Leftist cringe thread

Let's cringe

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just call it Jewish cringe thread, we need to get those going to get some spicy memes goin

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>the far right lie about muslims
Islam is a religion of peace.

Cringe? It's making me filled with rage.

Twatter was a mistake.

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>crime stats are racist
Based racist watch dog

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fucking chavs !! shut the fuck up and die by muslims already !

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It's probably the posh cunts that don't live near shitskins that think this way.

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That guy's such a fucking loser. He's part of an entire weird internet subculture of people who live in Trump Tweets. They've got to be making money off this shit somehow.

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Give me your tired, your poor, your smelly huddled retarded brown masses yearning to receive gibbs

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They just never stop making shitty content.


>a psychopath calling someone else a psychopath

how gay are you for coming here and LARPING about hateing youreself Brian.

That mamma bean has a pretty decent brapper

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Literally everything they said in that post is true.

>this is also the side that wants to legalize pedophilia
dems are just mad their toys are getting taken away

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Did they even try to block out his name or where the highlighting it for something else?

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an earlier outrage

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This is getting to be completely absurd. These people are deranged.

He's quintessentially jewish.

>hear idea I don't like

nice level of discourse

all of the pics in this thread are crazy. they literally just make stuff up. hitler said one thing, trump said something sorta similar, therefore trump is hitler and hitler is bad. its like they want to be opressed and they wish THEY were in cages themselves to bash the fash. and hitler was a good man.

only 1 group paints the swaz backwards..

She tried to smuggle her child over a highly defended international border.

This would happen to you if you did it.

It's funny in Europe, particularly in the UK metro areas you can pretty much assume ANY violent crime is being done by Muslims and be correct like 97% of the time. So you might as well do so and let the left have an extremely difficult time proving you wrong in any of those cases.

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Stop promoting this failed scam artist

Wait, weren't liberals the ones demanding business leaders stop consulting Trump? So then why would they make fun of him for then lacking what they believe to be competent leaders?

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