This Wins The 2018 Elections

This gives the Dems a Super Majority.

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illegal immigrants cant vote

They are claiming asylum due to gangs, yeah that is right gangs,

They claim they need asylum because of a part of their culture.

We cannot take in all of latrineo America.

How do you know they are illegals if you cannot ask for identification?

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I absolutely believe that children should be taken from reckless drivers, those who get drunk in public, thieves, and the disorderly.

There will be no blue wave because the Democrats are still stuck on pic related.

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This. Careful what you wish for.

>reckless driving
>public intoxication
>petty theft
>disorderly conduct

so basically take away children from niggers

>i am ok with that

blue wave is fake and gay
fuck off back to leftypol faggot

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Yes OP, the same nation that voted in Trump to deal with illegals is totally okay with them now and are appalled by the brown children being caged up.

Fucking pull your head out of your ass and stop polling dems only, most people I'm talking with has agreed this is a good thing. Sucks for the kids, but it's the shitty parents' fault for putting them in that situation.

>Seeking asylum is not a crime
Claiming other people's property as your own (stealing) is. You can seek asylum, but the nation does not have to grant you access to the land they own.
>it's a misdemeanor
No it isn't.

seeking asylum != crossing the border illegally and after being caught seeking asylum

the former shows some semblance of respect of law and order, the latter is pure opportunism

no one cares except the most crazy lefties at this point. the average american is sick to death of dems putting illegals above you know the actual citizens of our nation. it's like dems learned absolutely nothing when they paraded around dreamers as better than americans

Illegal immigration is not a winning issue for a left. Most people want a secure border. “Muh chillunz” may sway a few emotionally driven retards, but not enough to swing the midterms.

Yes we literally take away people's children who go to jail for misdemeanors if there's no one else to care for them.

>seeking asylum is not a crime
>but crosses border illegally to do so
>not a crime
How can they say this with a straight face?

Sage and kys nigger

>cross the border illegally despite there being a legal way
>get in trouble in front of children
>can't leave children unattended
>children are put in what looks like a fucking zoo
>liberals REEEEEEEEE


>not a crime

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OMFG. Classifying it under US law pertaining to citizens is insane. Maybe it does not warrant jail time but bc catch and release is bye bye(which is why this immigration issue is exploding) then no one who crosses ILLEGALLY CAN BE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREE. Man this is shitty bait.

>I absolutely believe that children should be taken from reckless drivers, those who get drunk in public, thieves, and the disorderly.
Is there any conceivable universe where this type of behavior is in any way considered acceptable?

>break the law
>upset that you are held until the trial since you are known to run away and never come back since it's 100% deportation

Immigrants deserve this.

they're fucked and they know it

>Illegal immigration is not a winning issue for a left. Most people want a secure border. “Muh chillunz” may sway a few emotionally driven retards, but not enough to swing the midterms.
they are aware. This is the best they have
they're fucked

this one?

this means the US needs to make it a felony.

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there is one small problem. if Dems support illegal immigrants from some other part of the world escaping gang violence of which the US has no control, over Blacks suffering gang-violence on US soil, they've lost much of their Hispanic voting base to deportation, and alienated Blacks that get no consideration when fleeing gang-violence

hate to break it to you bong, but here in America we shun degenerate behavior, and hold one another to a higher standard than the rest of the world.

Invading twice is a felony.

Illegal immigrants deserve this. Is that better?

Yeah except the vast majority of them don't apply for asylum, stupid fuck.

Yep with every illegal held thats another vote lost for the Dems. Catch and release ending is why their heads are exploding and they are going all out

your "country" is not considered in the same universe as hours.

They can if they vote Democrat.

fuck you. (illegal) immigrants deserve this.

i love how theyre all "asylum seekers" now instead of you know, illegal immigrants

in any sane country they would take fingerprints & dna from all border hoppers and send them back south with no chance of ever being legally accepted back north. but shit like that could stifle the job market that relies on illegals being a pool to pull the 2 pesos per hour roofer or mayo sandwich arteest or what the fuck ever

Nice troll.

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immigrants deserve worse actually. Should throw some rattlesnakes into those cages desu

>not a crime

If you serve time in jail for a misdemeanor your child will go to protective services and foster care as a ward of the state until you get out.

Asylum =\= illegal entry angone granted asylum is reunited with their children and can stay.

And you faggots wonder why you keep losing

>take fingerprints & dna
that costs money
turn them around at the border, without several forms of ID and pre-approved paperwork - full stop

Bait but I'll bite: Nobody gives a fuck about illegals.

>I'm ok with taking kids away from all those cretins too

you wish.

except you can go to jail for those things and therefore be separated from your children HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Remember before 2006 when it was illegal alien

Somehow the left is great at slowly changing things those duckers


Newsflash for the kike faggot shillposters and retarded liberal cunts - if we didn't ban guns to "protect American kids", you'd better believe we're keeping beanerroach spawn in cages and nobody will do a thing about it.

HAHAHAHAHA, retarded leftist salt flows so much these days, it's just too much!!!

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My virtue signalling soiboi barista does!

>you can take kids away from people who tell their sons that they aren't girls
>you can't take kids away from people who do 70 in a school zone

Sure, makes perfect sense.

>If you think kids should be taken from this specific group of criminal parents you must also be okay with kids being taken away from other various brands of criminal parents
Duh. Criminals breed criminals, look at the blacks. Separating them could be their only chance to avoid the cycle. Get them alone and teach them that there are consequences for every crime and that it isn't worth it.

upfront cost of taking their biometrics would pay off when they eventually do cross the border illegally and commit criminal acts.

Anti-vaxxers should have their kids taken away tho

>there are consequences for every crime and that it isn't worth it.

But borders are unjust, and therefore it's okay to disobey laws that enforce borders.

t. wearing a Che t-shirt right now

>seeking asylum

From what??

I like how these shills think that this issue is going to win them anything.

Illegal immigration is an increasingly losing issue for you morons.
By all means, strut around and preen as if youve won some kind of major victory.

They can when there is no voter ID required.

Yes, I want to take children away from those people. Am I supposed to disagree with this?

We can't take any of them, completely full. In fact, we're over-capacity, almost time to start shipping them back.

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it's a misdemeanor the first time
if they try it again it's a felony
guess what these crying faggots did?

You're straw manning.
It's "we don't give a fuck", not "they deserve this."
It's "they deserve whatever the fuck they get" not "they deserve this."
It's "I hope they institute the death penalty, no courtroom just right there in the field 'cross the border we shoot you in the fucking head'" not "they deserve this."

From their shithole countries, that's what!

Wait, if they're not really shitholes, then can someone kind liberal please explain why they're fleeing such great nations?

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since when is a misdemeanor not a crime? It is simply not as serious of a crime as murder? Do you even fucking English?

Illegals should be put in work camps
where they can spend 5 years doing hard labor to get a green card.

If you commit reckless driving, you should be arrested for attempted suicide and manslaughter.
If you are publicly intoxicated, you should be given a mandatory probation for a year.

If you steal an amount, you should be arrested for a year minimum.

If you commit disorderly conduct you should be given a year probation and house arrest.

Any of these should immediately cause you to lose your children.

Any woman proven to have caused undue harm to a human fetus outside of abortion, should be forced to have an abortion if possible and be arrested for crimes against humanity, child torture, and in the event of the death of the fetus or malformation of the human being, be executed.

Example: A pregnant woman smokes, she is arrested, her child aborted, or born and if the child has defects due to her smoking, is executed.

don't worry, they're next

This max punishments for misdemeanors are like 2 years in jail

Lol. Mandatory detention of ALL illegals wins elections BIGLY. Australia has locked up any person without a valid visa (boat people and overstayers) in detention until deportation since 1993.

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I don't think many people out there care about non-white children anymore.

>upfront cost of taking their biometrics would pay off when they eventually do cross the border illegally and commit criminal acts.
or you know a wall so they can't get in ever

It's called 'gibs' you insufferable fuckstick.

from fixing their own society. must get easier to run away after you turn your home into irredeemable shithole.

>I don't think many people out there care about non-white children anymore.
>implying they ever did

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>that costs money
Finger print readers are dirt cheap, I used to manage some as part of my job (IT) as we used them for clocking employee hours and I could get a reader for less than 100 bucks. DNA testing would be insanely expensive so I can agree that that might not be worth it but fingerprinting definitely is and it's extremely cost efficient.

we can be dreamers

exactly, shill rats and holl bot fags have had two news cycle wins in two year now.
>school shotting, the fbi and local sherrif should have stopped
>spic kids getting a summer camp while their criminal parents get questioned.

marxists are so simple, always the same shit. youre a racist OMG the KIDS!

We're building a wall, why do you faggots think they get close enough for us to even see the whites of their eyes let alone fingerprint them
countries closed, turn 'round

>Don't pay taxes
>Aren't citizens
>Have American rights

Crackhead nigger voter base party, everyone.

Lock them up!
Mandatory detention of all illegals and any person without a valid visa until deportation is inevitable, necessary, and desirable. Australia has done it for decades, follow the lead of the world:

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White people were fooled into caring because for a brief moment in time they were tricked into looking at all children equally.

Aussie gets it
It's basically USA, Japan and Australia against the world, Poland too.
The rest of y'all can get fucked

Nobody likes smelly immigrants. Good luck in November.

Irrelevant to my point which was just to mention finger printing is extremely cheap and easy to implement but I'll respond to your off topic argument anyways; you say we're building a wall but we're not as of yet, that shit still ain't happening, I wish it was but as it stands right now we're sitting around with our thumbs up our asses. I'm pro full execution of illegal immigrants and their entire blood line as a deterrent but that probably isn't going to happen in my life time.

You can't just claim you're seeking asylum because your country isn't as good as ours. That isn't how asylum works. Also, I thought Mexico was a nice place and not a shithole?

I don't know if you're a shill or a memester OP but I gotta say even though you're shitting up my board I respect your dedication to shitpost every day nonstop
Honorary Aussie

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>dna testing
you'd really only need to hold on to the dna sample, not actually test it for anything.
once there's a fingerprint match the popo could run the on-file dna for 100% airtight case.

>be in Canada
>don’t accept there are current year +1 genders
>state take your kids away

If you do any of those things, especially reckless driving or public intoxication, with a child I am pretty sure child protective services will get involved and continued behavior will result in revoked custody.

I'm glad you think that it does. See you at the polls!

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This has been going for many years. By time the election rolls around, there will be another scandal and people will have forgotten about this kids in cages meme. Dems have no good candidates and are running on fumes and mired in scandals of their own. Blue wave won't come, you faggots will lose seats.

That's nice dear, but why should Trump change King Obama's magnanimous and impeccable decisions over the past 8 years suddenly?

Even taking and maintaining DNA samples gets prohibitively expensive very quickly and is completely unnecessary. Finger print records on the other hand are absurdly accurate for how cheap they are and more than enough to determine identity. The only flaw would be they could burn their prints but at that point you can just deny anyone who has altered fingerprints outright.

Why would they even need illegals and not just stuff the ballot boxes if they are able to cheat the vote like you seem to think

>If you do any of those things, especially reckless driving or public intoxication, with a child I am pretty sure child protective services will get involved and continued behavior will result in revoked custody.
For a single mother probably not, I know a few people in CPS and their hands are kind of tied there. Like others have said though if you do end up in jail with no one to care for that child that kid becomes state property asap.

why would storing dna samples of border hoppers become prohibitively expensive? we're talking about storing something like 1 million people per year? in my tiny country we store burglars and other common criminals dna by the thousands yearly

>Mexico is not at war
>Mexico is not being invaded
>Mexico is not having a political/military coup
>Mexico is not undergoing a genocide
>Mexico is not having a famine
>Mexico did not have a natural disaster
What exactly are they seeking asylum from? The peso being weaker than the US dollar?

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No its an invasion and they should be shot on sight

japan-bro might be on to something... germany's neighboring countries are all 100% safe and yet they had well over million "refugees" in 2015 alone. gonna be 100k this year. maybe 70k now that italy has come to their senses.

>in my tiny country we store burglars and other common criminals dna by the thousands yearly
The amount of labs needed to handle millions is nothing close to handling thousands. There's absolutely no point in spending 10s of millions of dollars (figure would definitely be way higher but it's hard to really account for government bloat and contractor gauging) just to retain dna samples when you have finger printing which is already so accurate that it can easily determine identity.