Breaking news: US leaves United Nations.
Will this affect sports globally? I mean, if based Trump decides to leave the UN, He's very likely to make the US leave the Olympics too... food for thought
Breaking news: US leaves United Nations.
Will this affect sports globally? I mean, if based Trump decides to leave the UN, He's very likely to make the US leave the Olympics too... food for thought
>no longer getting cucked by euros and arabs for deporting beaners
thank you based trump
>US leaves United States
The HRC isn't the UN, it's just part of it
I like how you barely even tried to disguise this as an /sp/ thread
FIFA could've stopped this, if only they let the US boys play in the Worldc Up.
>leaving the human rights councils
>human rights council
>pic related
really activates those almonds
>United Nations
Fuck off with fake news
lol, all those dictatorships are part of the Commission on Human Rights
>mfw the rest of the world is kicking a ball around while we ar creating the space force
He's right to do it, it's a complete hypocrisy when countries like China can join.
>>no longer getting cucked by euros and arabs for deporting beaners
> thank you based trump
Apparently it's so we can support Israel, what a fucking surprise.
>Haley threatened the pull-out last year, citing longstanding U.S. complaints that the 47-member council is biased against Israel
>mfw The Expert leads the US to it's first world cup.
left because our representative complained about the smell
how old are u to care about sports?
its for children
>US leaves United Nations.
fuck you and your mom, poltard piece of shit
Are all Portuniggers this retarded? It's sad enough dangling like a hemorrhoid from Spain and being weaker than all your former colonies, but OP spews more stupid than a singularity of Appalachian trailer parks.
where are everyone else's IDs?
>Haley threatened the pull-out last year, citing longstanding U.S. complaints that the 47-member council is biased against Israel.