Israel is the only nation on Earth with mandatory conscription that also applies to women.
Why does Israel have mandatory conscription for women?
Brownstoning is my guess. Jewesses have historically been well known for being prostitutes. The IDF can use them to blackmail soldiers, politicians, etc and force them to do the bidding of the Jews.
Many people that were in the army become nationalist or patriots because of it.
Having them do this job might keep stick with their own.
A masterpiece. Everyone give this man a (you)
Good idea bro
do this next
To get some sweet hebrew brappers
Cause their women are tougher then their men
have this for now
Women should be drafted and put on the frontlines.
Support Israel Goyim.
>this dyed hair
Those are my and my ancestor's genes not your propaganda
Serious answer tough: Because it's the most surefire way to make a roastie nationalistic by giving her a participation award and national praise.
oh look the shill
Closest one I have
So the women grow up killing Palestinians and learn to hate Muslims
So many MPs in IDF are roasties.
To control them