The guy in red is English and the guy in White is Tunisian
British, not English.
Carthaginians were white north Africans. England has been colonized by sandniggers and Africans
im going to beat the shit out of anyone who replies to this post
He's not English
Come fight me nigger 210 King St, Alexandria, VA 22314
Fucking hell the Tunisian looks white. A descendent of ancient Roman/Carthaginians who lived there perhaps?
Whiter than you Atiba
Oi you got a loicense for them fists m8?
i started watching the game late and was rooting for the white team because i assumed it was England.
Both look the same.
Quite a few berbers have red hair actually.
That's a pretty comfy looking street bro
Quintessentially English
The town was established in the 1730s and it's VERY serious about mantaining its heritage and style. Very nice place to live if you can afford it. There are so few places like it in the US. 10/10 would recommend
Come at me you limey faggot I'll kill you with my great big ass dick
This is a world cup thread so no Welsh, Scottish or Irish. Come to think of it what are burgers and leafs doing here, don't you have the world cup of ice hockey to be getting on with?
Luring brits to the wrong part of town I see
I thought the same thing too I laughed when I realized
True, Us leafs only have have the winter Olympics where we wreck house each Time and set records... Just leaf things ya know
>all americunts
im gonna take back america whilist i am at it
Both are non white