What the actual fuck is this shit? Your gonna gonna be trans ya keep carrying your weapon like that
What the actual fuck is this shit? Your gonna gonna be trans ya keep carrying your weapon like that
Everyone should own a weapon.
thats why its a mental illness user
>t. manlet virgin
He's right #droptheb
>call me by my preferred pronouns shitlords
>so which is it?
>*vague answer*
>no seriously, which?
>i will shoot you :)
Yeah, just fucking holster it.
That there is a Hi Point. Look at the bevel on the back of the slide, the bulbous grip. The hammer is wrong, it should be striker-fired, but otherwise this is a perfect representation of a two-toned Hi Point .380.
Faggot armed his stupid self-insert with the shittiest gun available.
Appendix is totally valid if you're not a fatty
Trans people have the right to keep and bear arms
They are also very sick and abnormal and need real medical help
>He's right #droptheb
He's got his gun pointing at his dick.
Blade fetish is cringey, fag. It was never honorable.
>trannies blowing their heads off left and right is a bad thing
>pronouns are cat, cet, and kittem
>You're gonna be trans
I don't get it. If I'm already a male with a penis, and the gun is supposed to be like another penis, doesn't that mean I would have two penises? I'm not gaining ovaries or breasts, and both of these penile entities are capable of shooting. If anything, it would make you 2x the man.
>Inb4 two dicks is gay, they are two pieces which belong to you as outward force tools, not inwards tools.
shut the fuck up noguns
it looks more like that one South African Pistol
Looking the one you killed in the eyes with a tool that bridged his body to yours while delivering the final blow is honourable
Like-wise, being killed by someone that will always remember you in comparison to someone that may have killed you with a far away shot is still a more honourable death
except leftists
Can a man/woman being so retarded to hold a gun pointed at their genitalia? I think niggers stop doing that in the 80 i think
discord gg/jgNKY2w
add a .
More mental illness not being reported, gun law being ignored. Yet guys like me will be blamed when one of these faggots cuts of their dicks then goes on a rampage weeks later from the crippling depression and regret.
why blacking out the name of a convicted criminal in a news report?
Could be a PX4
most importantly. Answering a normal question with a nonsequiter is a quick indicator that this person isn't worth the effort to be friends or engage with.
So a female then
A gun that will most likely be used to commit suicide eventually
Id like to know the same. Pic were not taken by me, otherwise they would not have so many JPG artifacts.
holy shit that's it. That's so fucking deep
Kind of looks like the page is called Socialist Kike Association
Hi points make an adequate sidearm imho. I got a couple old ones that I always keep strapped to my ankles as a third line of defence. Fuck trannies tho.
>Looking the one you killed in the eyes with a tool that bridged his body to yours while delivering the final blow is honourable
nigga u gay
Well, this looks like a self-fixing problem.
Or it's just a gun drawn by someone who knows nothing about guns.
But enough about Hi-Point, what about the shitty cartoon?
Hi-points aren't the shittiest. They just look and feel ugly as fuck. But they won't blow up in your hand like, say, Jennings guns
honor means literally nothing except 'how hard the crowd cheers'. it's basically just points for style.
IF you've never been to Las Cruces, New Mexico well then, don't. Worst fucking city I have ever seen. People there are beyond fucked.
>flash piece
>get shot
>Vetting of guns already exists
>You can't have mental illnesses if you wish to possess a firearm or have a license to keep firearms
>They will promptly put up check ups in order to know you are an stable individual
>Show your firearm despite not being question for showing and answer with a vague threat of violence
>At best, you will be removed of your firearm or licensing for posing as a threat in public if you are not following protocol without taking into account the incitement of violence which would categorize as unstable
>At worst in jail
>Considering most faggots that are pro-gun and SJW at the same time live in blue states with none existant vetting or black market
>Off to be plowed by Trayvon on a cell for literally being a faggot
This is how gun crime that are solved without violence in blue states happen in the first place.
isn't mc- celtic?
Fucking pleb.