Why do so many Alt-Righters keep going NAZBOL?

Attached: lauren southern goes full nazbol.png (639x522, 266K)

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How to explain this phenomenon?

Attached: lauren southern dugin.jpg (900x1200, 167K)

possibility of slight power level reveals in public without being hated.
in other words they're taking the easy way out.
also stop saying "alt-right"

Leftists' big concern is economic shit, which is of secondary at best concern to the ethnonationalists

>ywn see them scissor

Attached: laurenbrithugging.jpg (1242x1345, 189K)

Get protection from Russia incase they want to JFK them

Because they’re controlled opposition and you dumb racists are dumb enough to follow them to your doom. See Hitler. He sure did great things for wypipo.

>implying lauren doesn't have a penis

They seem to think Dugin and Russia as some sort of ally, which they are not.

>the size of his head
holy shit it's like a watermelon

is that photoshopped?