What was America like before 9/11 and the war?
What was America like before 9/11 and the war?
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i remember things were much bigger than they were today
Honestly, that attack ruined everything for everyone forever. Like the assassination of that one noble that started WW1.
No one in the public knew that the Government had long already switched sides and that their lavish lifestyle was simply the result of a carefully planned time table that was about to end.
i was a few weeks from turning 13 on 9/11/01. my memory of my childhood before then was that the US was a lot less cynical and fearful and negative. i remember the bush v. gore trials being the thing everyone was still talking about, mostly people making fun of gore for "whining" about the recount, or complaining about the electoral college being unfair. and before that, the biggest thing americans were going crazy about was the monica lewinsky scandal, which people were very into even though it was way more drama than it should have been. i remember the OJ simpson trial pretty well, that was sensationalism.
overall i would say that americans were a lot more confident and hopeful in those days. everything was looking up. the things that people worried about and the stuff on the news was a lot more positive, while the negative stuff was less depressing and more just exciting drama. pretty much everybody was happy with america, and if not, looking back on their complaints they had then, it looks like peanuts compared to the horrible stuff that happened on 9/11 and continued with the wars, the recession, the relative weakening of america, and the political disunity that has become a lot more serious
The same but with more people.
Hello CIA.
It completely Shattered America's perception of Safety and Terrified Generations of Children who where forced to watch it in their classrooms.
Too naive.
The iphone wasn't out yet so the internet had smart people. Then in 2007 the iphone came out and idiots had easy access to internets. Then stupid people were all connected. This is where we are now.
fucking awesome
Bush released his "budget roadmap" for the next decade in February 2001. Under that plan, we were supposed to reduce the national debt from $5.8 trillion to around $3 trillion by 2011, and use a multi-trillion budget surplus to create a social security fund. Instead, Bush doubled the debt by the time he left office, he never created a social security fund, and he made the long-term budget outlook much worse by creating new programs like Medicare Part D (prescription drugs for old people), which costs $70 billion/year all by itself.
it was close to nation wide race riots but the attack diverted attention and everybody ceased rights to their government
yea, wars and nation building are expensive.
>the war
kid gtfo
this is totally false. in fact in the weeks after 9/11, everyone rallied in support of the USA. bush's popularity skyrocketed (look at approval ratings). i saw more flags on houses and cars than i've seen in the US ever since; my Dad even pulled out the flag he received for his father's military service, and hung it in front of the garage doors.
t. grew up in middlesex county, NJ, NYC commuter area
It made people finally start questioning Jews. Before then it was isolated pockets of elderly believing in stereotypes. Everyone had to talk and talk and talk back then... so much so that it was mind numbing to watch news. Now the news is all hype and bad news. Back then it was so much easier to read and receive information. Compared to now where everything is subversion and distraction to keep a docile population. The matrix was probably the most important movie ever made because it basically shows this.
We were viewed as untouchable defense wise. No one ever thought someone could do this to the US. The world was on edge it's like somebody poked the bear.
Actually, Bush administration officials said before the Iraq invasion that the war would cost between $60 and $70 billion. They lied about THAT, too...
The Romanian is correct. The left threw a huge fit after the election. Even tho Bush was on their side. (The lefts only gripe with the GOP is that they believe in incrementalism).
>in the weeks after 9/11, everyone rallied in support of the USA
lol, they needed "a coalition" to spread the hate coming from the hajis. most countries went on for the political gibs.
>i saw more flags on houses and cars than i've seen in the US ever since;
you're just proving my point
Back then we thought Y2K would take us down.
incorrect. Right after 9/11, Bush stated his intent to surrender by saying: "We are not at war with Islam" When the other side had clearly declared a holy war.
The greatest city in the world in the greatest state in world in the greatest country in the world during the GREATEST DECADE in human history at the PINNACLE of human civilization. And you know what? I was living there to experience it all.
Everything has gone to shit since 2001 and will continue to get worse, probably culminating with the end of the world via World War 3 or some planetary-wide disaster of our making.
No matter where you live or will be living at in the future, will never experience any thing as glorious as 1990s New York, Jow Forums. How does that make you feel?
maybe i misread your posts. i thought you were saying that _AFTER_ 9/11 things were "close to race riots"
you're saying we got more unified after 9/11, i see, true.
but "race riots" before 9/11? nah, it was worse after the OJ thing, but clinton was very popular with the blacks. when gore lost the election, the people complaining were the bleeding-heart liberals. it wasn't very racial as far as i remember. then again i was young. post sources if you disagree.
botnet was technically illegal
people have no idea
>"We are not at war with Islam"
he literally called it a crusade
The same as it is today except no facebook and really slow internet.
There was a general widespread optimism in this country in the late 90s
Everybody knew that society had boundaries, the Left had not yet blown the door off the hinges, we weren't arguing over which person should be using which bathroom
the LGBTQ perversion was widely seen as a perversion, we weren't pushing it in the schools and we weren't designing society around it, we were smart enough to keep it contained to daytime trash TV (Oprah, Donahue, Sally Jesse...)
Race relations were fine, the blacks knew to stay in line in their own neighborhoods
however, splinters and cracks were starting to appear just before 2001 in society, the blacks and gays and radical environmentalists and socialists were slowly all starting to merge into one big group (much like MoveOn) and start to gain political power and 9/11 was the event that made them all merge and W. Bush was a convenient white male in power who was a convenient lightning rod for all of these fringe Left-wing groups, and it happened just as the internet was taking off and they started to gain steam on the internet (dailyKos, Democratic Underground...) and thus the Modern Left was formed
There was buildup to race riots, similar to Ferguson. the media was agitating every police shooting
This. Like a slow burning verison.
bush was totally playing it PC with muslims. of course everybody in the US was feeling anti-muslim at the time, but bush did a really good job keeping it dignified
you, and these guys:
can you please fuck off and stop larping that you know anything about what the US was like before 9/11
you guys are just shills and should fuck off
all he did was set set the stage for the next step in al qaeda's 20 year plan
you stupid faggot, get off this board. you know nothing.
>not an argument
you could at least try, faggot
do you happen to remember what the timetable and stages were of the plan?
i forgot the details and i'm too lazy to search.
here is bastardized version
The First Phase Known as “the awakening” — this has already been carried out and was supposed to have lasted from 2000 to 2003, or more precisely from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York and Washington to the fall of Baghdad in 2003. The aim of the attacks of 9/11 was to provoke the US into declaring war on the Islamic world and thereby “awakening” Muslims. “The first phase was judged by the strategists and masterminds behind al-Qaida as very successful,” writes Hussein. “The battle field was opened up and the Americans and their allies became a closer and easier target.” The terrorist network is also reported as being satisfied that its message can now be heard “everywhere.”
The Second Phase “Opening Eyes” is, according to Hussein’s definition, the period we are now in and should last until 2006. Hussein says the terrorists hope to make the western conspiracy aware of the “Islamic community.” Hussein believes this is a phase in which al-Qaida wants an organization to develop into a movement. The network is banking on recruiting young men during this period. Iraq should become the center for all global operations, with an “army” set up there and bases established in other Arabic states.
My parents took me to Florida back before 9/11 and before they got divorced and POGS were really big I remember. Dad bought me a bunch of POGS and I brought them back with me. Good times. Fucking kikes.
The Third Phase This is described as “Arising and Standing Up” and should last from 2007 to 2010. “There will be a focus on Syria,” prophesies Hussein, based on what his sources told him. The fighting cadres are supposedly already prepared and some are in Iraq. Attacks on Turkey and — even more explosive — in Israel are predicted. Al-Qaida’s masterminds hope that attacks on Israel will help the terrorist group become a recognized organization. The author also believes that countries neighboring Iraq, such as Jordan, are also in danger.
The Fourth Phase Between 2010 and 2013, Hussein writes that al-Qaida will aim to bring about the collapse of the hated Arabic governments. The estimate is that “the creeping loss of the regimes’ power will lead to a steady growth in strength within al-Qaida.” At the same time attacks will be carried out against oil suppliers and the US economy will be targeted using cyber terrorism.
The Fifth Phase This will be the point at which an Islamic state, or caliphate, can be declared. The plan is that by this time, between 2013 and 2016, Western influence in the Islamic world will be so reduced and Israel weakened so much, that resistance will not be feared. Al-Qaida hopes that by then the Islamic state will be able to bring about a new world order.
The Sixth Phase Hussein believes that from 2016 onwards there will a period of “total confrontation.” As soon as the caliphate has been declared the “Islamic army” it will instigate the “fight between the believers and the non-believers” which has so often been predicted by Osama bin Laden.
The Seventh Phase This final stage is described as “definitive victory.” Hussein writes that in the terrorists’ eyes, because the rest of the world will be so beaten down by the “one-and-a-half million Muslims,” the caliphate will undoubtedly succeed. This phase should be completed by 2020, although the war shouldn’t last longer than two years.
thanks, found the phasese with a small summary here.
1 and a half year until total war.
>Clicks link
>Computer melts
I'm the same age as you and while I tend to agree somewhat, when I look back on it as an adult there was a general anxiety a lot of adults had about shit that was lurking in the background. Things were rotting behind the scenes and people couldn't quite place their finger on it, and of course as a kid you weren't really aware of it.
you're from Romania. checkmate.
Bush did make a few accidental off-the-cuff remarks that would sound anti-muslim, taken out of context, fine. But, in reality, instead of shillville, overall his response was EXTREMELY politically correct, considering how much everybody in the US was feeling anti-muslim.
just look at what he said on 9/17/01:
> ... The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.
> The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war.
> When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race.
> America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.
he was dignified and measured. unlike a certain orange president.
I used to complain but it was fucking paradise compared to everything since.
he was preaching it like a true believer
>Race relations were fine, the blacks knew to stay in line in their own neighborhoods
The decade was started off with one of the biggest race riots since the 1960s, I wouldn't necessarily say that. Adults never forgot about it either.
>Be me
>9/11 ---8th grade in class before lunch
>teacher informs us that a plane hit the WTC
>WTF is WTC user?
>go home
>Mom's balling her eyes out
>"They are jumping user, they are jumping rather than being burned alive"
This event changed my life forever, I have been searching since then for the answers and never trusted the government or anything since this event. I still get chills and sad when I remember hearing my mother weep for the people..
This was my first redpill.
No, he called it a "great religion", I remember. Crusade was just Dubya saying stupid shit like he always did. Wish it had actually been a crusade though.
Nobody believed the official 9/11 story because everybody was watching X-files and became a conspiracy theorist
t.54 year old boomer
Rodney King was about whites beating a black guy, and blacks got pissed off. then OJ happened, where it was about a rich black guy killing a white woman, and it was turned around. race relations weren't "fine" but there wasn't any fear of a "race war" in the weeks/months right before 9/11 like some other posters have said
Fast forward a few years..
Loose change comes out..
My uncle asked me If I had ever seen it.
>"yes uncle, I have"
>"shit's pretty fucked up isn't it"
>"yes uncle, it's worse than you can ever imagine"
you're an idiot who knows nothing about America
look up "Bush State of the Union Muslims"
He literally spends several minutes talking about how the overwhelming majority of Muslims are good people
Oh yeah the race war shit wasn't real, desu normies were more worried about muh militias.
Also does anyone else find the Democrats position on illegals hilarious after what they did to Elian Gonzalez?
i do remember how quickly the 9/11 conspiracy theories started.
honestly i think the reason isn't something like "people were watching the x-files". i think it was honestly such a horrific thing that certain people couldn't really accept it.
for some people, who thought they were living in peace and security and that the US was taking care of their safety, the idea that some wacko saudis could kill thousands of innocent people was hard to swallow. so instead of accepting that the world is a dangerous and cruel place where acts of horrendous violence can happen to unsuspecting people going about their daily lives, they rejected that idea. instead they went to the idea that "oh actually this was all planned by the government, it's still being taken care of by the patriarchal dudes in charge, the system is strong"
that's my analysis of that line of thinking. and i think the fact the conspiracy theories all showed up within days of 9/11 is proof that it was a coping mechanism
there were some ugly skyscrapers in manhattan luckily they went away ;)
and 2 years later when us and uk "intelligence" claimed iraq had nuclear capabilities, barrels of yellow cake uranium etc. their claims were laughable.
didn't stop the invasion one bit.
it's like trump and the mexicans.
he can kiss their asses for 5 hours but everyone remembers only this
lone gunmen, a spin-off of x-files had three whole episodes, one dealing with aircraft crashing into WTC - just months before the actual happening
t.44 y.o. boomer
More like hello born in 1999
9-11 was an inside job. Trump did it
big if true
return him to his father?
:'-( i like them much better than the freedom power. they were imposing and utilitarian and totally dominating the downtown skyline. by comparison the freedom tower looks kind of modest and austere, despite its slightly more sophisticated design
are you still posting here? i think you've been BTFO. go away, post in some nazi threads where disinformation is encouraged. not here.
i mean come on. The towers fell like a controlled demolition, and nothing even hit WTC7, and it collasped. Even (((LARRY SILVERSTEIN))) said he gave the orders to "pull it" as in collapse the building on a fucking interview.
the problem with your very intelligent responce is that there has been REAL episodes of complot in recent history. NO one can just discard that possibility.
White niggers were less white niggerish, never noticed how much white trash there was till after 9/11
I'm still here. get lost.
Jow Forums is pretty strong at crushing guys like you, so beware.
my two cents, though now you've baited me into something i prefer not to talk about: you can find plenty of sources explaining how the fires in WTC1 and WTC2 caused the collapse:
the math shows that the the rate of fall is consistent with a collapse started by the fires.
the larry silverstien thing is a meme and is ridiculous. even trump said it was the saudis.
look at the 28 pages.
as for WTC7, the building was designed around the idea that fires breaking out in the building would not occur simultaneously with the water supply being turned off. it was considered too unlikely in lower manhattan for the water to be turned off just at the right time when the fires broke out. but that's what happened due to the collapse of the WTC towers; fires started at the same time the water supply got cut; the fires raged uncontrolled, and this was outside the design parameters. there are similar analyses on this you can find with a simple google search..
i don't want to talk about 9/11 conspiracy theories any more, it's a weak coping mechanism for brainlets
Before 9/11 nobody knew Alex Jones as he was warning everyone that attack was coming. But now he’s famous
It's because they are spreading like niggers. They use to be bottled up in trailer parks and ghettos. Now companies make money putting low income apartments in the "nice" part of town and get government subsidies. It was already happening back then, but is getting worse.
PS i posted the wrong link. (i saw that it was a 2000's styled webpage and assumed it was the same as the definitive one, oops)
this is my favored source
We could actually make a living and support our families.
Nice try shill nobody believes government lies anymore.
>WTC 7 Evaluation is a study at the University of Alaska Fairbanks using finite element modeling to evaluate the possible causes of World Trade Center Building 7's collapse.
Rip my boy Franz Ferdinand
you’re wrong. but i’m curious, how did you get involved in the conspiracy community? and how old are you?
did you read the 28 pages? if anything was a conspiracy, it’s why they were covered up for 15 years. can you explain that?
Stuff everybody talks about all the time was considered total fringe conspiracy theory. There was no bluetooth, so, schizophrenics walking down the street really stood out. There was less porn. 16GB of memory seemed astronomical
Nice shirt at 1:44
Fuck off shill
>pic related
Yes, if we believe the official story. Osama accomplished his goal of the destroying the United States.
Listen to old talk radio from those times. People were much more intelligence. Video games like the original Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy 7 were new. WWF, WCW and ECW were around. Feminism and socialism were objects of open mockery and were considered dead. The internet boom was un-fucking-believable as high IQ people across the globe began connecting and bantering about dick jokes and whatever in the early incarnations of the dark corners. People were friendly and comfortable around each other. We were still in a 90%+ white country, so identity politics were laughed at. Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Barry Bonds. Liberalism was more about free speech and moving towards a post-racial society than evil totalitarianism that it is now. Peak Howard Stern, George Carlin and all manner of amazing art. Rock music and Rap booms.
Honestly,it's really sad.9/11 utterly destroyed western civilization.
The demolition of the world trade towers and the missile strike on the pentagon was a Neocon/Zionist operation.
> conspiracy community
> how old are you?
> 28 pages
sounds like a NY Times columnist, or just a shill kike nigger
i would call you "the shill here" but you're obviously too dumb for that. i'll repeat my question: how did you get suckered into the conspiracy movement, and how old are you?
you have no facts to offer to counter my sources and arguments, and are posting unrelated memes that only appeal to dumbass instincts. and it appears you are phoneposting too, sigh...
your shit is incredibly weak, and i pity you for whatever your reasons are for pushing what you're pushing. if you can share your reasons then hopefully somebody can show you the light of why you've been lead astray.
>People were much more intelligence.
Were they? To be honest, I feel like people were incredibly more ignorant. 9/11 was so traumatic because the whole country was in a bubble and didn't honestly believe bad things could happen, even though there was shit like the LA Riots and OKC less than 10 years ago.
You can literally listen to the JFK speech. He says the quote in that picture word for word. The thing is, he was talking about the CIA and deep state, not Jewish kikes. But the quote is legitimate.
Me thinks you both are the shills. How much is that JIDF paycheck you receive?
>Can walk around airport even to the gate to see them off before they fly.
>Could smoke in any restaurant , public space, open air seating, bar area you wanted.
>Could open bank account without anything but an id
>Could purchase things with large amounts of cash without anyone batting an eye
>Could withdraw $20k . Deposit 30k, withdraw 30k in a day without getting red flagged
>Police officers actually gave you a break on parking tickets
>It was best to not ride subways late at night
>Walking into certain neighborhoods meant getting robbed
>Less cops patrolling to bust your balls about everything.
>just about everything related to money, privacy, and identity was a lot more private and easier to get done
>also could buy allergy medicine without getting red flagged as a mdma cooker
>things were more innocent and Americans were much more naive.
2:30am at a 7-11 near Disney World - 1987
Almost 11pm at a 7-11 near Disney World - 2014
America used to be the shining city upon a hill
The average citizen gave zero shits about anything over seas. Most people had little to no idea what Islam was. Our biggest worries were presidential blowjobs and computer viruses.
don't forget the unabomber and the seventh-day adventists. there were signs that the USA wasn't so secure in the decade leading up to 9/11, but i agree that we were still in a wonderful bubble where we felt safe, trusted the system, and were happy