left and The Bible isn't entirely being misinterpreted?

What do you find so distasteful exactly? I'll give you a nickel if its something that would stand out among Israel's neighbors.
Do you actually believe in the pagan gods or do you where it like hat? Or do de-mistify them and use them as symbols or Jungian archetypes?


That's pretty much what I am referring to, the Reformation basically destroyed Christianity forever.

That doesn't mean modern liberal values just happen to be inherent to Christianity. It just means that a book written over 1500 years has a lot of ways to be interpreted. You can justify any political platform using the Bible if you have a mind to.

The Catholic Church seems to be imperfect as well, there were indulgences in the past and of course today's ultraprogressive strain of Catholicism.

>we should give god immunity from punishment because hes not doing anything worse than any other bronze aged human being
how about your awful false dichotemy can get fucked?
if you want some really good scripture examples open the bible and read it cover to cover. if god does anything you would kill a man for doing to your own family for you can count it, if you want the real truth, you watch this video.

t. I didn't know Jesus told his followers to antagonize Roman soldiers into committing extrajudicial punishment so they would get in trouble without repercussions

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How is it holding us back if, as you say, Europeans still act out on pagan archetypes?

>Now, that people can read the whole thing and extrapolate anything they want
Both sides do this, even back when slavery was common the plantation owners justified it by using the Bible.

Cool examples.

Its not. Christianity is always seen through lens of the local culture adopting it.

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your welcome
I'm sure you'll spend a long time actually going over them instead of just ignoring them because they require an actual time investment to use your brain as something more than a bible rest.

Dude you example was "the entire bible".

So, in your view, are we following the true religion, or are we adapting it? Or is our adapting it the true religion?

You're asolutely right that there is a theological argument to be made there, but that argument lost. The only sect of Christianity, that I know of, that has maintained any aspect of that is Eastern Orthodox. But EO are slav-centric and western Europeans conveting to EO would just be submitting to Russians instead of Jews.

I identify as a Christian but western churches are lost. It is time for a new reformation.

I also linked a video.
either are fine.

Check those digits!

But why adhere to something that can be so easily interpreted as totally anti-civilization cucked degeneracy? It seems stupid to rely on a dogma that can be so volatile and easily manipulated. Too me, it would be better to create a totally new set of beliefs and morals, that are explicitly, pro-civilization, pro-European, and totally anti-other.

>create a totally new set of beliefs and morals, that are explicitly, pro-civilization, pro-European, and totally anti-other.
You think it would be easier to create a new religion from scratch? Good luck.
I believe Christianity, properly practiced and understood, is the purest visible form of the true religion which would be union with God.

i don't, and i think even the concept of an archetype is a bit too mystical to be taken literally. we will probably one day be able to isolate the genetic causes of peoples' behavioral tendencies, but i think archetypes and mythology will always be useful as guides for becoming who we are.

because we are hampered down trying to justify our actions in a framework we did not create or define. we will not be fully actualized until we reclaim our heritage and the lessons that go along with it.

I would agree. You seem to be knowledgable about the subject, so I want to ask: Have you noticed that there are many who say Christianity is anti-property/proto-communist, while other memes (I've seen) say that "JudeoChristian Values mean only caring about money IE capitalism) Have you seen this trend?

It's already been done by the Jews, social and cultural engineering is a real thing. Either by subtle manipulation by controlling the media and cultural trends, or by total brain washing through reeducation camps, communist style. Humans are inherently venerable to suggestion and if one has the will and the resources, people can be intellectually conditioned to believe almost anything.

Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life.
Praise be to the Father above, Amen.

That's why there is such a disconnect when pagans and Christians interact. I'm under the impression most pagans (especially right wing pagans) don't actually believe in their gods and use them as a political tool.

I should also add that they ascribed the term "JudeoChristian" as opposed to "Christian"