I clapped when I saw this!
I clapped when I saw this!
>inb4 the left starts attacking random Trump supporters on the street
Deporting violent beaners saves white American lives and jobs.
Saving lives [of elite pedos] and helping [elite pedos]
FTFY. This is what lawyers call a material lie by omission.
lol what a faggot
Daily reminder
>virtue signaling for recognition
Even a fucking shitty edgy swordman shonen protagonist would get angry at this tweet
Jow Forums has accomplished more than him on this front by busting Clanton
I clapped when I saw this.
so when will this inbred kike come out in support of pro life?
I clapped when I saw Darth Vaaaader
Powerful. They have done more in just months than pol in years. They are the future. You’re past.
He's agendaless and that makes him a useful idiot.
WOn't matter much logger fox will cave this time and then wont there won't be any money they cant keep her on then she did this to herself and now has reputation of shaming and targetting harrassing kids fuck her i hope shes jobless
>I just want to help people by harrassing them and getting them fired because they hurt my liberal feelings
I’ve never wished harm on a person more than this faggot twink.
If this is true, what Hogg is oinking, then why is he not going after the big guns (pun intended) - the arms dealers who make billions and live luxurious lives. He can start with taking down Amal Clooney's uncle, Ziad Takieddin, a notorious arms dealer.
and sucking dicks
nice fake news
Why isn't he staging a 'die in' in Trenton NJ where twenty people just got shot?
>nice fake news
Hi Amal. We all know it is real, it is all over the Internet and even on video where he is interviewed. You can't hide the truth anymore.
I want to blow this kid. Little faggot.
He likes to fuck Mexican lil boys the most,
his dad is pissed too,
Trump is cutting them off of all that fresh Mexican children ass!
Based Nip
Hogg doesn't even realize that he's already been put out to pasture. He came off as such a fucking hateful little prick douchebag that even libs couldn't stand him.
Me too.
>and im failing miserably at both
Americlapped you meant
English/grammer too good, its an american