> Dems spend millions of dollars hiring the best media engineers and messaging experts in the entire world to push their platform across multiple mediums in a coordinated fashion with total support from almost the entire established corporate media system > Gets destroyed by habbo hotel trolls who elect Donald Fucking Trump president of the free world
Spreading hoax horror stories about the Constitution Camps is a goid idea, not only will it make the Left look retarded for believing them, it will undermine their entire tactic of using stories like this. Bonus points if you recycle Holocaust stories with a few changed details, when they say the story is too absurd to be true you can call them a holocaust denier.
Is the left actually arguing that arrests shouldn't happen anymore because kids can't go with their parents to adult general population detention centers?
>saving the Potatoes from an eternal Nuclear winter >taking them in as your daughters >raising them in a normal healthy environent >taking them /out/ often so they can learn to enjoy it >having them graduate school >marrying them off to some nice conservative boy >becoming a grandfather to their potato children >NEVER >EVER I miss Fall 2017. It was pretty great.
Just listened to Howard Stern today....when did he become a bluepilled soccer mom?
Muh Drumpf Muh Youtube Muh video games
Benjamin Butler
>Working out >Girl is doing stuff near the free weights >Need to do dumbbell stuff so go over there >She immediately leaves to another part of the gym when I go over Why is it so hard bros?
I've never seen an inner city school that looked that nice.
I wonder how black people feel about the outrage their handlers are showing for cheap labor but not for them. It hurts to be tossed aside for the new hot thing, doesn't it? Makes you feel vindictive and fills your heart with motivational rage.
They want catch and release i.e. open borders again. They're not trying to hide it anymore. I'm the biggest idiot on the planet and even I've figured this out.
Looks like the rec room of a Chruch youth group. A nice church youth group. I'm glad this deflates the democrat rhetoric, but I'm pissed that we are wasting money on this shit and yet a wall is an unfathomable expense.
I got a question. Does the facility where they hold the illegal kids really need a chain-linked fence? These kids should be thankful they get to taste burgers.
Justin Martinez
So THIS is what the Jews went through under Hitler? Absolutely inhumane.
Delusional as fuck. You're greatly over-estimating how many people are buying this literal fake news garbage spree.
Jacob Diaz
Just found out about the Stormy Daniels sex cult stuff. I've seen the pics and I don't really understand the specific cult or why the K/KR matter, but I'm inclined to believe her scar matches. And a pornstar being in a sex cult isn't too big of a stretch. But my training in persuasion leads me to believe this is my own confirmation bias and any counter argument will be rationalized away due to cognitive dissonance. What do ya'll think, /ptg/? Was Stormy Daniels in a sex cult?
>Juneteenth, also known as Juneteenth Independence Day or Freedom Day, is an American holiday that commemorates the June 19, 1865, announcement of the abolition of slavery in the U.S
Jack Campbell
Juan Perez
Start meming it, then. We don't need them to vote Republican, but if we can get blacks to stop bothering to vote for DeMS13, then we win.
Benjamin James
Nope, can't be. No cages in site.
Tyler Lee
They don't care about guns anymore, they've moved on to muh chillrens
Liam Ramirez
Sometimes when you are near an attractive girl you feel all nervous and you litterally have to move away to calm yourself down. Maybe its was the same for her because you were so powerful, confident and attractive. BTW, I had a lot more success talking to girls in gym if you go at atypical hours (aka 6am) because there's very little people and it feels natural to talk when theres just 2 people there.
Chase Smith
One of these things takes too much after her father
Dylan Ross
>Was Stormy Daniels in a sex cult? Just a gang, goy.