1. They are separated to determine if the people taking them across the border illegally are actually their parents or some kind of human trafficker going to sell them as sex slaves to some rich pedophile in Washington.
2. No separation occurs if the crossing occurs legally. If they simply present themselves at one of the 18 legal crossing checkpoints, no separation occurs.
Back to point 1, human trafficking and smuggling is a HUGE fucking problem. Many children are kidnapped solely because having a child with you gets you a free pass in to the USA. Whenever someone crosses illegally with a child, there's no way of telling if that child is actually theirs, or if the child was kidnapped for an insurance policy in case they were caught, or if the child was kidnapped and is being smuggled as part of a human trafficking ring to be sold off.
The separation MUST occur to find out because if the child isn't questioned away from the "parent" or "hostage taker" whichever it may be, the child is not going to tell the truth. They will be intimidated by the kidnapper who will have told the child they will be killed or their parents killed if they do not swear that the kidnapper is their legal guardian. Once they are separated and the child can be put at ease, given food, and water, gets to sit and watch cartoons in a comfy processing station, etc. they will be more likely to overcome any fear they may have of the kidnapper and tell the truth. Especially after being questioned multiple times about things like how long they have known the kidnapper, where they were born, how many siblings do they have, etc. They can cross answers with the kidnapper even if the child is too scared to tell the truth and see if the stories and answers match up.
The democrats and media pushing so hard against the separation are essentially advocating for human trafficking to be made easier. The Elites are going apeshit because it's going to be harder for them to purchase and rape children.
THE PRO SEPARATION ARGUMENTS ARE LIES: Pro arguments: >It's to deter illegal crossings, if we separate children from their parents then they are less likely to cross >We separate American citizens from children when we send them to prison.
Both of these are weak arguments meant to make the separation seem unjustified. These are the only arguments you are hearing the pro separation side make. They are ignoring the human trafficking side for some reason despite being the sole reason it is being done.
William Martinez
>can't even read op Sik Logistically this would be one of the reasons this is done, but it would be nice to have a source. Also would like to add that this push seems incredibly forced.
David Brooks
Has anyone successfully blackmailed illegals for anal sex? Asking for a friend.
Kayden Williams
>can't even read op I wrote the OP. Not sure what you mean by this.
>NIELSEN: The kids are being used by pawns by the smugglers and the traffickers. Again, let’s just pause to think about this statistic: 314 percent increase in adults showing up with kids that are not a family unit. Those are traffickers, those are smugglers and that is MS-13, those are criminals, those are abusers.
>There is a lot of misinformation about what D.H.S. is and is not doing as it relates to families at the border. And I want to correct the record here. Here are the facts.
>First, this administration did not create a policy of separating families at the border. We have a statutory responsibility that we take seriously to protect alien children from human smuggling, trafficking and other criminal actions while enforcing our immigration laws.
>We have a long existing policy — multiple administrations have followed — that outline when we may take action to protect children. We will separate those who claim to be a parent and child if we cannot determine a familiar or custodial relationship exists. For example, if there is no documentation to confirm the claimed relationship between an adult and a child. We do so if the parent is a national security, public, or safety risk, including when there are criminal charges at issue and it may not be appropriate to maintain the family in detention together.
>We also separate a parent and child if the adult is suspected of human trafficking. There are cases where minors have been used and trafficked by unrelated adults in an effort to avoid detention. And I’d stop here to say in the last five months, we have a 314 percent increase in adults and children arriving at the border fraudulently, claiming to be a family unit. This is obviously of concern.
Gavin King
>And separation can occur when the parent is charged with human smuggling. Under those circumstances, we would detain the parent in an appropriate secure detention facility separate from the child. What has changed is that we no longer exempt entire classes of people who break the law. Everyone is subject to prosecution. When D.H.S. refers a case against a parent or legal guardian for criminal prosecution, the parent or legal guardian will be placed into the U.S. Marshals Service custody for pretrial determination, pursuant to an order by a federal judge, and any accompanied child will be transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services and will be reclassified as an unaccompanied alien child.
Bentley Sanchez
Another source from the Attorney General. This is all the proof you need, Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General.
I need help bumping this thread it destroys the narrative the media is using and if we want to win this fight and if we actually care about children we need to explain to the masses why they are being separated. No one in the media for the separation is explaining it using the actual reason.
Jayden Campbell
Why the fuck is no one in the media even mentioning this?
Asher Thompson
I honestly do not know. The only pro arguments I am seeing are which are weak as fuck arguments. The first makes it seem like it's some kind of spiteful defense "oh you crossed our border, now we steal your kids!" and the second is a borderline logical fallacy. I guess it kind of makes sense but it's implying the reason they are being separated is because they are being punished when it has nothing to do with punishment and everything to do with preventing smuggling of humans, namely children, to become fodder for gang members and pedophiles.
Jeremiah Campbell
you need to create infographics
post em on here and they'll go to twatter
Christopher Gray
>St. Petersburg and Moscow Literally the only two cities in that hell-scape you call a country people can actually name, much less give a shit about. Between the dumb mega cities like Austin, Seattle, Portland, NYC, Boston, Dallas, OKC, Houston, Sacramento, San Diego, Tacoma, etc. etc...I think we can stand our own against, well, the thing you call a "military".
Not creative enough to do that the best I can do is spread the truth as it is.
Jaxson Reed
look around you, we aren't penetrating any kind of discussion, I'm a fucking degenerate dyke with no leadership skills, you can have my bump but with me and a few other faggots here while kikes play us like a fiddle getting people to knee jerk into troll threads while handing out the dullest wooden axes money can buy? we're fucked, I cant think of a single thing to fix pols ginormous inability to see the bigger picture.
you fucking nogs are supposed to be better than this,
Live at the border, (((THEY))) are going all out to stop IG report from spreading!
Jonathan Cox
Daniel Jones
okay fine i'll do it for you
i'll post it in here if the thread's still up. if not i'll spam it here for the next few days
Landon Smith
Thanks Mexibro this affects you even more than us as its the children of your nation that are being plundered and trafficked for evil people to abuse them.
Michael Rogers
I'll spread it all over Jow Forums if I see it. For now I'll keep remaking this thread over the course of the days and weeks until this issue is no longer talked about in the media.
Michael Smith
Also make sure you include the sources listed here:
Mason Butler
yeah i will
Samuel Bailey
>We will put you back on your place. you cant put the peanut butter you used to get your dick licked by dogs back, ruskie.
Oh, and were 340MIL strong with just as many guns and more than 16 trillion rounds of ammo...soo you cucked munchkin ground forces are DOA and then its up to your 80 yr old technology navy and crash test air forces...LOL...
Leave while you can, cuck. You wont make it within 1000 miles
All I can do is spread the word so that's what I'll do.
Joseph Perez
No. This is the line in the sand. Semantic Arguments and Blame Games cannot be allowed to get in the way of what is happening here. The largest superpower in the world, regardless of its current political composition of government, is currently operating refugee concentration camps along its southern border, separating immigrant and asylum-seeking families from their children, and initiating deportment proceedings at which point they may or may not return the family's child.
This is Fascism. This is Racism. This is Institutionalized Terrorization of a Refugee Population. And yes, there is absolutely a group of people that are primarily to blame, namely the Republican Party of the United States, currently led by President Donald J Trump.
But until those jackbooted would-be Hitlers are removed from power--by votes, by force, by fucking revolution if necessary--we are ALL party to its occurrence, whether you have a fucking job to go to in the morning or not.
Kevin Edwards
Bump. I have crossed the American, Mexican, Canadian and many European borders with my young children, so have my parents and ex. EVERY time I get notarized copies stating the travel dates, destination, address, the kids relationship to who they are travelling with, my permission and contact info etc. Out of about 29 trips, only ONCE was any of us asked for the info, crossing at YVR from Vegas. My ex wings it sans letter to Seattle regularly and has never been asked for documentation beyond a passport. It makes me sick at how easily people LEGALLY cross borders with kids with no one batting an eye. I for one, am glad that these kids are being protected and that a concerted effort is being made to literally save them from a life of torturous hell. A few days at a daycare centre is nothing compared to what they could be in for.
Gavin Scott
There is no excuse for illegally crossing when you can legally claim asylum at a legal crossing and not get separated
Xavier Ortiz
Yeah, those refugees from uh, what was it again? The thing they seek refuge from? Anyway, I'm sure it's a much more pressing concern than human trafficking.
Brayden Allen
Both of you are correct. >2. No separation occurs if the crossing occurs legally. If they simply present themselves at one of the 18 legal crossing checkpoints, no separation occurs. Yet no one is stating this in the media. The media is presenting the argument that every child and parent that crosses are being separated. They aren't even honest about it being people who are crossing at illegal crossing areas. The right isn't even pushing back on that point either, they're just putting up weak arguments as to why it's okay.
Jose Allen
Keep it up OP. Is shillcon 5 today and normies need freedom from the media hypnosis. God walked along us. He bled for us. We have a duty to repay as much as humanly possible.
Michael Cooper
So does this mean that ICE used to be run by agents of the pedos, which is why the media never cared before, because they were doing their jobs very poorly? And that now it's been replaced and being run entirely by people who want to rescue kids instead of buy them? I can't quite understand why this is happening just now, when this is a decades old policy that's ostensibly always been a good thing.
>Implying they are better off down here than up there as sex dolls with their rich white masters Seriously tho, anyone who has ever been to Mexico and hasn't seen AT LEAST ONCE A DAY a child begging for money or selling candy or used as a pity tool on the street hasn't really been to Mexico.
Jaxon Myers
Keep spreading this.(( They’re)) just trying to keep the IG report out of the spotlight.
David Foster
I will forever repeat: this shouldn't even be a fucking discussion. The important thing is to stop illegal immigration. All this nonsense spouted by literally every liberal retard is a coat of paint trying to mask away the real problems. They always focus on treating symptoms, not the disease. I just can't believe it.
>imagine fighting the cartel when 9 years old. Just do it.
Liam Campbell
(((They))) Have gone full crazy for Midterm and blocking ig report!
Dominic Brooks
Laura Ingraham is actually talking about the human trafficking element and is interviewing Border Patrol agents who are talking about it. Finally someone in the media is talking about it holy shit this is the first time I saw a defender of the policy bring up human trafficking.
Jose Hall
I wonder why the news media can't tell that side of the story?
>or some kind of human trafficker going to sell them as sex slaves to some rich pedophile in Washington.
Anyone got sources on the asylum seekers not being divided or the focus on human trafficking?
Also bump
Colton Stewart
maymay's almost done -- i've finished the part to convince average joe, now to add in some choice quotes and links on the left to convince the harder-to-please readers, a picture and spiff up the formatting
not a bad idea to use some leftist sources for it and use leftists rags to argue against leftists
Logan Kelly
Everyone already knows this. Nobody is buying this shit. NOBODY. If they were, they wouldn't drag out every tool they have within 24 hours. We are now immune to the dramatics and they have nothing left. Wait until these interviews provide the ammunition requited to drag these traffickers out of the holding cell and on the front page of every social media site. The President is well aware the traffickers were coming and separated the children to create this. It's beautiful.
Parker Russell
Grayson Cook
Pretty good. Only thing I have issue with is the part about holding parents hostage. I am sure that occurs but I think kidnapping is more common, as well as parents giving their children to smugglers to be taken to relatives and then the smugglers never take them to relatives but instead sell them off to MS-13 or pedophiles or whoever wants them.
Daniel Miller
>The separation MUST occur to find out because if the child isn't questioned away from the "parent" or "hostage taker" whichever it may be, the child is not going to tell the truth. They will be intimidated by the kidnapper who will have told the child they will be killed or their parents killed if they do not swear that the kidnapper is their legal guardian. Once they are separated and the child can be put at ease, given food, and water, gets to sit and watch cartoons in a comfy processing station, etc. they will be more likely to overcome any fear they may have of the kidnapper and tell the truth. Especially after being questioned multiple times about things like how long they have known the kidnapper, where they were born, how many siblings do they have, etc. They can cross answers with the kidnapper even if the child is too scared to tell the truth and see if the stories and answers match up.
That's pretty damn irrefutable. Too bad it will just swirl around in this basement and never get traction.
OR JUST SEND THEM ALL THE FUCK BACK... seriously are you guys pussies.. sneak into china.. good luck faggot. sneak into north korea.. HAHAHAHAHAH
grow a set of fucking balls you absolute pussies. this is liberal bullshit media. attempting chess.
>>becca heller on tv.. HAHAHAHAH KIKE
Evan Gonzalez
a fucking jew on tv talking about some brown guy being amazing.. COAL BURNING JEWS . nuke israel.
i'm a white man in my 30s.. i've been told since i was 19 that i'm a horrible person because i'm against homos trans shit all that shit.. i'm strait.. and i'm white.. and somehow i have an advantage.. WHILE NIGGERS GET FREE POINTS on sats, and CHINA BROs lose points.
feminist should be shot in public.
Benjamin Anderson
Logan Myers
english kike do you speak it?
Grayson Mitchell
Revolt then you lefty bastard, see how well that goes
/thread closed THIS IS THE KIKE SHILL TEAM LEADER. eat a dick you faggot
Henry Nelson
what did he mean by this (wdhmbt)
Carson Reyes
I couldn't care less as to why they are separated. They just need to go the fuck back and stay there
James Robinson
Austin Harris
OP is attempting to RP the Left and prevent a civil war that needs to happen >there has to be a way to distract the entire US population so that those who have been booted out of everywhere historically can either avoid getting more than their feelings hurt or escape to that most magical, holiest of holy GPS locations in the middle east where the US has a non-extradition treaty which serves to assist those that have been chosen by none other than God himself, to avoid accidental exposure to Goy laws >any reference to MS-13 does not reference the Mossad on US soil so just stop it, user
can we gas this kike yet? The Opposition with Jordan Klepper
Camden Davis
Spoken like a bonafide faggot.
Cameron Edwards
>accuse the other side of that which you are guilty >british started the world war and poles were genociding our people, trying to cut us from our port city
As much as I hate the appeal to the safety health and care of these fucking invaders, propaganda like this will be useful to assuage the emotionally weak.
Dylan Allen
Course, most cases are not reported. I mean who wants their face fileted.
The children aren't the invaders. Their parents are. Not that I give a fuck about the children either, but their parents are to blame. We have both the moral high ground and established law on our side. The left is morally corrupt on this issue but they are presenting their argument so that they look morally justified and the right looks morally corrupt because no one is talking about the human smuggling.
Kevin Lee
Sex toys for the Rich, i'm good with this. Throw them back after their done please
Eli Baker
>hello, cartel adoption services, this is Pedro. How can I help you, senor?
>the children aren't the invaders Yes they are, you sympathetic bastard. If they come in, are given citizenship, they'll be joining La Raza, and slinging drugs with the rest of their kin given a decade or two.
Grayson Howard
least we can read this at night with the amount of glow in the dark cia nigger this copy and paste is. heres a (you) for your trouble for this and all other threads you put this in
Dylan Cruz
grammar nazi in another thread had me change "been... eaten" to "been... fed"
I'm not an advocate of them coming in I'm an advocate of them being booted the fuck out along with their parents.
That doesn't change the fact that it isn't their choice to come here. Children don't just cross borders on their own, they do what their parents drag them to do. Just because I can recognize it's not their fault doesn't mean I want them here. I don't, and whatever happens to them is the fault of their parents not the fault of the USA.
Hunter Johnson
I love the fuhrer Trump
Jaxon Sanders
just think, you lot laughed at AJ when he said they were turning walmarts into detention centers. (and that was during Obama term, btw.)
Austin Peterson
Nolan Nguyen
now you're blaming Obama era detention centers on Trump. Make up your minds, you troubled waters.
Nathan Hughes
Put some stats in there. of the missing mini taco benders.
d1 = inactive_pending_cases[n] - inactive_pending_cases[n-1] for n = 2009 to 2017 d2 = d1[m] - d1[m-1] for m = 2010 to 2017
WHAT THIS MEANS: While the number of inactive pending cases continues to increase, the rate of change of its increase (its "acceleration") dropped substantially during FY2017. This is most likely attributable to increased enforcement efforts (e.g., ICE raids & roundups)
Pizzagate was so retarded and so easily false-flagged into oblivion that any claim of child trafficking is now seen as a zany conspiracy theory. The media in the US is owned by a half-dozen companies, all of whom are also in industries that benefit from porous borders and the slave labor they provide. The child trafficking is just collateral damage or a side benny to them, whichever.
Jack Powell
Bump this a billion times. This is a perfect explanation.
I think Trump has a specific strategy here and doesn't want to release details too quickly as he wants Democrats to use this as the strategy for the midterms and then use this as the rope to hang them, but this is making me a bit nervous because this the best attack the Democrats have ever had on him. The mental visuals of kids crying is much more effective against him than "Muh Russia" or "stormy daniels" or all of the other nonsense.
Wish he could come out and be explicit about child trafficking in a way that really drove things home
Ethan Evans
They don't care. All of my lefty friends back home couldn't give the barest of fucks about child trafficking, because caring about that is not what gives you the likes on social media.
Andrew Jones
>Why the fuck is no one in (((the media))) even mentioning this? Is this a trick question?