if the US are ready to go THAT far - and i mean leaving the UN human rights council and opening fucking concentration camps for kids.
Not forgetting the trade war with not just rivals China and Russia, but also with frends Europe and lmao Canada... It shows very clear how far the US are ready to go in order to not lose their status of the main Chad of the world.
Now tell me how WW3 is not imminent?
>inb4 nukes fly, we all die and im no anti-semite, BUT if you are right... isnt it (((their))) main plan - to bring apocalypse?
Grayson Jones
thats not how it works, pal. you need to help mexico fix their economic situations so the immigrants dont need to flee their country to feed their families.
Cooper Gray
Top lel, more like build a wall.
Thomas Price
where would russia put millions of illegals that are flooding across the border with reckless abandon bringing crime and drugs with them? a palace? Also all these detention centers are just that...border control picks up 30 migrants in the desert, dumps them in ((pictured in OP)) to attempt to figure out who they are, then either release them, send them back, or stick them in jail (usually criminally already caught in america and deported prior) for kids they go into juvenile centers that are not prisons, until someone figures out what to do.
Mind you this is exactly what has been done for the last 20 years, just you know...trump... so its hilter-esque now ect. Media really needs to be tried as full fledged traitors to the country at this point to be honest...they are so dishonest its disgusting. If a democrat gets elected the same centers turn into "welcoming centers" and cheered with no change to the process or centers.
Andrew Morales
why the fuck do WE need to? WE can just block them and let them fix their own shit
Connor Flores
>you need to help No we don't.
Kevin Hughes
>not lose their status of the main Chad of the world. We could do none of the aforementioned and maintain that status, Ivan.
Andrew White
please educate us about economically enriching our neighbors Russia
Jeremiah Cruz
Cry more faggot Sage
Luke Turner
The U.N. human rights council is as ridiculously named as the patriot act was.
Blake King
t. Schlomo Karamazov, the ultimate Russian Jew shillposting retarded faggot asslicker
in reality the growth is short-term. US economy is showing signs of overheating. The debt service can reach 20% GDP in the nearest 3 years while the demand for american bonds is stagnating - in this way Trump proposed tariffs to increase internal spending and artificially boost the economy.
the only positive thing is the recent increase of the base rate to .75% so later they could use it for monetary policy
James Johnson
Brody Kelly
>you need to help mexico fix their economic situation Why.
My only responsibility is to my fellow citizens. I have no interest in fixing the problems of other nations. That responsibility falls on the shoulders of the citizens of THAT NATION.
Jacob Myers
not concentration camps Ivan.That's you barbarians that throw people into gulags in Siberia for sucking cock
Sebastian Taylor
why? because if you help them in more or less short-term, you will win in long-term: The richer the Mexico, the more goodies they can buy from you, thus bring money to the economy. Exports are far better than spending on a useless wall that is easily climbed.
Leo Martinez
and the best way to help is to leave them the fuck alone.
America pours billions of dollars into all these countries all over the world and they just hate us for it well fuck them! we could save so much money if we just stopped feeding everyone
>and the best way to help is to leave them the fuck alone. why not leave the whole world alone then?
>America pours billions of dollars into all these countries all over the world and they just hate us for it well fuck them! its cause wherever you step you bring chaos and destruction. all to feed a closed circle of your Washington elite that practically live in their own little world.
>we could save so much money if we just stopped feeding everyone this reminds me of the "if you saved money on buying cigarettes, you would have been bale to buy a car" or the "we will give £350mln to NHS when we leave Europe"
Eli Green
make me. пидop eбaный.
Jackson Powell
Trust me, if it were possible, I would.
Instead, you can just keep talking garbage to yourself as you have been, since nobody agrees with your retarded shit. You Russian kikes are as bad as your Israeli brothers.
think what you are comfortable to think. Id recommend leaving your belief system and add a spark of critical thinking. but i think its hopeless. pal.
Brandon Reed
>Russian >promoting working to improve the lives of your neighboring nations so that you can prosper because that just magically happens amirite?!? You faggots in Russia as well as Israel don't do the shit you're preaching, Schlomo T. Putin, so maybe, just maybe, if you actually practiced what you're preaching, you'd find out just how much of what you're saying is pure bullshit.
Enjoy looking this stupid for telling others to do the shit you won't do yourself, you lazy kike fuck.
Blake Stewart
>all to feed a closed circle of your Washington elite that practically live in their own little world Trump is dragging them down into the real world. I don't know if Trump actually likes the American people, but he hates elites to an extreme degree. He is more than happy to burn the fed to cinders in order to smite these people.
Julian Roberts
you really think the 2 parties are actually independent/individual? they pretty much dance to the same tune ifuknowhatimean
unfortunately, trump is a fool that gets played with
Kayden Baker
A lot of young mexican kids have trouble focusing. Im glad this is being addressed.
Jace Martin
We are tired of your bullshit. This time it will be the world against my nation, like it was the world against Sacred Germany.
Except, we will not lose. 1000x stronger than the 2nd strongest military. We don't want war, but if we don't bring peace to Earth and reopen the gates of Heaven, you and any other nation won't. You really don't know of the movement happening in my nation. Nothing will stop us.
You fear. We don't. You should learn. The Jews will pay and the stars will be ours.
>you need to help mexico fix their economic situations nah, i prefer the cheaper option Leaving the UN give us the white card to shoot these subhumans and bury them in the middle of nowhere
>everything should be free to meeee you have to go back.
Henry Bell
Who would try to sneak into your country Ivan
Liam Price
"Last night on June 18 Clyde Lewis' show ground zero discussed Rex 84, immigration, Walmart prisons, and FEMA camps and had call ins from border patrol agents. Today on the 19th the recorded show was removed from SoundCloud, iHeartRadio, and Stitcher's libraries along with other platforms." Was just told about this. Cannot find it anywhere. It must have been jiucy if they scrubbed it and the host refuses to talk about it. Can some user with genius level skills help me locate a copy? Thanks.
Grayson Harris
hahahahaha put them in cages where they belong If they don't like it, why not go back to Mexico?
Oliver Howard
is it really the cheaper version? they bring drugs and criminal. just try thinking how much it costs to patrol the borders - every wage to the guard or tech upgrade... and its constant spending!
we have our own (pic related), absolutely the same - they bring drugs and form gangs etc etc... but we try dealing with their countries other ways. takes time as our country is poor, but some day we will get there
> It shows very clear how far the US are ready to go You have absolutely no idea.
Bentley Harris
i dont want to know.
we (europeans) learn from history. your leaders apparently don't.
Matthew Jones
The Chinese are colonizing Siberia as we speak. It won't be yours in twenty years.
Mason Brown
You learn from history. We make it, because we can.
William Roberts
fake news
John Allen
lmao sit down with your 200 years
Austin Bell
Keep telling yourself that as they buy the land from under you. One day the eastern half of what once was your land will be as Chinese as Vancouver. History books will be unable to tell the difference between Russia and Canada. ft.com/content/3106345c-f05e-11e7-b220-857e26d1aca4
Cameron Stewart
Hahaha! America! Yes! This is who we really are. Maddog killers!
Those are just the amateurs. You should see the shit Haspel, our new CIA director, used to run over in Thailand. Oops, I guess you can't, since she erased all the tapes. Push us and see how much further we'll go than you feared.
You used to be strong, like us. Don't fall for Mutti Merkel's "pax Europaea" bullshit. There are only strength and submission: choose strength and vie with us in glorious progress towards the self-determination of each of our peoples instead of slavery and suicide at the hands of the globalists.
>Now tell me how WW3 is not imminent? Where in anything you said is an impetus for starting WW3?
There will not be a conventional war with the United States, because the United States would crush every other country at a conventional war. There will not be a nuclear war with the United States, because the United States would take the mutually assured destruction option over loss. So... where the fuck is the war? Who will declare the war? Who will invade the US? How?
Jacob Garcia
Yes, of couse, because Uzbekistan, a doubly-landlocked nation ruled by a tinpot tyrant (with a hot pop-star daughter), has such vast prospects before it.
Chase Hughes
>Who will declare the war? You will when the Chinese Yuan becomes the world reserve currency and lose control in the middle east, Europe and Asia
>Who will invade the US? leave your cursed, standing on the millions of slayed redskins land to yourself
>How? guns n shiet
Eli Fisher
>you need to help mexico Just like you help Ukraine?, no thanks were fine
Ian Richardson
Can't they test their DNA upon capture? This I think is cheaper and more efficient alternative.
Kevin Jackson
SCO is the new G7. most of the countries are developing, but they (a) are growing economically by around 9% annually (b) strategically positioned and (c) have lots of resources. SCO is 3,5 billion people, 3/4 of Eurasia and almost 50% of the world GDP
At this point the best way to help Mexico is to annex and colonize them, then crack down hard on the cartels Come to think of it, that may be part of Trumps plan
Cooper Nelson
>annex mexico >if immigrants become americans, there will be no migrants left >problem solved
GENIUS!!! ill ask my russian agents working in the white house to propose this plan to trump
Logan Turner
>Incinerated I believe the word you are looking for is "incarcerated".
no matter how you will oppose me, i will say that no matter what race, people are still living things. they have and share memories. they remember and carry their experiences to the future, to their children.
this way you are only breeding enemies, no matter how weak they are. their children will remember and carry this hate throughout their lives. this is really sad tbf.
Landon Harris
Ok. We'll ship all the spics to Moscow. How does that sound?
>R U L E O F L A W Why is it such a bad thing for these people to get a free ride back to their home country? Is living in Mexico like a death sentence or something?
Here's the thing. We put Trump in office to be a wrecking ball and tear it all down. Either get in line to serve the people or get the fuck out of our government. He's doing a pretty good job so far.
We want to stop all the shit happening here and the invasion of Europe by refugees.
But Trump is STAUNCHLY in support of Israel.
What if we just played right into their hands? Maybe their goal at this point is to reduce the world population at any cost and not breed a bunch of dumb brown people.
>you need to help mexico fix their economic situation I would disagree with that statement. The US is not obligated to do anything for Mexico. Why should the US take responsibility?
Liam Lewis
Nope. I was asking a question everyone should consider. What if we got tricked and we made the wrong decision? Or really more likely -- ALL opposition was controlled during the election.
Nolan Turner
we dont want to be friends with you either. still cant forgive you for Bieber
Proshchay mutt. Enjoy your puppet who was only allowed to gently touch the side of the globe unlike the King who has two hands firmly planted on the globe. Weak very sad.
This and it was The globalist agenda never stopped. Combing through social media, taking DNA and putting people in camps is the equivalent of the gooks social credit, slave-like hellish nightmare. A lot can be learned about a nation, historically speaking, based on how a nation or empire treats its immigrants. If history repeats, the US is on the way out.
(((They))) have been trying to get an embassy in Jerusalem since carter. Done overnight thanks to meme'd drumfpkins