
does anyone even still claim to ne a Democrat? how embarrassing!

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God those Democrats really hate children.

kek. will certainly put a damper on the avocado toast crowd.

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Trump is holding the kids hostage to get his wall and a reduction of legal immigration. He thinks people are too stupid to see it. He'll get called out, but the faithful will just cry "fake news" le sigh

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why dont you want children to stay with their families?

They just use these kids as pawns, leftists do this with everything from gun control to immigration

pic and link very related

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Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot communist traitor.

The Republican plan is to bring the wives and children in with the men into federal pound me in the ass prison. General population.

Just so you are aware.

it's truly at the point of "oh trump supports this? well now i don't". amazing.

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I don't give into hostage taking. If Trump wanted to keep families together, he would construct refugee camps on the border, handle the illegals with civil charges instead of criminal ones, or pass a clean bill.

He has offered none of these.

>criminals shouldn't get handed criminal charges

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1. What the fuck is the Democrats' collective problem?
2. Why don't these beanlets know or care they're being used as a political futbol?

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Shoot them all. Not even being edgy. We're past time.

>mental gymnastics

>he would construct refugee camps on the border
You do realize Congress would have authorize funds for such an endeavor right? Why are you people so disingenuous? Do you honestly think demanding open borders through Trump not enforcing the law is the right answer?



Isn't that what the left wanted?

But there is a bill that brings these families together and strengthens our country's border. It should be a problem unless you take issue with the latter and prioritize it over children's lives.

Shut up you cuck. We don't want illegals in our borders. If they want to come here they must do so legally. The USA has a much easier system to get in legally unlike other countries like Canada were it's impossible to get in. If they follow the system they would be able to get in and be active members of society. Instead they think America is the land of milk and honey and are smuggled here to become slaves.

So they don't care about intact families! Hypocrites!

>Not presenting an argument
That's how they have been handled since the 90s. Trump wanted hostages to get his wall.

i am shocked, i tell you. shocked.

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Fake news? I hope he's doing exactly that. He should escalate to shooting the illegal immigrants next.

Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot

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Dems don't give a shit about children, Dems want this to keep happening because it riles up emotional people to get to the polls to vote Dem to "save the children"

Fucking hell, the Dems started this policy via the Ninth Circuit

If you're a nigger, sure. If you're white, it's impossible to immigrate into the US, faggot.

they really dont

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Presenting oneself for asylum is legal, numbnuts.
Our border is strong already. The wall is a symbolic boondoggle to appease Trump's infantile ego.
Get the UN, World Bank, or other groups to pay for it, like they do for other camps worldwide. Again, it is a violation of US law to turn away asylum seekers without a hearing.

So you rather filibuster a bill that solves this very problem and blame Trump for it?
As I said before, you're a disingenuous piece of shit.

I thought we weren't supposed to use children as political pawns.

They want to keep things the same so they can keep complaining instead

> have to have a border wall to keep families together.
> not hard to see who’s fault it is at this point

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>Presenting oneself for asylum is legal, numbnuts.
Political asylum cuck, not economical asylum. They are using the asylum system thinking is a free pass in the states. The system of asylum is for people who are being persecuted by foreign goverments not people who want to smuggle themselves into the country.

Present a clean bill. Trump won't do that. Ball's in his court.

You’re not. The left can do what they please.

Kek. Keep dreaming. Prepare for the left to start crying about their own side soon.

They have a right to present a case. Arresting them is a violation of the law.

>be a mexican
>cross border illegally
>always praise mexico always demonize america
>get mad when ice throws your ass back to great mexico.

Meme this fucking shit

McConnell is giving you a clean bill, why do you lie over and over again?
I hope in a rage McConnell abolishes the filibuster over this.

2 out next week BOI

It didnt have the wall

>Our border is strong already

The literal millions of illegals living in the US disagree with you. The migrant families alone are being caught by the thousand that lead to these separations.

GG demonrats, you just lost every single future debate

Tell me how this same logic wouldn't apply to the dems holding the kids hostage to prevent the wall?

>le sigh

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>Our border is strong already.
Along which coast?

Turnabout is fair play.

>kek. will certainly put a damper on the avocado toast crowd.
I personally enjoy the fucking morons who put eating an avocado on par with following the laws of nation founded on the rule of law as equal. " Don't you enjoy avocados ? " is their main reasoning and I lul every time. Imagine being dumb enough to equate the two as equals, the future circus is composed of companies with the abbrevs CNN.

Where? I only see sources saying he "will support a bill that keeps families together". Please show me the text of this alleged clean bill.


Trump wont let them win! Welcome to

>Get the UN, World Bank, or other groups to pay for it, like they do for other camps worldwide. Again, it
You know, the US already pays a good 75% of the budget of those kike organisations. How about you share your flat and income with a poor 35 year old Venezuelan kid

>i don't give into hostage taking, let the children die, at least i'll have my pride.

Haha funny how this became a thing in 2008 but from 2009 to 2012 when Democrats pretty much had control of fucking everything they made no attempts to change that

Funny how that works

Giving in to demands only encourages hostage taking in the future. Again, if Trump and the GOP want to help the kids, they will present a clean bill that does just that. No wall, no decreased legal immigration. I guess that's too hard.

>rather keep families apart because you don't want a wall.
Just goes to show you liberals really don't care about these people. They just use them to get their way.

holy shit, they did vote it in. hahahaha

The separating of families was a directive, not a law. Learn the difference. Trump could change this through Sessions tomorrow, but he won't. He wants his wall, even if it means harming children.

Why isn't this memed at warp speed?

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Federal prisons are the nice ones leaf.
State prison is ultra violence land.
T.former fl prisoner

Every fucking time

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>civil charges
really raises my eyebrows

Wrong. You guys are just surprised how little people care about this. Trump will be reelected. It'll be fun.

>refugee camps
i'm a refugee now too

we're all refugees

Spotted the spic.

Everyone knows this. It applies to unaccompanied minors. It says nothing of separating families.

The directive was not releasing the families back into the country after which they immediately moved to sanctuary cities.

You guys are fucking losers for supporting Trump on this. This shit is sick. Poor babies being ripped from their moms. Hope the same thing happens to your family someday.

Found sauce: thehill.com/homenews/senate/393069-schumer-rejects-gop-proposal-to-address-border-crisis

Chuck Schumer shot it down according to the Hill.

The wall wouldn't be necessary if Democrats weren't importing them en masse. At its core this issue is entirely on the DNC.

Combining these two for re-use

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Why do the dems hate the brown children user?

>The separating of families was a directive
Spoken like a true useful idiot who has no idea what they are talking about. The directive was put in place because ( brace yourself faggot) allowing cartel associated coyotes yieled more children being ferried into human trafficking than actually reaching the border and becoming US citizens. Go figure, you hire a drug coyote to ferry your child half a continent away and instead of arriving in the US, your daughter became a human sex slave. Only a digusting pedophile such as yourself would condone such a policy that aids and abets human trafficking. Kys, seriously gys you fucking moron, and never reproduce for the good of your own brood that you are less than capable of protecting.

>he would construct refugee camps on the border
Isn’t that what you’re currently bitching about? That trump put these protohumans in camps?

actually arresting them after they illegally cross the border is EXACTLY abiding by the law. it's called following the constitution.

what would be lawless (but frankly preferable) is to immediately force them onto a bus back to mexico. no need for court cases and no need for detention centers.

Yes. They are charged, then taken to immigrant detention facilities for processing and deportation. They can stay together this way.

Deport em all, motherfucker.

you've rejected that though, you're trying to hold those poor poor suffering "refugee" kids hostage for political purposes.

I know they have no moral compass and no morals, and yet I am still disgusted by their lies. Is there no low that they will not sink to in pursuit of short term political momentum?

No we just don't want them coming here with their children. It's child trafficking and they should all b charged with it wheter it's their kid or not.

explain how it's different than putting kids in foster care when their parents commit any other crime.
democrats were just counting on a shitload of illegal votes this fall to make their "blue wave" a reality.

Maybe they have forgotten, they need to be reminded.

Nope Cruise plan was to buold new family facilities.

So edgy. People have to prove familial relation to the kids in order to keep them.
Camps are fine. Separating the families is not.

Dems already on suicide watch
>flip to fox to see what main stream media is doing about it
>Geraldo yelling about 23,000 disabled babies being ripped out of thier mothers arms calling hannity and some rando heartsless souls things that don’t have human consciences and yelling how dare about something.

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Detention facilities =/= jails and prisons, idiot.


...and health care, education, public housing, but not abortion. Then it's ok to whack the little fuckers for any old reason at all.

They seperate the kids in case they're being used/owned by child traffickers

>here's your amnesty

risky, but fun

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>Trump is holding the kids hostage
This is child trafficking. Easily. Don't be a dope.

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Oh no he is using an established law for leverage to get money for a wall that was already approved of to enforce our borders and prevent foreigners from breaking the law. How devilish of him. He should just say fuck laws and shit like the dems want.

No, they don't. There is no such right listed in the Constitution. They have the privilege, and I'd prefer this privilege was something they had to apply for online or over the phone instead of trying to sneak into the country.

Then why are they denying this is even their policy? Why are they trying to blame Democrats? Maybe it's because they are lying through their teeth?

Mexico has a US embassy anyway.

paco should just not illegally enter the US.

The DHS chick said what the leaf just told you in a presser yesterday.