Does anyone know what can be done about the high obesity rate in America? Is it mostly a Boomer problem...

Does anyone know what can be done about the high obesity rate in America? Is it mostly a Boomer problem? How fat are Millennials and Generation Zers?

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Let them be fat. Enjoy being fit. Live a good life.

Abolish publicly funded healthcare, stop including obesity as a condition that you can get disability for, and allow insurance companies to charge more to cover the obese.

I think milenials are fatter than boomers. Gen Z is going to be worse yet as they age.

It seems to span the generations fairly equally in my anecdotal experience. The solution to the problem involves many steps.

1. Stop subsidizing corn, will lead to less use of corn by-products for food.

2. Stop letting the poors buy garbage on food stamps, or stop food stamps altogether.

3. Tax the utter fuck out of sugar, it's been lobbied to be kept low for years.

4. Disallow the use of livestock currently on antibiotics for human consumption.

Just a few steps to solving the problem.

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Mandatory ROTC training. Ages 6 to 18.

Outlaw everything but real food. Americans only like over-processed bland garbage that has salt and corn syrup dumped all over it, force Americans to eat actual vegetables with their meat and they'll starve.

Waste of enormous amounts of money. No one who doesn't deserve to be fat is fat.

Would destroy the economy, better to just regulate than outright ban it

How exactly is having a trained fighting population a waste of money? We print our own money its not even real.

Famine also helps with obesity epidemics.

Stop eating/drinking simple carbohydrates like sugars, bread and pasta.

But then only the obese would survive and we’d be left with millions of people with no self control

Fat shaming should be encouraged. Unrealistic beauty standards should be made more realistic (don't encourage people to get surgery, for example), then also encouraged.

Unless you have really good metabolic genes you can’t eat many carbs


this is a very good start

Most people don't know about maintenance calories, let alone macro nutrients. People just need to learn to pay attention to what they eat.

If only the obese survived, then you didn't do it long enough.

Ban corn syrup, and High fructose corn syrup.

>Is it mostly a Boomer problem?

It's a nigger bitch problem. Sure, every race has some fatties, but La-A and her 5 niglets are pushing the numbers up. Those poor, poor niggers. So economically disadvantaged with their 8k calorie diets while sitting on their couch all day running their mouths about cacs.

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Do you have your life sorted out well enough to solve 200,000,000 peoples problem? Also, maybe america is so fat because no one does anything for themselves. Like an american will pay someone to cut is grass and do other menial labor while paying someone else to help him lose weight. You just can't help that type of stupid.

But then you’d, like, kill everyone?

Checked, good way of looking at it.

It really is mainly a Boomer/minority problem. Trust the power of natural selection to sift through everything, and carry your head high being a swole brah. Breed, and bring your sons to the gym with you by the time they’re in their mid-teens.

>Stop eating/drinking
fixed it for you.. If you are over 10% bf stop eating.. Fast.

These statistics embarrass the United States possibly more than anything else
I don’t understand how an 1/3 of the population can be obese.

What's your point?

Millennial here. If Millennials are so aware the world is getting worse why are they so focused on cautiousness? If the world is getting worse and we're doomed I don't see the point in depriving myself.

Fat tax.

We can't force fatties to lose weight. Their awful eating habits can only be fixed with self control and discipline, which they don't have. The only thing we can do is punish fat people by treating them like children. You want to have a BMI of 25? Okay. That'll be 5% of your paycheck annually, please. Don't like the fat tax? LOSE WEIGHT. Oh, what's that? This law is discriminatory? Well guess what? Being unhealthy is not an identity, unless you're a tranny.
If you tax junk food you're also punishing skinny people. Your other ideas are nice.
You can eat these and still be skinny.

>I don’t understand how an 1/3 of the population can be obese.

People don't exercise. It's as simple as calories in versus calories out and hardly anyone cares about it. If you've never been here you should make a visit. Fatties in the country, fatties in the burbs, fatties in the cities. Young fatties, old fatties, white fatties, latino fatties and many many niggress fatties.

stop fucking eating so much bullshit and go for a long walk every day. you don't even have to go to the gym to lose weight. use portion control and use your fucking legs every once in a while.

Or public shaming. Tax is theft and I can not get behind it.. Shaming on the other hand is free!

Oh just you know, like, I want the betterment of my Volk, country, and nation and killing everyone isn’t really the right way to go about that

Most obese people are actually niggers and spics.

It's getting worse. Zyzz died almost eight years ago. These kids have no clue and even most millennials are a little overweight. Now they don't even need to be fit because their culture is to think and behave the same.

Doesn't matter what you want. OP wanted to get rid of obesity. Famine solves that, one way or another, and if a bunch of Americans die in the process, that's a bonus.

lol at the asian fatlets


Good idea. But isn’t 25 just within be the overweight rsnge? Also BMI isn’t a good index for obesity, because it doesn’t take into account muscle mass. See pic related, by BMI Dwayne Johnson is considered obese.

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I assume OP wants to get rid of obesity for the betterment of his nation and again, mass killing is bad for it.

Crop dust with napalm

If the OP didn't want a real solution that helps the whole world, he should have asked for one that didn't involve killing off America.

I'm no expect on the subject, but that's just the shorthand calculation. The actual BMI is the percentage of body mass that is fat, which can be calculated accurately using a machine. Obviously if such a system were put in place, it'd use the accurate measurement, not the back-of-the-envelope calculation.

This would, however, necessitate more bureaucracy to oversee it, and would involve an invasion of privacy.

Perhaps a better idea would be requiring a BMI check for things like food stamps, welfare, social security, medicare/medicaid, etc, in the same way that you could require drug tests.

Bring in loads of 3rd world trash, then give them unending Food Stamps, give them free apartments and free public transportation and then tell them to be "confident in their body" and that "curvy" is healthy and embrace who you truly are..... what could go wrong

BMI is a prefectly fine index. The people like Dwayne Johnson are outliers and you can tell just by looking at them that they are overly muscular. What you're saying sounds like the excuses fat people make for being pathetic wastes.

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I have a BMI of 30 and single digit body fat. These are extreme outliers and most people that match and exceed by BMI aren't sweating and stacking plates on a bar.

Overall, BMI is a fine tool.

ban sugar

Easy as that. Although prolonged fasts require water with electrolytes.

I did a 48h dryfast once. Felt kinda weak but also focused and clear.

Also on meat consumption. Not more that 40 years ago, people ate it like once or twice a week around here. I don't think we need this mass produced garbage we eat today and every day.

The answer to the obesity epidemic is unironically fasting. The body reacts much differently to caloric restriction than it does to fasting. Ghrelin levels are lower, and you switch into ketosis and actually burn fat.
I haven't eaten in 68 hours and I feel perfectly fine. Lost 15 pounds in the past two weeks.
There's nothing commercially made by people not eating, so you'll never hear about it. Every (((medical professional))) will tell you that it doesn't work, but it literally does.

A boomer problem?? They are fat nowadays that they're old yes but were no fatties back in the day. There would be a couple fat kids in an entire school and they would be known as the fat kids.

You could tax the hell out of candy, soda, junk food, etc like they do with smokes and alcohol but i doubt that would make a huge difference.

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>Although prolonged fasts require water with electrolytes
Indeed. I meant eating/drinking calories.

Get rid of urban sprawl

Make places more walkable
Make people less dependent on cars
Make more reliable public transport
Making places more walkable gives people more initiative to go out, which means more exercise
Get rid of zoning laws
Build better urban design; 70% of our land is wasted just for cars
A better urban design builds a better living environment, a better living environment builds a better & stronger culture

They chemically changed mass produced food. I think it's just a result of reducing manufacturing costs. As a result the calories are delivered in a chemical form that is unnatural or which we did not evolve to eat, and it causes substantial fat formation.

There are however "obese" animals in nature: elephants, rhinos, whales. Fat is used in emergencies like famines. So how do we know it's really "wrong" to be overweight? The thinnies would die first in a famine.

Ban fast food and GMOs. Take out escalators from malls and airports. Start putting morbidly obese people who don't cotribute much into FEMA camps.

Dr. John McDougall

Child and adolescent obesity and overweight-ness are common but don't seem to be as common as adult obesity or overweight-ness. People tend to gain weight as they get older.

You arr correct sir. They are already on track to being the fattest generation in the UK.

As a chubby kid thats now a fit adult, never again. Shit gave me ptsd.

McDougall also promotes fasting.. Once you get down to under 10% bf you can eat whatever you want. If you go over 10% fast again. I was Mcdougall for exactly 1 year after my heart attack. I lost 20lbs and my cholesterol was still shit. I got discouraged and starting eating meat/eggs a couple times a week. Gained the 20lbs back. I have been fasting for 2 to 3 days with a refeed and have lost 26 lbs in 26 days. Fasting is the true keto diet. Once I get down to 10% bf I will be back to Mcdougall. Only 30lbs to go.

I'm not saying tax junk food per say, but if you look at the sugar industry it's heavily lobbied and very corrupt. I used to engineer equipment for sugar mills. In the U.S. butter used to be a main cooking staple. Then some jews decided they weren't making enough money off of it and said it was bad for you. When they started putting less butter in food, they replaced it with sugar. It's much worse for you than sugar.

Also, fucking bread man. In the U.S. we've taken something that mankind has been making for 2 millennia and have made it so unhealthy and shitty. Bread shouldn't have a shelf life of two fucking weeks.

Stop putting fucking estrogens in our water and food.

Fucking Boomers ruined the food supply.

True when I used to make bread by hand its good for 2 days, unless I dry it out for croutons.

Why do people get this idea in their head that they have to help the fat people. Let them eliminate themselves from the gene pool. Problem solved.

not a boomer problem, everyone is fat including kids, poor diet--plus a finish your meal mentality--plus ppl being extremely bad when it comes to nutrition so much so that often they think they are eating healthy and they are not. there its also a squeezed perception among parents that their kid is healthy because all the other kids are fat and their kid is the same size so they must be normal. also refusal to accept that they are fat

Go run up a hill many times faggot

>Ban fast food and GMOs. Take out escalators from malls and airports.
Remove all public and private weight scales. Confiscate all mirrors.

If it is free to help them then so what? Information is free.. Here you go .. Fast until 10% bf. that only cost me a few seconds and I am glad to help.. Don't ask me for a donation.. I gave at the office.

I've never seen him promote fasting.

Because running takes estrogens out of water

I found that upping the ratio of low-calorie vegetables to high-calorie starches was enough to lose 2 lbs per week.

BMI is a good index for obesity. One glance at a person should be enough to tell if someone is "overweight" because of muscle mass. No one will mistake Dwayne Johnson as being fat and no one will ever mistake that fat female comedian as being muscle bound.

kys seriously.

I do wonder if eating all that protein is any better than being fat. How many of the massive muscle dudes live to 100?

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Vice taxes only encourage the government to make the problem worse to increase revenue.

It's about diet, not exercise you dumb fucking mutt