Brit/pol/ - fuck links edition

it isn't healthy to live your life through a computer screen

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't be gay. It's not ok.

Start buying guns.

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why do you have a problem with people being gay?

>it isn't healthy to live your life through a computer screen

umm source sweetie

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No shit but here we are

Basically this. It's a very small minority of people. It is not normal. I don't care what you do in the sheets, stop making your politics about which hole you want to fuck.

the oasis is real

it's dark, depressing and lonely and you're all choosing to live in it

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Sexual deviancy is like spice
you add a little bit and it enhances the flavour of the dish
but add too much and you ruin the whole meal

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Reminder that brit/pol/ is a metaphysical, idealist thread

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>"hurr we're oppressed"
>annual PRIDE parade marches through town with men in bondage gear sucking dildos while everyone cheers
>"hurr but we want equality and shiiiieeet"


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so you don't think gay people should have rights because it makes you slightly uncomfortable to see two men kissing each other?

What rights are you being denied by being told to treat your bedroom habits the exact same way normal people do?

why are u posting photos of my wife?

That’s an aeroplane

It has taken almost 2000 years for people like me to actually be accepted. To not be oppressed, lynched, or castrated by the state, church, or by mobs while the state looked on. The reason I care so much is that retards in this thread and elsewhere actually want the progress achieved in the past 50 years to be overturned. Remember gay marriage has only been legal in the UK for five (5) years.

DADT implies that there is something wrong with homosexuality and that it needs to be concealed. You're just forcing gay people back into the closet.

implying implications. I don't believe in christian logos and ethics if that's what you mean.

>homosexuality is a fetish

that kind of dismissive homophobia is exactly the sort of thing LGBT activists are fighting

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We're at a point where the entire conceot needs to stripped away and reconstructed, if at all, because its reached a point of utter absurdity.

Have you ever considered that maybe your constant attempts at misrepresenting the opposition, as well as the other bullshit like thinking calling the other person a "bigot" means anything, or saying "anyone who doesn't like gays is secretly gay" might be symptoms of the sort of cancerous personality gays have? That maybe this is one of many reasons people don't like you? That maybe the natural disgust response of anyone who isn't brainwashed to think otherwise might just be one of many reasons?

genius, I suppose that proves that LGBT people should go back in the closet for another 2000 years.

aslong as gays keep their deviancy to themselves behind closed doors that should be good enough desu

if you want to talk about the breakdown of the family, marriage and society its the heterosexuals who you need to take real issue with. only 25% of het marriages are done in a religious ceremony. what % of those do you think are islamic?

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you could buy an aeroplane too

>Dismissive homophobia
How ironic.

Open homosexuality damages MONOGAMY of which I am a big fan

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Does anyone have the Texas version of Ops pic?

what face would he make to this?

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Stinks of shit

i am honestly genuinely interested in when in history did ppl start 2 think that Love, is sin; beauty has always been in the eye of the beholder


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stop being selfish

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Shouldn't that logo feature a wife's son or at least a girlfriend's son?

anyone from croydon up ? i swear i can hear a fucking air raid siren going off ... it sounds abit like a giant fucking hoover in the distance

>LGBT people should go back in the closet for another 2000 years.
you will anyway btw, you find that, towards the end of any society, anything goes, until a new zeitgeist takes it place, in our case I would suspect it would be Islam.

>I don't believe in christian logos and ethics if that's what you mean.
You don't believe in any beyond your own self-interest if previous posts are anything to go by.

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>tfw quit my job and in 2 weeks got a new one worth £6500 extra take home
Take the plunge lads, it's worth it.

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what do you mean, how so?

What's the betting that Step 2 in Sargoy's plan is the takeover of UKIP, by the way?
And what are the odds he'll ever get to step 3?

Explain to all of us what a right is, as you understand it. Do not use external material, do not google or use a dictionary.

homosexuality is literally a fetish. You aren't 'born' gay, something happens during adolescence that causes you to fetishise male bodies. probably due to stumbling across gay porn as a kid.

International druidry is the biggest threat to our global warming project
read the protocols of the elders of albion

There being no concept of duty, most importantly.

the only people that consider it 'progress' are gays (and not even all of them) and weirdo leftists
it worked for 2000 years, and still works today to an extent. it will work properly again before long.

>oppressed for 2000+ years
>executed, stoned, jailed, castrated
>locked in asylums and given "therapy" which never worked
>banned from having a gay sexual partner
>banned from getting married
>punishable by castration or death until about 50 years
>only allowed to marry five years ago
>LGBT celebrate this over two-thousand year struggle to simply be recognised as equal to straight people
>as soon as they do this, uncomfortable reactionaries feel threatened and scared
>think the "gays r takin over!!!"
>demand LGBT people go back in the closet

fuck you, mate.


>maybe your constant attempts at misrepresenting the opposition, as well as the other bullshit like thinking calling the other person a "bigot" means anything, or saying "anyone who doesn't like gays is secretly gay"


Fags need to be smoked.

Also, fags need to be smoked.

Fuck off faggot, this board isn't interested in your liberal bullshit

If you have ever argued with a gay ever you would know exactly what I mean.
I can only assume your support for gay people is simply naivety.

>grug kill gay for 2000 year, why stop now?

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Good god that movie was a piece of shit

Just play sausage and chocolate dip behind closed doors mate.

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oppressed for 2000+ years
Opinion discarded for that disgusting display for Eurocentrism. Like, go educate yourself.


sargoy as ukip leader could almost work if he didn't talk like such a pseud, the werkin class wouldn't warm to him
would be top bants though

Gays have never been oppressed for being gay. They've only been oppressed for doing gay things.

>inb4 b-b-b-b-but muh gayness means doing gay things
Yep, just like being a pedophile means diddling kiddies. It seems you 2 groups are more alike than you'd care to admit.

I know right, it could have been so much more

you want to be an echo-chamber than almost everyone on the internet (including other Jow Forums boards) laughs at for their retardation?

you need to deal with the fact that life is suffering, is what this boils down to

how does it feel to know that the 'progress' you think you've made is entirely just a byproduct of the talmudic assault on europeans, and that it exists only in the fantasy land of legislature and the silver-tongue lies of politicians, and that most regular folk have at best a public face tolerance of your kind

>every place should be a place of debate between the most different viewpoints possible
As retarded as multiculturalism

yeah, basically.

Something that needs to be put across is that for me homosexuality isn't really the problem but homosexuals. You're cunts. It might very will be you have no way not to be, that its integeral to your spirit and character, but you're not good people. Even the best of you are untrustworthy and will drag you in to their neurotic troubles.

I have literally never seen anybody refute Jow Forums's core arguments, especially those concerning the degeneracy of LGBTniggers. If you're feeling lucky, you can put "Jow Forums is always right to rest", protip, you can't.

Fuck off back to Tumblr, namefag.

that doesn't justify murder or abuse.

and it was all to prevent shit like pic related from happening
hope you're happy, faggot

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druids are microdosing our water supply with psilocybin to make us love nature
these people are EVIL
only Barratt homes is willing to stand up to them

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you haven't read the other thread have you, yank?

>oppressed for 2000+ years
>executed, stoned, jailed, castrated
>locked in asylums and given "therapy" which never worked
>banned from having a gay sexual partner
>banned from getting married
>punishable by castration or death until about 50 years
>only allowed to marry five years ago
>LGBT celebrate this by going FULL degenerate, parading themselves dressed in overly faggy bondage gear, flaunting their assholes whilst sucking dildos and skipping.
>Encourage young kids to be trans and parade them in the street dressed only in a way a sick nonce cunt would.

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I love ASMR

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i bet you unironically use Luddite as an insult

I'm kind of hoping he does, just to see how badly he'd do in the election. And how he reacts.

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Yes, and?

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Fair post.

I'm not suggesting it does, but it will always happen

I'm just curious what your reasoning is for not "supporting" gay people? why do you care what people do with their lives if they're not causing harm to you or anybody else?

It's hypnotic like staring into a fire.

can we swap you for cute chechen boys who need to escape?

2ch hk/po/res/28739955.html

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Undesirables exist. We don't want them. We kill them. Simple solution. Philosophy of Hitler 101. Sieg Heil.

>b-b-but you say the Holocaust didn't happen!
I never said Hitler was competent.

>Encourage young kids to be trans
mostly middle-class cis women who do this

>that kind of dismissive homophobia is exactly the sort of thing LGBT activists are fighting
You think you are going to dismantle homophobia completely? Men fucking other mens arses is a bit manky and quite a lot of people are naturally repulsed by it. It would require Stalinist level of control over the population to "educate" from a very young age.

Have you even been reading any of the posts?

lmao is that the same woman?

if so sauce

what's so retarded about having your views challenged?


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>its 2018 so grug must make love to ugg or be bigot

he wont stand for election, ever. none of these internet talking heads will. its just marketing, like when Styx announced that he was going to run for governor, then the next day immediately rescinded and gave a bullshit excuse of 'oh but my patreon money comes from around the world so that goes against international financing rules', instead of just ending his patreon for his run or finding an american-only solution. its just another way to get shekels.

shame the vulcan won't be flying again, atleast for a while.

Was going for the gets, ignore me.


Gentle Whispering ASMR

yep I read it your post it seems you have a dislike for gay people because of the stereotypical personality you associate with all of them?

Homosexuality is wrong, it is not normal.A homosexual majority world would never exist. men and women belong together, not men and men or women and women. People like you deserve to die.

okay, people find it "icky" just like how many people find old people strange or other, that's a reflection on them and not on gay people or old people.

if you don't care what people do, why do you support them?

I think homosexuals and every other LGBT should be rounded up and shot.

Can you please stop with these stupid canned responses.
Do you seriously need to ask why people don't want to be in an argument 24/7?
Why people might want a break to talk with people they agree with?

Byron isn't stupid
he doesn't even think these things on purpose
he thinks them because things have to be fair and make sense
he goes to truth looking for justice and when he finds a truth that gives him it he sits in it's pouch like a baby kangaroo

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