Prayer requests

I'm a Christian who is willing to pray for or about anything you post.

I will also answer reasonable questions.

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Id like to pray for a world in which humanity can live in peace by removing the jews who spread division among gods creation.

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Prayers for peace to men of good will.


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I still haven't gotten my loli I asked you for.

I love all of Jow Forums.


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Patience and faith, user. Prayers that God will grant you all things good & profitable to your soul.

Wannabe kikes, tell me why your religion is the only "right" one without quoting or referencing the bible.

Tell me why I should be a Christian if I'm not middle eastern. Tell me why Christianity is so divisive and why have they slaughtered so of their own fellow Christians.

*Note, I don't give a single fuck about your auto domesticating "civilisation" that you think was soo helpful to Europe. Nor do I care about how you think you're not kikes, Pope Pius has even said Christians are spiritually semetic

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Prayers that God may soften your heart & enlighten your mind.

I'm not here to convince or convert anyone, user. God gave you free will, you can choose whatever path you wish.

*So many
I'm a mobile fag using swype

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>7th century BCE

>6 BCE max

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I remember you from a few days ago, you are that Jewish occultist who converted to Christianity.

Christianity did not exist prior to Christ, user.

I too want a loli, or a teen.

please pray for my peef art gala thursday night, my career is at stake

I was agnostic prior to becoming Christian.

Prayers that you may enjoy abundance, and glorify God in your endeavors.

>God gave you free will
How can choice exist if God created everything and knows everything? If he already has it all planned the only possible option is the thing that he wants done.

God knows what you will do, but does not prevent you from doing whatever it is you wish to do...even if what you wish is to hate Him.

No fucking shit, dumbass. But jesus was a kike and Christianity was an originally Jewish sect, thus making it Judaism. You're referring to the same "God" when either of you two forms of kikes pray. All of the first Christians were Jewish.

What is the orthodox church like?

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What happens to all the Hindus and Buddhists who don't follow Christianity but live good, honest lives and are beyond a reasonable doubt good people?

they're fucked. but I don't like shitskins so idc.

i pray for revenge against all my enemies

Judaism, as it exists today, did not exist prior to Christianity. The Talmud - the foundation of Judaism - did not exist until the 4th century AD. Yes, some of the earliest Christians were Hebrews. The ancient Hebrews worshipped the same God of Christianity, but Judaism did not emerge until long after Christ's time on Earth, and includes an explicit rejection of His Godship.

this too, give me this.

Pray for my retun to the christian faith.
I've been lacking.

Materially, it's beautiful. The icons, traditional liturgy, incense, chanting - all lend themselves to a unique experience. Socially, it's a great place to meet anti-modernist people. Spiritually, it's refreshing. There's a strong focus on fixing the issues within yourself, to get closer to God. It has also maintained a lot of the more mystical elements rather than taking the legalistic approach of the RCC.

I do not know. The Orthodox Church's stance is that we know God's grace is within the Church, but cannot say for sure where it is not. I pray that God has mercy on those who tried to do good, but did not know Him.

What is the opinion of other denominations like Latter Day Saints/Mormons?

Prayers that God's will be done.

Prayers that you return to God, and that He grants you the strength to pursue Him with your whole heart.


If your God exists, and your denomination of Christianity is the correct one, your prayers would have a higher success rate of getting answered, wouldn't they?

But they don't. You're just like all the other braindead Christian fundys believing in stupid old stories from the past who pray to nothing and have their prayers go unanswered.

This has nothing to do with politics or current events whatsoever, if I wanted to have some faggot pray for me I'd go to or some shit. I'm reporting this topic and hope the mods delete it for being off-topic.


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I think many people in every denomination are misguided or deluded, but that if they are truly seeking God they will find Him eventually, no matter where their starting point.

Google it

Have you been dead before? Have you see the void?

Many people who have died have seen Christ or Angels however most just refer to them as "beings of light".

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Pray for my ability to return as well and to take my family with me

My parrot flew away last week. Please pray he is safe and comes home to me. Thank you.

Prayers for your return to Christ, user, and that your family may find Him also through your influence.

Prayers that God protect His creature, and help it to return to its rightful place.

Amen, and thank you.

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Pray for my ex girlfriend to get better and out of her depression, God bless you.

Send a prayer that I can resist sin, and that I can get enough money that my ex will consider me again as a potential father of her childrwn . My life is so sad.

Pray that I can navigate my familial relationships and that I can explain. My decision to withdraw from a college course.

In return I will pray for you that you can resist sin and your relationships will go smoothly.

Jesus told me he's already taking care of your family friend, but he heard my prayer and thanked me for thinking of you.

He didn't say anything about my problems tho... I feel like because they are selfish desires that are based on sinful desires for the proliferation of my flesh that he will not gear them. Yet they are the sins if my desire.

Prayers that your ex will find comfort and relief from her depression.
Prayers that you may have the strength and will to overcome all adversities, that God may protect you from all demonic influences, that you might be counted worthy to raise children in a Godly manner, and that your family life will be blessed.