White nationalism should get into the rap game. Think about it, rap is one of the most, if not the most popular music genre in the United States and many other western countries. It has a massive influence on gen z and millennials. Why not fill it with red pills, make white nationalism look cool(er) to the kids. Normalize Nazi symbols and shit.
Sorry I thought whites were supposed to stick together. Maybe this divisiveness is why black people are slowly becoming stronger than us. They are all on a team. We’re not.
Why is it a terrible idea? What negatives could it possibly bring?
Get yo negro rhymes outta my white face Cuz I'm straight-up reppin for tha master race Imma use whack raps to bring back slavery And Imma shave off your 'fro at my afro shavery Bustin Aryan rhymes from the phrase to the letter Cuz anything blacks can do, whites can do better
> (You) # >Sorry I thought whites were supposed to stick together
This is how we know you aren't white
Hunter Foster
What in the fuck are you on about, I’m literally spitballing ideas to actually save whites because all you guys want to jerk off to that like trump. This is why black “people” are slowly catching up. They stick together and support each other, and you guys are fucking useless, obsessed with being whiter than other whites
Liam Jenkins
Attention all in thread
My name is /b/um sheek
You don’t know me yet But on those nights you will
Been working on this very plan for years Have a background in digital network marketing, making beats, singing, etc. Fought suicide and depression growing up and I wrote a lot of poetry about it Found out I have cancer If not now then when? It’s what I want to leave the world You will see
C ya
Trips picks a face tat 4 proof
Aaron Hernandez
Don’t consider it white nationalism. More so self-love.
Identity politics is dumb Judge one by the choices they make
Not like you had a choice on your ethnicity
Nathaniel Thompson
penis tat
Aiden Wood
fuck so close
Anthony Sullivan
>When you have to resort to stealing from niggers
As if groids have created anything of use by themselves
Bentley Green
Already planning something very similar. Symmetrical Sun and moon tats
Matthew Green
I unironically wrote a song parodying the (I think) Rammstein song about being new German or whatever.
I would sing it but I suck at that and have an autismal voice.
If I post the lyrics can someone do a vocaroo or something for it?
Oliver Butler
Bro you sound like you're on the right track, so please, don't get a face tat. But if you're dead set on getting one, get a swazi on your right cheek under your eye and a swastika on the left under your eye.
Adrian Nelson
I'm a white supremacist and I'm here to say I hate negros and trannies and gays
Gavin Brooks
Post them regardless of anybody agreeing, they’ll be immortalized and even if not sung still have value
Henry Moore
Trust me I wouldn’t but As an ugly white male
I have to
To get ones attention in 3 seconds or less
I must give them something to notice Something to leave them wanting more The image is simply the beginning It’s the leap It’s the “I can never do anything else in my life” commitment that marries you to the dream
Jonathan Edwards
Yeah man, let's take something created by niggers and preach white nationalism. Sounds like a great idea! We wouldn't look stupid or anything using black music to do this, nope..
In Russia and Ukraine there's this whole subgenre of "right rap". Tons of different artists, all more-or-less underground, of course. Rap is also popular among Serbian and Polish nationalists and is an important part of the modern football ultras culture which is heavily associated with nationalism.
Come to think about it, Eastern European nationalists probably have less of an issue with rap being part of african-american culture because their hostility is mostly directed towards Muslims. There are no niggers blasting rap through their speakers here so rap's not immediately associated with black people.
Julian Sanders
You make a very good point and the profoundness of it tells me you really have dwelt on this idea for quite a long time. I hope your cancer goes into remission or is cured completely, user. You could also catch people's attention by shaving or cutting a design into your eyebrows and forgoing the face tats too. A compromise on grabbing attention without disfiguring your body and changing it's frequency to something closer to the material world's. I hope you take this advice into serious consideration, user. Godspeed.
Justin Stewart
I've considered making NatSoc clothing, but with hijacking modern styles. For example, millennials, especially girls love tongue-in-cheek nu-goth or pastel goth. Instead of a pentagram or inverted cross, I've designed long sweaters and tees with black suns, totenkophs, etc. I was thinking of doing the same making fake metalcore shirts to get those into such a genre.
Xavier Howard
Imagine a sweatshirt that says "Daddy Adolf" or something like that. Or maybe a pastel sweater that has a black sun in black to contrast, or the reverse. Maybe a melting skull and crossbones instead of the cliche melting skull. Ear plugs with pentagrams? Nah, the NatSoc symbols instead such as every Axis division. Pic fucking related.
Owen Turner
>Cliche melting skull
Meant inverted cross. Also forgot pic like a dumbass.
Cool is what the masses think of something. Right now, rap is cool.
Sebastian Garcia
Won’t happen because everyone on this website is a hapless autist with no way to connect to normal people and they’d probably be very cringy if they tried.
I wish there was a Nationalist Rage Against the Machine, I seriously cum at some of the instrumentals when blazed enough, The messages however are cringe and are making me facepalm pretty much throughout every song.
could also be me just outgrowing that genre, Sure as fuck was skate music for 15 year olds back in 2010
Aiden Jackson
This guy is either a retard or a retarded nigger.
Gabriel Turner
Okay, guys listen. Bare with me. Imagine... NatSoc psytrance. Instead of normal kike-influenced psytrance to put people into a trance of degeneracy and depression, engineer the vibrations and shit to promote conservative, traditional, and racial pride feelings. A nationalist psytrance rave with colorful nordic symbols decorated all over the place. I call it... Fashtrance.
For the same reason you can't grab yourself by the feet and pick yourself up into the air... it's impossible to elevate white culture above ghetto culture by using ghetto culture as your medium. It would undermine everything you were saying.
Not necessarily rap but dudes need music that isn’t about being a pussy pedeastalizing emo fag. White dudes need to make some alpha music. Problem is gatekeepers and money. They hate to see confident whites. Especially men.
Jaxon Garcia
Rap is a manifestation of a degenerate culture. We're not going to invade it. We have our own culture. aka: /thread
Robert Gonzalez
Ditto. I'm a lyricist as well. Used to freestyle with people years ago, but I'm definitely more of a writer.
>What? >You want me to act black? >just because I flow and I rap fast? >bring it back to the time of the backpack? >because of the space I'm in I need face tats? >I about face that! >See I'm interlaced back with the old school >the kind old heads would say was made with Pro Tools >I gotta flow like Rittz but this cracker's no fool >Can't slow down my spit, see mumble rap as drool >Now I'm flying the outer limits inside the realm of physics >Break the law of relativity but Tesla's mind can fix it >These other rappers are Edisons -- inventing stealing lyrics >Mine is gifted from the Source, the force in which (((they))) fear it.
Lucas Garcia
>tfw the team biggers are in is Black Nationalism and Black Israelites
let the Germans go ahead. erm, i mean the 2new Germans": youtube.com/watch?v=WqXfqQByBtE during most of the clip there are sequences of Wehrmacht-soldiers.
What do you mean? Rap is already just rebranded white people music. Whites have been doing similar music for centuries.
Literally everything about African American culture is stolen from the poverty level whites at the time, then wrapped in a lie about "muh tribal heritugggeee"
Jose Green
It's popular because record labels force it. Why would a majority white country like the US listen to mostly rap?
People listen to country/pop and then rock. 90's/00's r&b might be on par with Rock in terms of popularity. You gotta remember the average person in this country is no longer the Target audience for what you hear on the radio. Everyone with money has dominion of their playlist. When you turn on your radio, tourists and thevpoor are the target audience, pending the location.
Nathan Gonzalez
White people make niggers rap songs... we make the lyrics and the beats, all the niggers do is read really fast off a piece of paper. Then we computerize their disgusting voices because they sound like shit without hundreds of audio filters. Boom. Nigger rap.
Just about everyone who says this can't into imagery and can't keep up with the flow or lyrics. Niggers didn't invent a written language. It all got passed down verbally. As a result, they are better at verbal communication and poorer at written and vice versa. Not always, but as a general rule, this applies. Many people who don't like rap at all just can't into imagery and take it literally. The form itself is not the issue, but how it is executed.
Evan Sanchez
fuck you mean, people like rap because it slaps. You cunts are just old as fuck. Its music to go mental to youtube.com/watch?v=wJGcwEv7838
Just about everyone who says this, says so because they do get it and they just don't give a shit. Rap for the last 30 years has been about a handful of topics: "fuck bitches kill a nigga steal shit" and "muh oppression"
We just don't give a shit. Cool, you made a song about "fuck da police". Awesome, super, a bunch of 13 year old white kids will hurr durr about it and then they turn 14 and grow the fuck up.
Black people never do. By the time a white kid is in their 20s, 30s, they've got jobs and pay taxes, while the black guy who sang about "fuck da popo" is still sitting on his ass like a parasite.
Yes, and most people who aren't fans of 99% of rap tend to enjoy shit like this, Matisyahu, K-OS, and so on, and would overall have a more favourable opinion of it, if this is what was dominating things but it isn't.
What's your point?
Landon Sanders
Rap is like smoking cigarettes. It's retarded. A lot of people get into it. Anyone with a brain realizes how stupid it is and quits.
I used to think rap had the redeeming quality of "dank beats" but even those are all just stolen samples from other music. The best beats are made by white producers. Prove me wrong.
Post malone is the new greatest rapper. Also white.
Sebastian Thomas
Dont even fucking care. Get back to your credence clearwater revival you fucking old cunt. It goes hard. So people like it. Its stuff that you can head bang to. Rock hasnt done shit in 10-15 years.
Hudson Morales
post malone is fucking boring. He makes music for white girls. Watered down inoffensive trap.
Parker Ward
Hes jewish
Brandon Morales
>No headbanging rock in last 3 yea- Periphery, Circles, Sithu Aye, Caligula's Horse, Textures, The Contortionist.
I'm done acknowledging you now. Meme flags I deem f.a.g.s. Hope someone else reads this particular message and finds these dank bands.
>Periphery, Circles, Sithu Aye, Caligula's Horse, Textures, The Contortionist.
HAHAHA They are complete garbage. Nothing catchy about them
Levi Allen
Wrongo. Mainstream is shit regardless of genres and you know it. You and people like you just don't care enough to get things correctly if it's something that initially rubs you the wrong way. The irony is that in itself is nigger mentality. Everyone has always had to dig independently searching for good music. youtube.com/watch?v=F8IzlbDTgNM
We already have greek rap/hip-hop with real lyrics about honour, fatherland and redpills about life. We call that rap rhapsody, mate, it comes around nicely.